Oct 23, 2017 | News, Sports
Redován 10/23/2017. The strong commitment made from the City Hall of Redován by its Municipal School of Soccer is consolidated this season, as was demonstrated yesterday in the presentation of the thirteen teams that compose it. More than two hundred children, "there were 212 small summoned for the presentation yesterday," said the Councilor for Sports, Ramón López Escarabajal, are part of the Escuela de Fútbol redovanense, and shared prominence with Redován CF, whose team was presented in the same act and then played his League game against Monforte who won by three goals to zero, "a triumph that witnessed from the stand the students of the school and their monitors, who were encouraging throughout the match," indicates the councilor.
The presentation was also attended by the mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, and all the attendees shared a lunch that gave the Football School. Ramón López points out that the School of Soccer in Redován has two teams, A and B "in all categories of grassroots football, from Cherubin to Cadet."
Sep 21, 2017 | Councils News, News, Sports
The town hosts this Sunday its VII Popular Race on the occasion of the Patron Saint’s Day. The appointment was presented this morning by the Councilor for Sports, Ramon Escarabajal, the mayor, Emilio Fernandez and the mayor of Fiestas, Nely Ruiz.
This year the Department of Sports has wanted to convey its support to the local athlete Alex Carrillo, a young promise. The poster announcer of the race is the local sportsman during one of his races.
The test of this year will begin at 10.00 hours from the plaza Miguel Hernández and will have a tour of 5 kilometers, one lap and ten kilometers, two laps. The organization will carry out a solidary collection of non-perishable food for Caritas de Redován, with the aim of distributing them among the most needy people. The food will be delivered just before collecting the number.
The test will count on supplies throughout the course, which will be totally level, and will have trophies for the top three men and women in each category. There will also be a prize for the two largest clubs.
Last year took place after the race a meal for all the attendants and public of a giant hamburger. This year there will be a free rice and beer paella for everyone.
Those interested can make their inscriptions, with a cost of 9 euros, through the web of ‘www.asuspuestos.com’. Entries will be closed tomorrow at 12 noon.
“This is a completely flat race, that’s why it attracts many athletes who try to beat their marks,” said Escarabajal and added that “we invite all the neighbors of the region to participate or to see this popular race.” The councilman also wanted to thank the collaboration of all companies, as well as local associations, Party Commission and Local Police, Civil Protection, among others.
For his part, the mayor, Emilio Fernández, has invited all the neighbors to enjoy a sporting event that every year “exceeds expectations.”
Sep 19, 2017 | Councils News, News, Sports
The City of Redován announces the various instances to register for the different sports modalities for the 2017/2018 season
Jul 28, 2017 | News, Sports, Youth
The Town Hall of Redován has already given the approval to all the necessary procedures so that the construction of the ‘Skate park’, which the youth of the town has demanded on several occasions to the Consistory, will begin in mid-August. This installation will be held in Plaza Comunidad Valenciana, where it was inaugurated a few months ago the Road Safety Park. “Although at first we had planned to put it in the Francisco Ferrer Park next to the calisthenics, the existing space left no room for future enlargements of any of the facilities,” said Sports Councilor, Ramón López, which has led to Opt for the Plaza Comunidad Valenciana, an enclave that is also central.
The ‘Skate park’ will thus join the Road Safety Park and the football ground court of the square, making this space of the town in a multipurpose place that can be enjoyed by many neighbors and also has perimeter fencing, which Endows more security. The work to be carried out consists of the construction of a fused concrete track of 276 square meters for the interior installation of six multipurpose modules for the practice of ‘BMX’, ‘Rolling’ and ‘Scooter’, homologated according to Regulations UNE EN 14974: 2006 + A1: 2010.
The budget is 21,900 euros and the track is expected to be completed for start-up in early October. Ramón López pointed out that this action gives a response “to the many children and young people who practice this type of sports in Redován, from the ten years onwards”, and has reiterated that if the demand is higher than expected in A first moment “in the Plaza Comunidad Valenciana there is possibility of making enlargements”. Redován thus joins other municipalities in the region with such facilities, such as Cox or Los Montesinos, and prevents lovers of skateboarding in the area from having to travel to these places or to Santa Pola.
Jul 4, 2017 | News, Sports
Redován 4/7/2017. A total of 250 boys and girls enjoy since yesterday the three summer schools launched from the Department of Sports Redován, tennis, swimming and multi-sport. In the case of multi-sport, the City Council of the town has received a grant from the Provincial Council. Area councilor Ramón López says that the aid "has allowed the fixing of affordable prices, which has made it possible for many children to enroll, a total of 150 in multi-sport only." This means that the figure is greater than ever "and we are very happy to have had so much acceptance," explained the mayor. The provincial institution has subsidized the Consistory Redondo 36.85% of the total budget of this sports school that has a total cost of 14,964 euros. Thus, once the expenditure is justified, 5,515.15 euros may be received from the Diputación.
The activities, aimed at children from 5 to 12 years and that are made at the Polideportivo Los Pasos until the 28th are very varied. The councilman has indicated that they will practice football, basketball, handball, volleyball, baseball, badminton, fencing, hiking, and will have the opportunity to meet also traditional games and gymkana. "To make the heat of summer more bearable, there will be aquatic games," said Lopez, who added that a rockclimb has also been included "which is the most demanded every year."
This school, like all those held after the end of school, is designed to make it possible to reconcile work and family life, so flexible entry and exit times have been established. The Councilor for Sports has commented that the entry begins at 8.45 in the morning, with half an hour of margin until the start of the activities at 9.15. "With the departure time the same is done, the sports practices end at one o'clock but the mothers and fathers have until one and a half to pick up."
With regard to tennis, there are 50 children targeted at the summer staff, while another half a hundred swim at the indoor swimming pool at Redován, which reaches a total of 250 students in sports activities Of this summer.
Jun 15, 2017 | Culture, Education, News, Social Welfare, Women and Seniors, Sports
Redován 15/6/2017. The activities for the youngest of Redován multiply once they have completed their school obligations. With the intention of reconciling work and family life in the month of July, they are being implemented by the City Council or in collaboration with other organizations and institutions, a multitude of activities that have been discussed by the councilors of Social Welfare, Nely Ruiz; Sports, Ramón López y Cultura, Clara Ezcurra. This way you can choose according to the tastes of each person to do sport, choose the musical or educational side in the different schools that will be launched in the coming weeks.
Nely Ruiz has realized the Summer School Vegavacaciones de la Mancomunidad La Vega, which has precisely this conception of support for the family, making it possible to reconcile, while serving as an educational space that favors coexistence and learning. “The game is the formula chosen for both fun and creativity, interculturality, equality or coexistence,” said the councilman. The enrollment period ends on Friday, June 16, and the school will be held from June 26 to July 31 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, at the Sagrados Corazones School.
Nely Ruiz recalled that the registration forms can be collected at the City Council or through the website of the Commonwealth and that “you have to present it completed, with a photocopy of the health card or private health insurance, in the City Council,” as well as Through the email redovan@mancomunidadlavega.es for the case of the municipality, since this school also develops in the rest of localities with the presence of the Commonwealth.
In sports, the school that will take place at the Polideportivo Los Pasos from July 3 to 28 will bring together many disciplines, as Councilor Ramón López commented. The children from 5 to 12 years of age who are going to this school will practice soccer, basketball, handball, volleyball, baseball, badminton, fencing, hiking, gymkanas, traditional games and water games. “From 8.45 to 9.15 in the morning, the entrance to the school will be done, and until one noon the activities will be developed,” said the mayor who explained that, just like the entrance, there is a half hour for the collection of students, One to one and a half noon.
The cost of the school is of 30 euros the fortnight and 50 the full month, and the inscriptions can be realized in the City council. In this case, the payment letter must be requested, make the payment and attach the receipt along with the registration form. Both documents (registration and letter of payment) as well as the instructions to follow can be consulted in the web page of the City council of Redován, in the following links: https://www.redovan.es/instrucciones-para-realizar-la-carta -payment-in-the-schools-sports-municipal-courses-of-swimming-and-tennis / and https://www.redovan.es/abierto-el-plazo-para-inscribirse-en-las- Schools-sports-summer-2017 /
Concerning Culture, the municipal director, Clara Ezcurra, announced the activities related to the music that will be developed in the coming weeks. He stressed that on Saturday 24 at 12:00 pm the House of Music will host the end of the course of the students of the Musical Union, with a tribute to the ABBA group he encouraged to attend “to see our children play songs of the famous Musical like ‘Mamma mia’ or ‘Dancing Queen’ “.
Following the music, Ezcurra recalled that until the 20th, the enrollment period for the Summer School of the Musical Union of Redován, whose activity will take place from June 26 to 30 and from July 3 to 7, is open. The price is 35 Euros and those who are interested in joining can do it at the Casa de la Música, from Monday to Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. In this summer school there will be workshops of crafts, music, theater, dance, drawing and yoga, as well as a pool and the possibility of strengthening musical knowledge and from the organization, it is encouraged to participate “children who have never studied music Because it can awaken your concerns. ”
Finally, the councilman explained that the enrollment period for the next course at the Musical Union of Redován is also open until the 30th of this month, and can be done Monday through Friday from five to eight in the afternoon.