Open the deadline to submit works to the II edition of the National Contest of Pasodobles ‘Villa de Redován’

The prizes, up to 1,500 euros, will be decided at a concert scheduled for November 30 at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music

Redován 2/8/2019. The Councilor for Culture of the City of Redován, Clara Ezcurra, has announced that the call for the National Pasodobles Contest ‘Villa de Redován’ is already open, which this year celebrates its second edition, and whose bases were approved by the Local Government Board The last friday.

Until September 30 at two in the afternoon, all those national and foreign composers residing in Spain may send their original and unpublished compositions in concert mode. A jury of three members of recognized prestige in the world of music will be in charge of choosing the four finalist pieces. The Musical Union of Redován, also organizer of the contest, will be in charge of interpreting the compositions that reach the final in a special concert that will take place on November 30 at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music. Time in which the winning work will be determined.

The cash prizes amount to 1,500 euros in total, being 1,000 euros and a diploma for the first prize, whose piece will receive the name decided by the Musical Union of Redován, and 500 euros and a diploma for the second. The third and fourth prize will obtain nominative distinctions. In addition, the members of the Musical Union of Redován will grant one of the pasodobles a special mention by vote, which may or may not coincide with the decision of the specialized jury.

The bases with the requirements to be fulfilled are available at the Electronic Headquarters of the Redován City Council. Any questions or requests for information may be referred by email to, or by phone 635 59 30 22.

The City Council of Redován allocates 5,000 euros to aid for the purchase of school supplies

  • The area of Education aims to support parents who have had their children enrolled in the second cycle of Children

The City Council of Redován grants one more year the aid for the acquisition of school material during the 2018/2019 academic year to students of the second cycle of Children. The edile of Education, Marisol Ibáñez, has been in charge of publicizing these aids, whose bases as well as the instances to be filled out for their application are in the electronic office, in the bulletin board of the website of the City Council of Redován through the link:

The total amount that is going to be used for this purpose is five thousand euros and one of the requirements is to be enrolled in the Sagrados Corazones de Redován Public School in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education and that the family income per person is not greater than eleven a thousand euros. In addition, the applicant, as well as their parents or guardians must be registered in the locality. Schoolchildren who ask for help must attend the center on an ongoing basis. All these requirements are specifically found in the call and bases that have been published in the electronic office.

Ibáñez has ensured that with these aids “we give facilities to the families of Redován to face an important expense for them and, also, help them that their sons and daughters study in the best possible conditions”. In addition the mayor of the area recalled that “we aim to continue with this type of aid because the education of our children is the most valuable thing we have and we want to contribute to make it in optimal circumstances.

On the other hand, Ibáñez recalled that the deadline to submit all documentation is until September 16, inclusive. The documentation can be submitted by electronic registration, by mail or by presenting the documentation in the general register of the City Council, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

University Transportation

On the other hand, the Councilor for Education, Marisol Ibáñez, recalled today that the proposal for the granting of financial aid for university transport during the 2018/2019 academic year has been published on the bulletin board of the electronic headquarters. In this regard, the mayor explained that a total of 7,000 euros have been allocated. “From the Department of Education will continue to support our young people because they are our future,” said Ibáñez, who added that “about 40 university students have benefited from this help to pay for part of the transport they use to go to the centers of study”.


The Consistory of Redován launches its annual aid aimed at supporting local entrepreneurs

Redován 07/16/2019. The City Council of Redován, through the Department of Employment, has launched annual grants aimed at the promotion of self-employment, for those entrepreneurs who have started their activity between August 31, 2018 and July 31, 2019 .

As explained today by the mayor of Employment, Maite Martínez, the aid was launched in 2014 and a total of 6,500 euros have been distributed. Aids that are the result of “our commitment and work to support companies and those who start a new business in the municipality,” said Martinez, adding that “our goal is to improve the quality of life of our neighbors and neighbors and, therefore, employment is one of our priorities. ”

This grant is intended to help entrepreneurs to meet the expenses for equipment such as acquisition or lease of real estate where the activity will be carried out, adaptation and reform of the immobile, furniture, signs, office equipment, machinery, etc.

Those interested and interested must have kept the activity for at least three months in Redován, and have not requested any other subsidy for the same concept. They must also be up to date with their tax obligations, the municipal activity licenses must not have been registered in the same activity in the previous six months.

On the other hand, the amount to be allocated is 300 euros for entrepreneurs, 400 euros for women entrepreneurs and 500 euros for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs with disabilities. The term of the application will be until November 30, 2019, inclusive.

Those interested in this call for assistance can obtain more information at the City Council or through the electronic office:, where the application that must be filled in is also displayed, as well as the documentation that must be submitted.

Martinez recalled that “we will continue to support the business fabric of the municipality and those people who decide to take a step forward and open a business in the town.” Also the mayor has said that with these grants we give support and encourage new business development. In this sense the council has said that “we have an industrial estate that is growing, with the incorporation of new companies, and this is another reason to continue in the line of job creation.”

Redován hires 17 unemployed as agricultural laborers

  • A subsidy of more than 66,700 euros from the Public Employment Service (SEPE) allows the hiring of these unemployed workers

The municipality of Redován has hired 17 unemployed people. This action has been possible thanks to the granting of a grant of more than 66,700 from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), as announced by the Councilor for Employment, Maite Martínez.

The mayor has been satisfied by the hiring of these agricultural workers, since “generates jobs in the municipality and reduces the number of unemployed threatened by long-term unemployment.” In addition, they favor their practical training and the conservation of the natural environment of the municipality. “These conditioning actions are very important for the conservation of the environmental environment of areas such as the Ermita recreational area,” said Maite Martínez, “since they allow to avoid fires, and the dragging of water materials and avenues with rainfall, that could affect the security of the residents of Redován. “

The cleaning tasks began on July 1 and will run throughout the summer, until September 26. Thus, in days of 8 hours, the workers will carry out tasks of clearing scrubs and waste from ravines and roads of the town, transferring them to landfills authorized for processing and proper treatment. The main areas to be worked on will be the Rovira ravine, the La Sierra, Fortuna, La Escorrata, Los Cuartos, Vereda Ancha, and Masquefa trails, as well as the natural area surrounding the Ermita de Redován.

The mayor of Redován asks for tranquility to the neighbors before the process of legalization of houses on rustic land

• Since 2011 the City Council has requested reports to know the situation, which affects more than 400 families, and adapt the buildings to the new regulations

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the councilman of Urbanism, José Nájar, have appeared today to call for calm “before the alarm generated by the misinformation that has spread in recent days in the municipality, regarding the process of legalization of housing outside urban planning “.

The councilor wanted to reassure the neighbors affected by this process, ensuring that from the City Council of Redován “all relevant steps are taken to regularize these homes.” The process has been explained by the councilman of Urbanism, José Nájar, who has detailed the procedures carried out by the government team since 2011, “requesting internal and external reports to adapt to the regulations and be able to carry out this administrative intervention of ordination of these buildings on rustic land.

“These procedures led to the drafting of a housing management project in 2016, which must be modified to adapt it to the recent reform of Law 1/2019 on Territorial Planning, Urban Planning and Landscape (LOTUP) last February, according to which , homes built before August 2014 can be legalized through a procedure that must be assumed by the City Council. For this reason from the Consistory was requested an external legal report, which was received on May 9, “and that as soon as this City Council has been constituted, has allowed to submit an order of Mayor requesting the adaptation of the plan,” said the councilor.

Both the mayor and the councilor of Urbanism have insisted on calling the residents calm with homes of these characteristics, since “it is crystal clear that the City is acting to know in depth the possible solutions for all buildings at the lowest possible cost”. The aediles assured that they will put in contact with the citizens as soon as all the information is gathered and all the details of the matter are known.

Likewise, the councilor has informed that a formal complaint will be presented to the Illustrious Bar Association of Orihuela, motivated by the participation of a law firm in a public space to report urban issues that affect municipal competencies without the consent or prior information to the City Council.


A subsidy allows the rehabilitation of Redován’s medical office to improve patient care

  • The 100,000 euros of the Generalitat’s help will go towards repairs on the façade, interior painting and a new air conditioning system

The Councilor for Health of the Municipality of Redován, Marisol Ibáñez, and the Town Planning Councilor, José Najar, have reported the concession to the City Council of Redován of a grant from the Ministry of Health for a value of 100,000 euros. This amount will be destined to the rehabilitation and architectural repair of the medical office of the municipality, located on the ground and first floors of the Sociocultural Municipal Center. The grant is framed within the PIAC plan of Architectural Intervention in Clinics.

The mayor of Health has reported the actions that will take place soon in the building, which includes repairs both inside and outside it. “This important subsidy will allow us to carry out the much-needed renovation of the façade,” Ibáñez explained, “with the elimination and replacement of the gresite plinth of the walls, and with the repair of the two exterior pillars, which are very oxidized and deteriorated. “

The repairs also include the installation of a stoneware plinth in the passage areas and waiting rooms of the office, as well as a repainting of the interiors. The action includes the installation of a new air conditioning equipment, “which will allow a better service to all citizens of Redován who need to go to this primary care center, so they can do it with all the guarantees”, said Ibáñez.

For his part, the councilman of Urbanism has said that the project will be put out to tender soon, since “20% of the work must be justified for the month of November”, and that as indicated by the project, “it is foreseen that once they start up, the works have a duration of six months “, during which the medical service in Redován will not be interrupted.