New cultural exchange between Redován and the sister town of Saint Aubin de Mèdoc

The Twinning Committee of Redován with the French municipality of Saint Aubin de Mèdoc has carried out a new cultural exchange with a visit to the municipality, invited to attend the ‘Noctambules’, an important music festival held in the French town. Both towns have established an annual visit to strengthen ties, and if last year it was the French who travelled to Redován to see the local festivities, this time it was the turn of the people of Redován to travel on an expedition which also visited the towns of Soulac invited by its mayor, to whom they presented a figure of the Griffin de Redován and Bordeaux, the latter for the inauguration of the tram which links it with Saint Aubin and where they also spoke with the town’s mayor. Councillor Ramón López Escarabajal, as municipal representative on the Twinning Committee, presented the mayor of Saint Aubin de Mèdoc with the gold badge of the Redován Town Council, a gesture that was reciprocated as the mayor, Christophe Duprat, also presented the badge of his municipality which is already displayed in the Mayor’s office of the Redován Town Council

A cutting of the fig tree from Miguel Hernandez’s house in Orihuela also travelled to France, a cutting given by the city of Orihuela ‘after the mayor learned that during last year’s visit they were delighted with this space,’ said Lopez. Along with the cutting, which was planted in a green area of Saint Aubin, the former mayor of Redován and member of the Twinning Committee, Emilio Fernández, also presented the French mayor with a book of poems by Miguel Hernández in French and Spanish. During the visit, which took place between 1 and 4 June, the Redován Twinning Committee had the opportunity to visit vineyards and a winery to discover how the famous French wine from the Bordeaux region is made. Ramón López has indicated that both municipalities are already working for the next meeting, which will be in Redován and for which they want to have the presence of music students from Saint Aubin de Mèdoc as they did two years ago from the Unión Musical de Redován, who took their music to the French town.

Redován approves a budget to end the year in economic balance and is already preparing the new one for 2024.

The Redován Town Council yesterday approved in plenary session the Budget 2023, an ‘atypical’ document, as explained by the Councillor for Finance, José Nájar, but necessary to close the year in a situation of budgetary stability in the municipal coffers, while responding to the needs of the citizens. The budget amounts to 6,151,193.90 euros in both income and expenditure, “and if it has not been presented earlier is because the financial situation and the exponential increase in certain costs such as energy or items of treatment and disposal of waste have not allowed,” said Nájar. The head of Finance has stated that the price increase caused by the situation, especially because of the war in Ukraine, has raised the price of services, especially in everything related to energy and fuel costs “which, in the City Council, as in our homes, has also risen”.

Thus, the cost of waste collection increases by more than 40%, from the 577,336.49 euros planned in 2022 to 809,824.39 this 2023. The same applies to the cost of street lighting, which goes from 287,753.30 euros to 566,000, a 90% increase, while personnel costs, although to a lesser extent, increases slightly more than 10%. Despite this, Nájar has assured that from the government team “we have bet this 2023 to promote culture, trade or security, increasing the item for Culture by just over 16,000 euros, as well as everything related to festivals and Christmas activities and neighborhoods, among others, “with the intention of involving all the people who live in Redován of the actions with which we want to return to normality, which we are so eager to recover in all areas,” he said.

In the chapter on income, those related to indirect taxes (IBI, IVTM, capital gains and IAE) rise. At this point, José Nájar commented that the City Council’s own taxes remain frozen, so this increase is due to the incorporation of new homes to the municipal census, as well as in the IAE. The City Council also receives more in the tax on constructions and works ICIO, especially for the works of the Edificant Plan, with the actions in the school and institute.

In the income from municipal taxes, the bonuses for vulnerable groups such as pensioners, large families, the unemployed, the disabled and young people are maintained, but they are increased as the number of users of public spaces such as the municipal swimming pool has increased, as well as because the tax for occupation of public roads with terraces has ceased to be suspended this year. For its part, the expenses increase by 2.61% over the previous budget to reach the aforementioned amount of 6,151,193.90 euros. Staff costs are up for the incorporation of people to the municipal staff to improve efficiency in management; also current expenses, especially for the increase in electricity supply and waste collection; increases the amount of grants that are awarded and, with all that, the City Council maintains a contingency fund with 3,500 euros for unforeseen events that may arise. The councilman of Finance has reiterated the need to move forward the budget document to finish the year in economic balance, while work is already underway on the budget for 2024 that we hope to be able to present as soon as possible.

Redován hosts the 18th Regional Music Performance Contest

Redován 6/28/2017. About 300 students from the music schools of Vega Baja and Baix Vinalopó will meet on weekends July 1 and 2 and July 8 and 9 in Redován to participate in the XVIII Regional Interpretation Contest Musical organized by the Federation of Musical Societies of the Region of Valencia (FSMCV) and which has the collaboration of the City of Redován. The event was presented today in the town councilor of Culture, Clara Ezcurra, who has been accompanied by Leandro L. Vilató, regional president of FSMCV in the Vega Baja and Baix Vinalopó.

The House of Music ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’ of Redován will be the epicenter of this contest, showing once again, as the mayor did, Emilio Fernandez in the local assembly where it was announced that the locality would be the headquarters, “which The support of the Redovan City Hall with the bands of music is total and absolute “.

On this occasion there are 28 musical societies that will take part in the competition, where children will have the opportunity to demonstrate their musical talent in front of colleagues from other municipalities. Leonardo L. Vilató has said that “the level of preparation they have is exceptional,” a fact that has supported the large number of successes harvested by the musical societies of the region in the contests to which it comes, both provincial and autonomous , National or international “.

On the part of the Municipality of Redován, Clara Ezcurra explained that some recreational activities have been organized, since it has organized a Meeting of Schools of Music that will take place together with the contest “and that has been designed so that the students can also participate And smaller girls from schools and who are not yet competing. ” These two weekends full of music will culminate with the awards ceremony, on July 9 at 7 pm at the Casa de la Música ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’ in Redován, an event that will end with a concert of all the participants in the competition.


Convocation of the Local Government Board 22/5/2017

Date and time: First call 22 of May of 2017 to 9.30 hores.

Issues of the call:

  1. Approval of the minutes of the previous session.
  2. Approval pursuant to Act Announcement Award Selection Training Grants for Young in 2017.
  3. File 40/2017. Granting Awards 2017 Contest Sacred Music.
  4. File 693/2017. Approval of Invoice Governing Board dated 22 May 2017.
  5. Urgent matters.
  6. Open speech turn