Jan 27, 2021 | Councils News, News, Traffic, Security and Emergencies
- The detainee was apprehended while fleeing after forcing his way into the house on Camino de Fortuna to steal a large amount of wiring and various objects
Officers from the Redován Local Police arrested an individual on Tuesday 19 January who allegedly broke into a country house on Camino de Fortuna in Orihuela, located on the border of the municipality with Redován, by forcing the front door. He is charged with an alleged offence of burglary. The events took place last Monday, when the owner of the house surprised the suspect, who was carrying a rucksack on his back. On being surprised, the suspect left the house and fled on foot. The homeowner then alerted the pair of Redován Local Police officers who were in the area at the time carrying out their duties, who located the individual a few metres away and began their pursuit.
The suspect ignored the officers’ orders to stop and tried to escape by entering a nearby orchard where he was immediately intercepted and arrested. After examining the contents of the backpack that the arrested man was carrying, the officers found eight rolls of cable, six metal taps, three stopcocks and a spray gun, materials that the owner confirmed had been stolen from his home. Finally, the detainee was taken to the National Police in Orihuela, where the relevant police procedures were carried out.
The Councillor for Public Safety, Adrian Ballester, thanked the work of the officers and all the staff of the Local Police of Redován in general for the work that has intensified in recent days since “in addition to ensuring the safety of all citizens of our town, they ensure in these difficult times, compliance with the rules to curb the spread of Covid-19,” he said.
Ballester also pointed out that the Redován Local Police “are working with all the means available to them to carry out these tasks of surveillance and control of those places that are included in the regulations, such as municipal parks and gardens and also catering establishments”. The councillor for Citizen Safety also wanted to point out that “the Local Police is at the service of the citizens of Redován”, reminding citizens that they can contact the officers for whatever they need by phoning 608 072 253.
Jan 21, 2021 | Councils News, Employment and training, News, Traffic, Security and Emergencies
- The City Council will also update the current Municipal Territorial Emergency Plan to deal with possible episodes of storms
Redován Town Council will update the current Municipal Territorial Emergency Plan and will also draw up a new Municipal Flood Action Plan, as announced by the Councillor for Safety and Emergencies, Adrián Ballester. These plans will be drafted by the Senior Technician in Emergency Coordination and Civil Protection who has recently been hired by the Consistory of Redovan through the Emcold programme of the Valencian Employment and Training Service (Labora), a programme to promote employment in collaboration with local corporations, which has been endowed with a grant of 17,777 euros.
The new emergency technician has already joined the staff of the Consistory and will carry out the drafting of these plans during the six months of his contract. In this way, as Ballester has indicated, “we will be prepared to be able to prevent any type of risk in the event of floods, earthquakes or fires, and to deal more efficiently with future emergency situations to avoid possible consequences as far as possible”.
Both the Municipal Territorial Emergency Plan and the Floods Plan will provide a breakdown of all the climatological, environmental, population and infrastructure characteristics of Redován, as well as a description of the possible risks, both natural and man-made, that may occur in the municipality. “It also includes the regulations to be applied in these situations, as well as the structure, organisation and operation of the plan, together with its different phases and procedures for action,” explained the councillor.
In this way, “the municipality of Redován will be better prepared and organised for possible emergency situations, as was the case with the 2019 floods caused by the DANA, which we all remember for their devastating devastation”, explained the councillor for Emergencies, who added that “the Redován Town Council continues to work and prepare various actions and projects in the municipality to deal with future temporary episodes”.
Jan 5, 2021 | Councils News, News, Traffic, Security and Emergencies
- The deposit of materials such as ash, coal or embers from cookers and fireplaces without being properly extinguished is not permitted and can lead to fines of up to 750 euros
Avoiding the risk of fire is the objective of the Redován Local Police, which warns of the increase in the number of rubbish containers that have been burnt in recent days by the dumping of ashes, coal or embers from cookers and chimneys in the municipality’s homes. As reported by the Councillor for Public Safety, Adrian Ballester, these materials “are being deposited in the rubbish containers without first checking that they are completely extinguished, which increases the risk of fire and the consequent danger to nearby homes, vehicles parked in the vicinity or forest areas,” he explained.
This practice, as well as involving the mobilisation of emergency and fire-fighting resources to extinguish the fire, entails considerable costs for both the Fire Brigade and the Town Council in replacing the damaged containers, since “there have already been four such fires in the last week”, as Ballester indicated. The Local Police reminded the public that the municipal ordinance of coexistence, cleanliness and decoration of the public thoroughfare of Redován establishes the prohibition of “depositing lit materials in rubbish bins and containers”, cataloguing it as an infraction that can lead to sanctions of up to 750 euros together with the obligation to repair the damage caused.
The Councillor for Public Safety wanted to thank the public in advance for their collaboration in this task, adding that, in this way, “situations of risk for everyone can be prevented that can be easily avoided by following some simple instructions”.
From the Local Police Headquarters and the Redován Town Hall we ask for caution when disposing of embers from cookers and fireplaces and not to throw them into the organic waste container, as embers can retain heat for several hours. That is why “it is recommended that we have a bucket or metal container on our terrace or garden where we can deposit the ashes for more than 24 hours, immersing them in water to be completely sure that they cannot ignite and always with the precaution of not inhaling the smoke”, explained the councillor. In the case of the coal, it will be necessary to let it cool down for 48 hours, pouring water over the hot coal and carefully removing it to accelerate the cooling process.
Oct 30, 2020 | Councils News, News, Traffic, Security and Emergencies
• Agent Antonio Ruiz Hernández leaves his post to retire after more than thirty years of belonging to the municipal police force
The Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Redován has been the place where this morning the act in recognition of the work and services carried out in the municipality by the Local Police agent, Antonio Ruiz Hernández, during his professional career took place. This act has been carried out with all health security measures due to Covid-19. Ruiz Hernández will proceed to retire after thirty-two years as part of this body, thirteen years at the head of it as Chief Officer. Ruiz remembered his beginnings in 1988 as a Police in Redován and thanked the mayors and councilors who have passed through the City Council, as well as all municipal workers, for their collaboration and help in the performance of their work. He also recalled the agents who have accompanied him all these years. “It has been a pleasure working with everyone. Despite the sadness that leaving work causes me, I must understand that everything has a beginning and an end. The time has come to enjoy free time, because life is short and the world is very wide, “said the policeman.

The event included the interventions of the mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, the Councilor for Citizen Security, Adrián Ballester, in addition to the participation of relatives, friends and colleagues of the honoree, in which he proceeded to stamp his signature in the book of honor of the municipality and the reception of an honorific plaque. Likewise, and as the mayoress has indicated, “in the last Municipal Plenary session, it was unanimously approved to apply to the Generalitat Valenciana for the Retirement Honor Diploma, one of the highest recognitions at the regional level for professional career”.
The mayor has highlighted the professionalism and work of this agent, since “it has been an honor and a privilege to have a police officer like Antonio in the town, dedicated to his work and always dedicated to helping his neighbors and the municipality ”. For her part, the Security Councilor has assured that “we could not otherwise fire this unbeatable agent, who in addition to performing her duties impeccably, is and has always been a very dear figure for all Redovans.”

Antonio Ruiz has a degree in Police Sciences. Appointed Chief Police Officer in 2007, in 2014 he received the medal of the Order of Civil Merit awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has also been distinguished with the Police Merit Medal with a white badge from the Redován City Council in 2015, and more recently, with the Police Merit Cross with a white badge from the Generalitat Valenciana for his excellent professional career in twenty-five years of service.
Oct 26, 2020 | Councils News, News, Traffic, Security and Emergencies
- Officials step up surveillance and begin a campaign of controls to ensure compliance with the new measures decreed by the Generalitat and following the decree of the State of Alert by the Central Government
Redován City Council, through the Department of Public Safety, has announced the increase of police surveillance, as well as the start of a campaign of controls in different parts of the municipality, with the aim of ensuring compliance with the new rules issued by the Generalitat to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in view of the increase in positive cases in recent days. In this way, and during this weekend in which the Central Government has again decreed the State of Alarm throughout the country, the first fines in this area have already been imposed, “having already sanctioned 10 people in Redován for the breach of this regulation for health safety,” as announced by the councillor responsible for the area, Adrian Ballester.
The councillor also announced that “local police officers are going to increase their vigilance both in the municipality’s catering establishments, to check that they are strictly complying with these new regulations, and in the parks and various hot spots in the town, to avoid the concentration of young people and unhealthy practices such as the botellón”. As the councillor has expressed, these uncivic actions, apart from generating rubbish and disturbing the residents, “pose a risk to all citizens, even more so if the mask is not worn and the interpersonal safety distance is not maintained in this type of meeting”, explained Ballester.
The new measures announced by the regional government came into force on Sunday 25 October, and their main novelty is the limitation of the freedom of movement of people from 00.00 at night to 6.00 in the morning, except for justified reasons. Meetings in both public and private spaces will be limited to six people not living together, along with the closure of gardens and outdoor areas from 10pm to 8am.
Likewise, consumption in hotel and catering establishments will not be able to take place at the bar, always with a maximum of six people per table and establishing the closure of the premises from 00:00 hours. The measure also prohibits the sale of alcohol between 22:00 and 8:00 hours, except for hotel and catering establishments. “We hope that these measures and the increased vigilance of our agents will serve to make citizens understand the need to work together to minimise the risk of infection and to defeat the virus together,” concluded Ballester.
Oct 19, 2020 | Councils News, News, Traffic, Security and Emergencies
- The Local Police has been in charge of requesting public thanks to the entity to which the Consistory also joins
The Local Police of Redován, through the councilor of Seguretat Ciutadana del municipi, Adrián Ballester, has transmitted the public seu in addition to the Club de Muntanya de Redován for the inestimable collaboration and assistance offered in the two rescues of lost senderistes in the Serra del municipi that have tingut lloc in the last days. “With the City Council, I will join us and donate to this one, public congratulations to the club and its members”, has reported Ballester, “to go immediately to the crida d’ajuda and pose the serious connections, skills and experience to the muntanya to the servei dels altres ”.
In this way, from the Police Headquarters a request for recognition of this club has been transmitted to the City Council, especially highlighting the figure of its president, José Vegara, for his participation in the two relief devices for visitors lost in the mountain. last week as well as those made previously. “We have in José a wild card for this type of action, to which we go systematically in the event of any incident in the mountains”, the agents have stated, ensuring that Vegara “always puts aside his tasks to assist in whatever is necessary” .
The first of the actions occurred on the night of Monday, October 12, when from a call from 112, it was reported that five young people were trapped in a ravine in the area of the three peaks from which they did not know how to get out. Together with the fire department and another volunteer from the Mountain Club, and after 2:30 in the morning, the operation ended after gaining access to where the young people were to be rescued without problem and without presenting any type of injury.
On the other hand, during the morning of last Saturday the intervention of the Redován Mountain Club was also necessary to rescue some hikers lost in the mountains, who were located by José Vegara, another volunteer from the club and an agent of the Local Police , since the firefighters had to leave to attend the urgent notice for a traffic accident. The ascent to the area was made, the hikers who were safe and sound were located and it was possible to guide them back down the mountain.
“We appreciate the interest and dedication shown by both the club and each of the members that make up this association with our municipality”, declared the mayor of Citizen Security, “always ready to help and lend a hand in any area in which be necessary”.
In addition to collaborating in the rescue of athletes in the mountains, the Redován Mountain Club also cares about the maintenance of the environment and the natural surroundings of the municipality with actions such as the “Clean Mountain Day”, the cleaning day carried out recently carried out by the club in collaboration with the Valencian Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing and the City Council, in which more than two tons of garbage and waste from the mountain were collected.