Redován incorporates 18 agricultural labourers to carry out the maintenance and cleaning of ravines and paths.

The Redován Town Council has incorporated, as it does every summer, 18 agricultural labourers into the municipal workforce, who will be dedicated to the maintenance and cleaning of ravines, rural roads, the recreational area of La Ermita and streets and squares in the municipality, especially in the rural districts of El Rincón and San Carlos. These contracts are carried out on the basis of the SEPE-Local Councils Agreement for Depressed Rural Areas through a grant of 86,562 euros to cover salary costs.

The Councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, explained that the labourers will work for 70 real days and that they will mainly be clearing gullies, collecting waste and clearing brush, stones and branches “in order to improve the rural environment of our rural roads, as well as cleaning and maintaining the recreational area of La Ermita, the street Polideportivo Los Pasos, public squares and various areas of the districts of San Carlos and El Rincón that require this type of action”.

Martínez added that “we also favour the creation of jobs and the training of the people involved, while improving our environment with work that, for example, allows us to keep the ravines clean in the event of possible flooding, especially during the autumn”.

The Redován Town Council includes the adaptation of a green area in El Rincón in the new parks contract.

Redován 1/3/2022. The Governing Board of the Redován Town Council has given the green light to the tendering of a new contract for the maintenance of parks and gardens in the municipality which includes, as an improvement, the adaptation of a green space in El Rincón. This contract will update the current one to provide service to all the areas created in recent years, and also takes into account the increased cost of materials, as explained by the councillor for Contracting, José Nájar. For all these reasons, the amount has also increased to 115,000 euros per year (26,000 more than the previous one) for a contract that will last for four years, “which makes it one of the most important in terms of quantity of those implemented by this Town Hall”, said the councillor.


Nájar explained that the company which undertakes to carry out the new green area in the El Rincón neighbourhood as soon as possible after the service is awarded “will obtain a higher score, as the drafting of the tender documents gives priority to carrying out this work”. The councillor indicated that, once the service is awarded, in a few months El Rincón will have a park equipped with artificial grass, rubber paving and a place to practice calisthenics with horizontal and vertical stairs and five modules of dominated straight bars, materials and finishes in compliance with European standards.


According to the councillor for Contracting, “the Redován Town Council has drawn up a set of specifications for the benefit of our green spaces and, therefore, our citizens”. In this way, the councillor specifies, “we are responding to the needs of all the green areas of Redován, as those that have been created in recent years were not included in the previous contract and it is necessary for them to be included in the maintenance to be carried out by the service”.

Redován Town Council Plenary takes the last step to extend the secondary school and moves forward with the school refurbishment

The Redován Town Council Plenary took a further step yesterday towards the long-awaited extension of the IES Jaime de Sant Ángel Secondary School and the refurbishment of the Sagrados Corazones School. The Contracting Department brought to the plenary session, on the one hand, the approval of the basic project and execution of the works of adaptation and expansion of the Infant and Primary school, and on the other hand, the award of the contract for the execution of the works of expansion and adaptation of the Secondary school.

This means that work on the school can begin in the next few weeks and with it, put an end to the space problems that exist in the school. The project envisages the creation of four Bachillerato classrooms and two secondary classrooms with space for teachers, a seventh smaller classroom and a computer room. The extension will create a building with a ground floor and two storeys, with a floor area of 1,369 square metres. The base budget for the tender was 1.9 million euros, VAT included, having finally been awarded to the company Orthem Servicios y Actuaciones Ambientales SAU for 1,634,873.55 euros plus VAT.

Having passed the plenary session, the councillor for contracting, José Nájar, explains that the start of the works will be imminent “once the contract is signed and the report of the reconsideration”, and points out that the works will last twelve months “after which we will be able to respond to the needs of the educational community”.

With regard to the Sagrados Corazones School, once the basic and execution project for the works has been approved, the public exhibition process will begin, which precedes the launch of the tender. The work in this centre will improve accessibility, health and evacuation in an action that will be carried out on 1,110 square metres of built surface area in what is known as the grey pavilion, which dates back to the 1960s. The building will be fitted with an auxiliary construction to provide it with a staircase and lift (the current staircase will be demolished), as well as replacing shutters and carpentry. The bathrooms will be completely refurbished, with a total of six units to be built in the space left by the old staircase, each measuring 22 square metres and serving the twelve classrooms.

In the red pavilion, shutters will be replaced and the access pergola from the outside will be refurbished, in addition to repairing different areas of the façade, among other things. In this case, and pending the bids submitted by the companies, the base budget is 1,770,850.30 euros. As in the case of the secondary school, this improvement work is being carried out under the Generalitat Valenciana’s Plan Edificant.

On the other hand, the Plenary made an institutional declaration to adopt measures in response to the closure of a bank office in the town and with a view to possible future actions of this type. In the text of the declaration, the Town Council undertakes not to work with banks that do not operate in Redován with offices capable of meeting the needs of citizens, especially the elderly who are not able or find it more difficult to carry out their transactions through ATMs or online banking.

Redován puts out to tender the management of the works for the school and the secondary school under the Edificant Plan

  • The amount of the two bids totals 139,238 euros and will be used to adapt these buildings to current needs and regulations.

The councillor for Urban Planning and Contracting of Redován, José Nájar, has reported the start of the tender process for the extension and renovation of the CEIP Sagrados Corazones school in the municipality and the adaptation of the Jaime de Sant Àngel secondary school, as part of the Edificant Plan. Both actions “will solve the problems that these centres have had for a long time, such as the lack of space in the case of the secondary school, and the adaptation of the surroundings to the conditions and regulations of accessibility, in the case of the school”, said the councillor.

With these tenders “a very important step is taken in the implementation of the Edificant Plan in the municipality,” said the councillor for Urban Planning, “which will allow the Town Hall to start the tender for the works during the second quarter of this year. Redován Town Council has a budget of 3.7 million euros for the development of the Plan Edificant in the municipality.

In this way, the Consistory begins the tender for the construction management and coordination of safety, health and other services for the expansion and adaptation of the I.E.S Jaime de Sant Angel de Redován, which “will be based on a memory made by the City Council, and which will include the creation of a classroom of 1,369 square meters for six classes for students of ESO and Bachillerato,” said Nájar. In addition, a smaller classroom and a computer room will also be planned. The total amount of this tender is 59,612 euros, and the deadline for submitting bids is 20 March.

With regard to the Sagrados Corazones school, the tender announced corresponds to the drafting of the project, the project management, and the coordination of safety, health and other services for its extension and adaptation. The actions to be carried out will focus on two very old pavilions in which, as the councillor reported, “an improvement in accessibility will be carried out, with the installation of an external lift and a structure with double staircase and corridors, as well as the adaptation of the toilets for students with reduced mobility”.

Other improvements will include the replacement of blinds and carpentry, the elimination of leaks in the exterior pergola and the repair of areas of the façade, as well as the installation of accessible playground equipment in the courtyard. The works will be completed with the air conditioning of the red pavilion building, “to avoid the high temperatures that occur inside the classrooms during the summer months,” said the councillor. The tender for these works is 79,625 euros, and the deadline for submitting bids is 16 March.

Redován is putting out to tender the new waste collection and street cleaning contract to improve service to citizens

The Ordinary Plenum of the Redován City Council, held yesterday, gave the green light to the beginning of the file for the contracting of the public service for the collection of urban solid waste and street cleaning in the municipality of Redován, with the aim of improving this public service to the citizenship. This was announced by the mayor of the town, Nely Ruiz and the Councilor for Contracting, José Nájar.

These are two services that were awarded in 2003, with laws and specifications that “have not allowed room to demand improvement and are currently obsolete and do not cover the needs of our municipality,” Nájar explained. The mayor argues that for almost 18 years the population of Redován has also grown from 5,956 inhabitants that year to 7,869 today.

The head of the municipal Procurement area has ensured that the two services will be tendered in the same procedure and that once the file has started, a specialized office will be in charge of preparing the specifications and the exploitation project that must comply with the winning company. Likewise, at the contracting table there will be the presence of technicians from the Alicante Provincial Council, while once awarded, the contract will be audited by an external agent during its execution.

The Redován City Council wants to incorporate state-of-the-art technology into this service as well as the most environmentally friendly methods. Therefore, the collection of the organic fraction separated from the rest of the waste will be included through the implantation of the brown container in the streets of the municipality. “We will be one of the first municipalities in the Vega Baja that incorporates this legal and environmental requirement in a contract,” said the mayor, who added that “our goal is to have a modern system and the best technological systems to provide a effective and quick response to all needs ”. Regarding the improvements to the contract, the increase in the frequency of garbage collection will be included, as well as the number of containers.

Another point to highlight are the containers for household goods. “In Redován we know the importance of the collection of belongings and that is why we are going to try to increase the containers and also the collection days”, explained Nájar, who added that “there will also be interesting advances in terms of technology, since we want the containers to have sensors or vehicles to incorporate GPS so that they are geolocated and the City Council has access to the state of how the service is being provided thanks to the digitization of this public service ”.

As for the hourly frequency of the collection of waste “we want to highlight that we are going to change the schedule so that it is in the morning, so that the neighbors are disturbed as little as possible”, the mayor of Contracting has pointed out.

For her part, the mayor, Nely Ruiz, explained that “this is one of the most important contracts to be tendered in this legislature and we believe that it is very necessary, in the first place, because the one we have is obsolete and, secondly, we want to improve the quality of life of our neighbors and make it a committed contract with the environment and with improvements aimed at respecting it ”. The first mayor has recalled that Redován has grown a lot in the last 20 years. “With nearly 8,000 inhabitants, and the services must be in accordance with the population and size of Redován, we have two neighborhoods, countryside areas, etc., and we need a service that is optimal and adapted to the needs of our people” .

As for street cleaning, “we want all urban areas of Redován to be attended to and for this the personnel assigned to the service will be increased,” explained the mayor, who added that “there will also be street washdown cleaning , electric blowers and new vehicles with the latest technology ”.

Lastly, the first mayor has stated that “we want a cleaner and more environmentally friendly Redován, that is why we are going to work with all the parties of the corporation, we are going to hold a citizen assembly to publicize the new contract and we will have meetings with all political groups so that they can participate in this process ”.