Redován thanks the Mountain Club for their collaboration in two rescues of hikers in the mountains in recent days

  • The Local Police has been in charge of requesting public thanks to the entity to which the Consistory also joins

The Local Police of Redován, through the councilor of Seguretat Ciutadana del municipi, Adrián Ballester, has transmitted the public seu in addition to the Club de Muntanya de Redován for the inestimable collaboration and assistance offered in the two rescues of lost senderistes in the Serra del municipi that have tingut lloc in the last days. “With the City Council, I will join us and donate to this one, public congratulations to the club and its members”, has reported Ballester, “to go immediately to the crida d’ajuda and pose the serious connections, skills and experience to the muntanya to the servei dels altres ”.

In this way, from the Police Headquarters a request for recognition of this club has been transmitted to the City Council, especially highlighting the figure of its president, José Vegara, for his participation in the two relief devices for visitors lost in the mountain. last week as well as those made previously. “We have in José a wild card for this type of action, to which we go systematically in the event of any incident in the mountains”, the agents have stated, ensuring that Vegara “always puts aside his tasks to assist in whatever is necessary” .

The first of the actions occurred on the night of Monday, October 12, when from a call from 112, it was reported that five young people were trapped in a ravine in the area of ​​the three peaks from which they did not know how to get out. Together with the fire department and another volunteer from the Mountain Club, and after 2:30 in the morning, the operation ended after gaining access to where the young people were to be rescued without problem and without presenting any type of injury.

On the other hand, during the morning of last Saturday the intervention of the Redován Mountain Club was also necessary to rescue some hikers lost in the mountains, who were located by José Vegara, another volunteer from the club and an agent of the Local Police , since the firefighters had to leave to attend the urgent notice for a traffic accident. The ascent to the area was made, the hikers who were safe and sound were located and it was possible to guide them back down the mountain.

“We appreciate the interest and dedication shown by both the club and each of the members that make up this association with our municipality”, declared the mayor of Citizen Security, “always ready to help and lend a hand in any area in which be necessary”.

In addition to collaborating in the rescue of athletes in the mountains, the Redován Mountain Club also cares about the maintenance of the environment and the natural surroundings of the municipality with actions such as the “Clean Mountain Day”, the cleaning day carried out recently carried out by the club in collaboration with the Valencian Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing and the City Council, in which more than two tons of garbage and waste from the mountain were collected.

Redován modernizes its market with six air conditioning units thanks to a grant from the Diputación

  • The economic development area of ​​the provincial entity grants more than 4.000 euros from its Plan for the Modernization of Municipal Markets

The Department of Commerce and Markets of the Redován City Council, led by councilor Maite Martínez, has announced the recent installation of six air conditioners in the municipal market, acquired thanks to a grant from the Alicante Provincial Council for development of actions in the field of economic development. The amount granted corresponds to 90% of the amount of expenditure, “a total of 4.129 euros that are part of the Plan for Modernization of Municipal Markets of the economic development area of ​​the provincial entity,” said the mayor.

The air conditioners equipped with heat pumps have already been installed in each of the establishments that offer service in the Redovanense food market, and as Martínez explained, this is an improvement that “was already very necessary given that the workers who carry out their activity in these facilities needed it especially for the summer months due to the high temperatures that can be registered inside ”. The new provision also benefits people who come to make their purchases, “improving the environment and facilitating access to it.” In the same way, it is an environmentally responsible acquisition, since the inverter split model to which the installed devices correspond “allows greater efficiency and lower energy consumption, allowing the area to be kept at a constant temperature more easily”, he stated. the councilor.

The mayor thanked the Alicante Provincial Council for granting this grant. At the same time, he assured that “this action shows our commitment as a government team with the commerce of our municipality and the small merchants, whom we will help whenever it is in our power”. This is one more performance of the Redován food market, which in recent years has been renovated by the City Council with the improvement of the toilets, as well as the painting of the entire building.

Redován requests to the Autonomic Ministry to create bike lanes that link the town with Orihuela and Callosa

  • The sections go from the Puente Alto to the access to Redován and from El Rincón to the entrance to the neighboring municipality of Callosa

The Councilor for Infrastructure of the Redován City Council, Ramón López, has received a visit from Enrique del Río, head of the territorial service of the Department of Public Works in the province of Alicante, together with the road conservation technician Rosana Climent and Pedro Mora , Technical Medium of Public Works of the Generalitat. The regional authorities wanted to know how the bike lane works at the entrance to Redován through the Oriolana district of La Campaneta are progressing. The mayor has taken the opportunity to request the execution of new works to improve road safety in access to the town, specifically from the Puente Alto area where the municipal government also wants to execute a section of bike lane of about one kilometer.

Ramón López explained that “the Generalitat Public Works managers have been asked to study for the implementation of a bike lane or, if this is not possible, the installation of steel, from the Puente Alto area, on the road that connects Orihuela with Redován, towards the urban area of ​​the municipality ”. The councilor has specified that an equal action is requested “from the departure from the El Rincón neighborhood to the neighboring town of Callosa.” This last section with an approximate length of 200 meters. In López’s opinion, both “actions would be very beneficial and would help to improve the displacement of Redovanenses in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way. At the same time, it has stressed that “access to Redován would be made safer for bicycle users.”

The meeting also had the objective of reviewing the evolution of the works to extend the cycle lane route along the CV-919 La Campaneta-Redován, which began last September to the town’s urban center. The works are progressing well and are expected to be completed in mid-October, allowing bicycles to circulate in two directions on the four-meter wide lane.

Half a hundred volunteers collect more than two tons of waste in the Sierra de Redován

Half a hundred volunteers participated last Sunday in the day for cleaning and removing waste from the natural environment on Clean Mountain Day, which took place from early morning in the Sierra de Redován, and in which they were collected more than two tons of garbage. The cleaning area ran along the PR-CV 54 variant III route, approximately 4 kilometers long and 1 hour long.

The activity was organized by the Municipality's Mountain Club, the Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing of the Valencian Community (FEMECV) and the Redován City Council, with the aim of raising awareness both among practitioners of the various mountain sports modalities and the general public of the need to preserve and protect the environment.

"We have to become aware that the mountain has to be kept clean with the care and effort of all," said Ramón López, Councilor for Sports and the Environment of Redován, "since it is one of the greatest riches with which we have in our municipality and it is necessary to take care of it, carrying out a collective work like the one carried out today by all these volunteers ”.

Redován demands from the Conselleria de Sanidad improvements for primary care in the medical office of the municipality

  • The Consistory counts multiple complaints about the operation of the centre, with long queues and poor telephone service

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the Councillor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez, have once again asked the Valencian Regional Government’s Department of Health for the necessary improvements in Primary Care in the municipality’s medical office. The first mayor said that, “we are aware that the workers in the office are following the instructions of the Ministry, but since the beginning of the pandemic is offering poor service to citizens, with almost no face care, calls that are not attended in most cases, and long queues at the door that can reach two hours waiting very easily. Nely Ruiz has added that to all this is added “the difficulty presented by some patients to obtain their prescriptions for chronic treatments, as well as the shortage of doctors and health personnel in the centre, since “the Generalitat does not send a replacement in the event of staff leave or holidays”. So much so that the Town Hall has already sent many complaints to the Department of Health that have been received both in writing and by telephone to the Town Hall itself, which “reflect a situation for the people of Redoubt that borders on the unsustainable for a long time now”, said Ruiz.

To solve these problems, the Mayor and the Councillor have held several meetings with the Health Coordinators of the Health Department of Orihuela, on which the Redován doctor’s office depends. Amongst these meetings, it is worth mentioning the meeting with the Directors of Primary Health Care and Nursing of the Orihuela Health Department, “in which we requested the installation of an additional telephone line and a new computer, as well as the provision of more administrative staff to improve the attention given to our neighbours”, explained the councillor for Health. Marisol Ibáñez specified that “although we have been designated to send a caretaker to the centre, it can have little effect on the care received if we do not have the appropriate means to be able to attend to the calls or make the appointments”. In the same way, Ruiz and Ibáñez have also met with the centre’s own doctors and are in permanent contact with the Public Health Department of Orihuela and Torrevieja, directed by José Cano.

In addition, a motion will be presented to the plenary session of Redován Town Council this coming Thursday, to urge the regional government to assume its responsibilities in health matters and to provide the Redován doctor’s office with material and personal resources. In this regard, the mayor said that “it is clear that the care being given to citizens is very deficient and does not correspond to the needs that would be expected of a health institution in the situation of pandemic in which we are due to the Covid-19”, so “it is necessary that the Valencian government assumes its responsibilities and ensures a health service and in decent conditions for our citizens,” he concluded.

Redován reinforces health protection measures in view of the increase in cases of Covid-19 in the municipality

  • The measures include the suspension of extra-curricular activities, the closure of parks and gardens at night and the reinforcement of disinfection

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has announced this morning the reinforcement of the health measures against Covid-19, in view of the increase in the number of positive cases in the municipality. In this way, and from Saturday 19 September, “we will proceed to carry out several urgent and extraordinary measures such as the closure of municipal parks and green areas, which will not be accessible from 21:00 until the morning of the next day,” explained the first mayor.

Likewise, the cleaning and disinfection of streets and public spaces of great affluence will be intensified, both in the municipality of Redován and in its neighbourhoods, in order to continue the work of preventing contagion of Covid-19. Similarly, and in consensus with the educational centres, Ruiz explained that “it has been decided to temporarily suspend extra-curricular activities, reducing the time of contact between schoolchildren and thus reducing the possibility of contagion”.

In this sense the Mayoress has informed, through the Department of Public Health of Orihuela, of the confinement of a second class of Infant Education in the CEIP Sagrados Corazones of the municipality in the 4 year old classroom, which joins the one confirmed yesterday in the same centre, of five years, after the detection of a positive case among the students. Both classes are under the protocols and measures of action necessary to contain the situation.

The first councillor asked for “patience” from the population and that “security measures be taken to prevent them from having to be even tougher in the face of a new increase in cases”. Ruiz stressed the need to comply with health measures, such as the obligatory use of masks at all times, maintaining a safe distance and correct hand hygiene.