Jun 13, 2017 | Education, News, Sports
Redován 06/13/2017. Redován is until next Saturday the base of operations of a group of 25 students of the Erasmus + exchange program. They come from Poland, Lithuania, Hungary and Spain, and have chosen the town to stay and spend some days of coexistence that from the City Council extend to all neighbors and neighbors of the municipality, especially the youngest. The group, composed of 25 boys and girls, visited the Redovan Consistory at noon, where they were received by the mayor, Emilio Fernández, who has been accompanied by several council members of the government team.
The first mayor has welcomed you and has wanted that his stay in Redován will serve to know the municipality “and can always keep it in his memory as a great youth experience, as well as visit again when the time goes by.” The Council of Sports of the City Council of Redován has been responsible for managing the arrival of this group that is hosted in the shelter and that as indicated by its responsible, “have all the facilities at your disposal, including the pool.”
The group’s agenda is tight because they plan to visit several nearby cities, but they will always go back to sleep at Redován, where it is also planned to visit the shops and establishments. Emilio Fernández has appealed to “the hospitality of our town, which will make people feel involved in this experience as if they were at home.” Erasmus has urged Redován to meet and enjoy all its attractions.
Jun 7, 2017 | News, Sports
To complete the payment letter at the Municipal Sports Schools, swimming and tennis courses, we have to follow the following steps. From this link SUMA We access the document, and from here:

- In Organism, we have to select Redován (Town Hall), and in the concept: Sports schools (if we want to register the child in the summer school) or Municipal Pool (for swimming courses).
- Fill out the form with the parent / guardian data (yellow shaded data is required). Then click on validating data.

- Next, click on the option ‘Summer Sports School’ or ‘Swimming Courses’ according to the selection we have made. You must add the number of places of the students in the yellow shading box. Click add.

- In the observations, you must enter the name of the student and the code captcha, and puncture it when creating autolikulation.
5.Finally, we will create a payment card that we can pay online with your credit card, or download the payment letter and go to the bank or bank to pay.

Jun 1, 2017 | News, Sports
The courses will be from July 2 to 28 and the registration can be paid until June 28
The deadline for registering in the Summer Sports Schools is now open 2017. There will be activities for boys and girls born between the years 2005 and 2012 at the Municipal Sports School of summer July 2017 and the Municipal Tennis School of Summer July 2017, while swimming courses of the same month of July are aimed at students from 3 to 12 years of age.
The courses will be held from July 2 to 28 and the inscriptions will be FORMALIZED AND PAYABLE UNTIL JUNE 28. As of this date, the inscriptions will be made under available places (a previous phone call will be made at 618.014.504 or in person through the Department of Sports) and can not guarantee admitting the student out of time.
Schedule for the two schools (sports and tennis)
Entrance from 8:45 a.m. to 9:15 p.m.
Activities from 9:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Departure from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Timetables for swimming: The schedules of 9: 30-10: 15 are established (children 6-12 years old) 10: 30-11: 15 (small 3-5 years), 11: 30-12: 15 (children 6-12 Years). The schedules can be modified according to the demand. Swimming will be carried out in the heated pool
Prices:The three modes will cost € 50 if the monthly payment or a cost of € 30 is made if it is done in a bi-annual manner.
Registration and payment:
To formalize the registration they must first request the payment card in the City Hall, later fill out the registration form and finally deliver it to the Town Hall of Redován together with the stamped payment receipt.