Redován launches a video-record system on the municipal website that gives more transparency and visibility to the recordings of the plenary sessions of the City Council

Redován 8/2/2018. The City Council of Redován has put in place a system through which the citizens will have, on the municipal website, the videos of the plenary sessions of the Corporation divided by the interventions of each councilor or councilor, in order to allow greater access and transparency to everything that happens in the Plenary sessions. The first of these video-proceedings is already available at the web address which can also be accessed through the City Council’s website ( The councilor of Transparency, Adrián Ballester, recalled that since 2013, the City Council of Redován includes all sessions of the Plenary on its YouTube channel, “but now we take another step, with the intention of making the most transparent possible municipal management, in addition to that with this system will be able to consult the interventions of simpler form “.

Redován is the second municipality of the Vega Baja that starts up the system of digital records through its website. “We believe that in terms of transparency we are carrying out a pioneering and exemplary task, not only with the video-proceedings, but also with the implementation of participatory budgets or bringing all available information on municipal management to our neighbors and neighbors. through the Transparency Portal and our Social Networks, with presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube, “said Ballester.

To consult the digital records of the plenary sessions, the user has only to access the website of the City Council of Redován, where he is redirected by means of a banner to the address ‘’, once there the session is chosen. you want to consult and already within it you have a first look at what happened in the Plenary, with all the points on the agenda and the result of the votes in each of them and the interventions made by each councilor, in which it specifies to which political group the speaker belongs.
Ballester has highlighted the platform that statistics are also collected from each Plenary. “In this way all the neighbors can see how much time each councilor has intervened and then the global political parties,” said the mayor, who added that “you can also download both the full and separate interventions, in addition to that a link is generated so that it can be shared both in social networks and on the web “.

The City Council of Redován will approve a budget of 6,126,155.56 euros that does not raise taxes or rates

Redován 12/19/2017. The City Council of Redován will end the year with the work done to start 2018 with a budget that will allow the municipality to continue to grow and improve the services provided to the public. The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, accompanied by the Councilor for Finance, Adrián Ballester and the councilor of social services, Nely Ruiz, presented this morning what is the most important management document for any public administration, and that in the case of Redován rises next year to a global of 6,126,155.56 euros, 9.43% more than budgeted in 2017. “Something that has been achieved without the need to raise taxes and fees paid by neighbors”, the first mayor of Redova has highlighted. In addition, for the first time a Participatory Budgeting process has been carried out whose winning proposals are included in the budget with a budget of more than 30,000 euros. It involves the start-up of computer courses for adults, the creation of scholarships for professional music studios and the renovation of tennis facilities.

Increase in investments

By chapters, current expenses in goods and services are reduced by 4.36%, financial expenses by 16.28% and financial liabilities suffer a reduction of 9.80%; while the largest increase will be in the chapter of investments that goes from the 136,600 euros budgeted in 2017 to the 644,800 euros that are expected to invest in the municipality for next year, representing an increase of 372%. Adrián Ballester has highlighted the push that will give to youth policies, doubling the endowment of training scholarships for unemployed young people created last year, “besides that we will create some municipal aid for Erasmus students and raise scholarships for university transport that will go from 6,000 to 7,000 euros “. In another area where the investment is reinforced, it is in Sports, where the rehabilitation of tennis facilities is contemplated, a football field 8 of artificial turf will be created next to the football field and the sports facilities will be equipped with defibrillators.

In Education, municipal officials have highlighted the extension of the subsidy to the Association of Mothers and Fathers (Ampa) of the school for the continuous day, and Redován will host the next year of the Vega Baja Science Contest; while in Public Safety the Local Police will be equipped with a breathalyzer with which to carry out controls in the municipality.

With regard to social policies, all municipal subsidies that benefit the people of the province of Cádiz are maintained and subsidies are extended to the municipal associations. “We are going to double the budget for municipal activities in the area of ​​social services, increasing the budget from 9,000 to 15,000 euros; the groups of women will receive 4,000 euros against the 2,000 of the previous budget and the activities against drug addiction will have budgeted from 1,000 to 2,000 euros, “said Emilio Fernandez.

The popular festivals will also have more money from the City Hall while in Culture different necessary arrangements will be made in the Casa de la Música and in the assembly hall of the Ricardo Ruiz Social Center. In Promotion and Employment the budget for training courses is doubled and support for local commerce is reinforced, which will have a fair, while also increasing the budget for Tourism, especially taking into account that it is foreseen that next year the Via Ferrata will be put into operation that will travel the Sierra. The councilor of the Treasury has also commented that transparency will hire a service to make video-minutes of the plenary sessions that can be consulted on the municipal website.

Joint work with other administrations

The most important investments to be made in Redován during 2018 will be accompanied by economic injections from the provincial and autonomous administrations. Thus, Environment will receive 200,000 euros from the Generalitat for the Municipal Area of ​​the Sierra, through a project prepared by the Provincial Council, while the mayor recalled that the budget of the Council includes new “the allocation for the new health center”. The works of the San Miguel Parish will be completed by the Provincial Council, for which next year the City Council will dedicate 10,000 euros while the remaining 45,000 will come from the coffers of the provincial institution, whose Works and Services Plan will be It will include another item for the second phase of the expansion of the Cultural Center for the Third Age. In this project the largest investment of this budget will be made, 450,000 euros. In the two floors that this extension entails, a 24-hour study room will be created as well as a permanent exhibition hall. Also of Provincial will arrive 50,000 euros for emergency works in the Menéndez Pelayo street.

Regarding the income chapter, the money that will come from the Cooperation Fund of the Generalitat in which the Provincial will also participate and that will be around 200,000 euros, nor the investments that arrive once the contract of the contract will be awarded, has not been taken into account. Water. In this sense, the government team has been conservative, since once the money is received, it will be decided what it is for. The mayor has highlighted the budget that the charges are not increased to the neighbors “although we give more and more services”, and has indicated that unlike other populations, “Redován is one of the municipalities that grows in inhabitants every year, what allows us to have more financing from the State “. With regard to public debt, the Municipality of Redován has made the accounts in such a way that the forecast is that by 2022 all current loans will be canceled. The Municipal Budget of 2018 will be raised to Plenary for approval next Friday, December 22.

Citizens may vote until October 31 17 finalist proposals of the Participatory Budget

Redován 10/18/2017. The Participatory Budget of Redován continues its march as scheduled. Yesterday, Monday, the third phase of this initiative began, launched by the Consistorio redovanense, so it is time for neighbors to vote on the proposals presented. This is a total of 17 projects “realistic and meet the necessary technical and legal feasibility requirements,” said the Councilor for Citizen Participation, Adrián Ballester. The deadline for voting is extended until October 31, both through the web for users registered on the platform and personally in the offices of the City, “because we want everyone who wants to participate, whether or not have access to new technologies, “said the municipal official.

The different proposals have been classified by departments. The most important is that of Infrastructures, Municipal Services, Environment and Parks and Gardens, with six possible projects to develop, among them an initiative to place nest boxes for insectivorous birds with the aim of saving on plant health and pest control (valued at 1,500 euros); the eradication of wild flora in the Sierra de Redován, with an estimated investment of 5,000 euros; the elaboration of a catalog of species of flora and fauna of the locality, with an investment around the 18,000 euros; the lighting of the Broad Path (15,000 euros); the improvements in cleaning (30,000 euros) through awareness campaigns and the remodeling of a plot in front of the cemetery in bad condition because of the pest that has ended with the pines, action valued at 15,000 euros.

In Civil Security, Traffic, Employment and Training, four of the proposals have been accepted. This is the start-up in Redován of a help and training center for companies and entrepreneurs, the reform of the first section of Avenida de la Libertad, the creation of a job search portal and the completion of courses for obtaining and use of electronic ID. As far as the Social Policy, Education and Health section is concerned, the creation of scholarships for professional musical studies, subsidizing from the City Hall the tests of access to the different conservatories in the area with a cost per person of 180 euros, a computer course for over 60 years (3,000 euros) and training to prepare the official tests of Valencian (5,000 euros).

For the Sports area, three other proposals have been accepted: the creation of a basketball court in the Plaza Comunità Valenciana, the improvement and maintenance of municipal facilities and the construction of a paddle court in the sports center, while in Culture and Festivals considers the organization of a local trade fair around the festival of San Miguel with which to dynamize the municipality and give a space to the nearest trade to expose their products (estimated cost of 4,040.60 euros).

Adrián Ballester has insisted that “anyone who wants to be able to vote, whether or not registered on the web, has access to new technologies or not, because he can also do so at City Hall”, and urged the people of Rio de Janeiro to participate in a process that is first launched in the municipality. The mayor recalled that at first it was decided from the government team to allocate 30,000 euros to the Participatory Budget “but we do not rule out that finally anything more can be done.” The winning proposals will be included in the Municipal Budget for 2018 of the City Council.

The totality of the proposals and their valuation can be consulted in the own City council or through the web: