Green light for the start of extension work on the Jaime de Sant Angel Secondary School in Redován

The extension of the IES Jaime de Sant Àngel de Redován will get underway in the next few days, once the act of reconsideration for the start of the works has been signed. The signing was attended by the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, the councillors José Nájar and Ramón López, technicians from the Town Hall, representatives of the construction company Orthem and the technical management of the work. The councillor for Education, Rebeca Martínez, explained that the work is expected to take twelve months to complete and once finished it will allow us to respond to the educational needs of Redován”. Among the agreements adopted in the meetings prior to the start of the works, the Calle Doctor Marañón will be closed to traffic for the duration of the works. The town planning councillor, José Nájar, has indicated that this decision has been taken “as a safety measure and with the aim of disrupting as little as possible the daily work of the school, which will of course continue as usual while the works are being carried out”. The building project, which is included in the Edificant Plan, involves the creation of four classrooms for Bachillerato and two for Secondary, space for teachers, another smaller classroom and a space for computer classes. The IES will have a new building with a ground floor and two storeys, with a floor area of 1,369 square metres. The company awarded the contract will carry out the work for 1.6 million euros plus VAT.

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The Redován Town Council celebrates the tender for the roundabout on the N-340 that will improve traffic flow and boost the industrial estate.

Redován Town Council has expressed its satisfaction at having a response to what has been, for almost a decade, one of the main demands of the Consistory to the Government of Spain: the construction of a roundabout at kilometre point 691.800 of the N-340. The mayoress, Nely Ruiz, recalled that both her predecessor in office, Emilio Fernández, and herself, have demanded this roundabout from all those in charge of the Ministry, the General Directorate of Roads or the Government Sub-delegation who have been in office since 2014. The roundabout will be built to the south of the crossing of Barrio San Carlos and will have two service roads on the margins to rearrange access to the industrial estate. The works include the conditioning of intersections, rearrangement of accesses and treatment of the crossing. For Ruiz, “this infrastructure is going to boost our industrial area, as it is located in an unbeatable location, with good communication with the A-7, and with the roundabout we will be able to make it more permeable and provide traffic flow, which is the only thing it lacks”. The mayoress of Redován wanted to recall all the work that has been done, “because the section of the N-340 that affects us has always appeared on the lists of black spots on the Spanish road network, and although the Town Hall has taken the measures that were in our power to attract companies to the industrial estate, and we have succeeded, you only have to take a look at our industrial area, having good access is also very important to continue to grow”. The works are in the tendering phase and will be executed together with a second roundabout in Albatera, at the height of the Mos del Bou Industrial Estate and with a joint budget of 2.22 million euros aimed at improving road safety and traffic functionality at intersections.

Redován dedicates the future sports pavilion in the B-4 area to the Military Emergency Unit (UME)

  • The infrastructure has a budget of 1.2 million euros, of which the Diputación will provide 950,000 and the City Council will assume the rest.

Redován is closer to having an indoor sports pavilion in the B-4 sports area. The mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, presented the project today together with the councillor for Sports, Ramón López and the rest of the municipal government, and announced that the future pavilion will be dedicated to the Military Emergency Unit (UME). The councillor pointed out that “we believe that if there is anyone who has to thank the UME for their work, it is the people of Redován, because our relationship was already close, but it was strengthened, especially after the help they gave us during the hurricane of September 2019”. For this reason, the event was attended by Lieutenant Colonel Olaf Clavería, battalion chief of the BIEM III (Emergency Intervention Battalion) of the UME of Valencia and deployed in the area during those days, together with the colonel of the Marine Infantry and sub-delegate of the Ministry of Defence in the province of Alicante, Juan Bosco Montero, and the lieutenant colonel and head of the Recruitment area, Luis Miguel González.

The sub-delegate of Defence, Juan Bosco, recalled the work carried out by the UME for fifteen years, when it was created, and thanked the town of Redován for dedicating this pavilion to a unit “that has earned its prestige through its day-to-day work”. The representative of the Ministry of Defence in the province recalled that it is the job of this body to raise awareness of the Armed Forces among the population, “what we are, what we do and where we are, because we are at the service of all Spaniards”.

Nely Ruiz recalled that the total budget for the work amounts to 1.2 million euros “of which 950,000 euros, divided into three annual payments, are included in the works plans of the Provincial Council of Alicante, while the rest, around 21.5% of the work, will be paid for by the Town Hall”. The mayoress said that this pavilion “is what is missing from the wide range of outdoor sports facilities that we have in Redován and will allow our teams to have an indoor facility when necessary”. He also assured that the design “is modern, functional, and meets all the conditions that were required”.

The councillor for Town Planning, José Nájar, explained that this work not only involves the construction of a sports hall, “but the project has been carried out taking into account the existing buildings in the sports area, as well as the development of the plot and the improvement of the accesses, providing them with all the necessary accessibility measures. Nájar pointed out that at all times the priority has been “the integration of the pavilion with its surroundings, which will mean a more attractive and improved space than the one that exists at present”. With this, he comments that “there will be a substantial improvement in the whole of the adjacent area which will benefit both those who come to play sport and those who live in or pass through the area”.

The Sports Councillor, Ramón López, said that the pavilion’s built surface area amounts to 2,102.72 square metres within the total sports area of 6,960 square metres. The facilities include two stands with 504 seats, as well as stairs, walking areas, male and female toilets, two changing rooms for athletes with showers and toilets, another two for referees with showers and toilets, storage room and other facilities necessary in a building of this type. “In addition, there is an open-air athletics circuit on the perimeter of the building,” he said. López emphasised the accessibility of the facilities, “because we have carried out works to make other spaces in the municipality more accessible, and this pavilion has been designed from the outset so that everyone, regardless of their mobility, can enjoy it”. The councillor added that the upper strip of the pavilion has been prepared with LED lighting that will be illuminated in a different colour each month to highlight different social causes.

Redován puts out to tender the management of the works for the school and the secondary school under the Edificant Plan

  • The amount of the two bids totals 139,238 euros and will be used to adapt these buildings to current needs and regulations.

The councillor for Urban Planning and Contracting of Redován, José Nájar, has reported the start of the tender process for the extension and renovation of the CEIP Sagrados Corazones school in the municipality and the adaptation of the Jaime de Sant Àngel secondary school, as part of the Edificant Plan. Both actions “will solve the problems that these centres have had for a long time, such as the lack of space in the case of the secondary school, and the adaptation of the surroundings to the conditions and regulations of accessibility, in the case of the school”, said the councillor.

With these tenders “a very important step is taken in the implementation of the Edificant Plan in the municipality,” said the councillor for Urban Planning, “which will allow the Town Hall to start the tender for the works during the second quarter of this year. Redován Town Council has a budget of 3.7 million euros for the development of the Plan Edificant in the municipality.

In this way, the Consistory begins the tender for the construction management and coordination of safety, health and other services for the expansion and adaptation of the I.E.S Jaime de Sant Angel de Redován, which “will be based on a memory made by the City Council, and which will include the creation of a classroom of 1,369 square meters for six classes for students of ESO and Bachillerato,” said Nájar. In addition, a smaller classroom and a computer room will also be planned. The total amount of this tender is 59,612 euros, and the deadline for submitting bids is 20 March.

With regard to the Sagrados Corazones school, the tender announced corresponds to the drafting of the project, the project management, and the coordination of safety, health and other services for its extension and adaptation. The actions to be carried out will focus on two very old pavilions in which, as the councillor reported, “an improvement in accessibility will be carried out, with the installation of an external lift and a structure with double staircase and corridors, as well as the adaptation of the toilets for students with reduced mobility”.

Other improvements will include the replacement of blinds and carpentry, the elimination of leaks in the exterior pergola and the repair of areas of the façade, as well as the installation of accessible playground equipment in the courtyard. The works will be completed with the air conditioning of the red pavilion building, “to avoid the high temperatures that occur inside the classrooms during the summer months,” said the councillor. The tender for these works is 79,625 euros, and the deadline for submitting bids is 16 March.

Redován launches the María Ros neighbourhood collector project to mitigate the effects of torrential rains

  • The plenary endorses the procedure for the drafting of the project for a work valued at 300,000 euros to be carried out jointly with the Provincial Council.

The Plenary of the Redován Town Council, meeting in Extraordinary Session, has given the green light to the credit modification of the municipal budget which allows the government team to have 9,000 euros which will be used to pay for the drafting of the project for the storm water collector in the María Ros neighbourhood. “A procedure that this government team considered very necessary to start developing the project as soon as possible,” said the councillor for Urban Planning, José Nájar, “as this infrastructure will minimise the flooding problems suffered by this area of the municipality, one of the most affected during the DANA of 2019”.

The collector will be installed at the lowest point of the municipality, from where the accumulated water will be evacuated towards the other collector in the town. The project will be based on the assessment report that the Consistory has previously carried out and which estimates the total value of the work at around 300,000 euros. “We have to remember that it is in these streets where the most complicated moments of those days in September 2019 took place, with the rainwater reaching the height of the windows, and where neighbours had to be rescued with tractors and heavy machinery,” recalled the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz.

The project will also include the resurfacing of the area, and once completed, will be submitted to the Provincial Council of Alicante for assessment and implementation. The vice-president and deputy for Water Cycle of the provincial body, Ana Serna, visited the municipality last November and held a meeting with the mayoress on this matter. At that meeting, which was attended by technicians from both institutions, an inspection of the area was carried out to ascertain its current state and the alternatives for action.

The mayor thanked the provincial institution for “the total support it has shown from the outset to provide the municipality with anti-flood infrastructures in the event of torrential rains, which are so common in our area”. Ruiz also indicated that “the intention of this government team is to try to start work on the collector as soon as possible, with the aim of definitively solving this serious problem for the citizens of Redován”.

The Redován City Council will fine land owners who do not keep them clean with up to 1.500 euros

• The Municipal Ordinance on Citizen Coexistence tightens sanctions for those who do not keep their land in hygienic and sanitary conditions

The Councilor for Urban Planning of the Redován City Council, José Najar, has informed of the forthcoming entry into force of the new Ordinance for Neighborhood Cleaning and Coexistence in the municipality. This regulation was approved in the ordinary plenary session of June, and it establishes fines of up to 1,500 euros for owners of private plots in the municipality who “are not in the proper cleaning and maintenance conditions,” said the mayor.

The ordinance, and as Nájar has explained, “obliges landowners in the municipality of Redován to keep their plots clean and in adequate health and hygiene conditions on a regular basis, ensuring that they are free of residues or rubble throughout the year. ” Otherwise, in addition to the stipulated fines that qualify this infraction as a serious offense and may carry penalties from 750 euros, “the City Council will carry out the cleaning through the procedure of forced and subsidiary execution, charged to the owner of the same “Added the councilor.

Likewise, the mayor has explained that the obligations of cleaning of lots also include the application of deratization and disinfection of the perimeter of the lot, and added that “it is about minimizing as much as possible that carelessness in the maintenance of these lands can generate inconvenience for citizens “, as well as” any situation that may pose a risk to hygiene and health conditions that, in the current circumstances before the Covid-19, has become essential “.

For her part, the mayor of the municipality, Nely Ruiz, has launched an appeal to the collaboration of all the owners of these lands in the municipality, to “fulfill their obligation” and that “they can be kept in the best possible conditions throughout the year, favoring and contributing together to improve coexistence in Redován ”.