The Plenary approves the agreement that will allow to allocate 90,000 euros of Delegation to restore the church

Redován 5/6/2017. The start-up of the restoration of the Parochial Church dedicated to San Miguel in Redován, one of the most singular buildings of the town raised in the early eighteenth century, is closer. The Plenary of the Corporation approved last Monday the agreement to subscribe with the Provincial Government of Alicante through which the provincial body will subsidize with up to 90,000 euros the project presented, which amounts to a total amount of 109,517.32.

This means that 82.1% of the budget will be borne by the provincial coffers, while the City Council must assume the rest and the parish will cover the entire project, “which is around 150,000,” says pastor Eloy Martin. The agreement that has been received includes the costs of the project as well as the direction of the work. The money from the Provincial Council will arrive as the works carried out are justified and based on the terms established in the agreement.

The temple has been with the years for a series of improvements and various maintenance works. During the last years since the Consistory, small grants have been granted to assume the cost of urgent works, but now it is intended to carry out a thorough action that ends the problems with the cornices and humidity that threaten the building. Martín reports that the last time he took part in the church of San Miguel “was during the 80s of the last century,” and points out that the parish will also assume part of the cost of the intervention. The priest indicates that he will act on the entire facade to solve the landslides of the exterior shelves. In the interior the sockets will be changed to prevent moisture problems and the whole church will be painted.

The works will begin during the summer and will oblige to close the building “at least for six months,” calculates the priest, who adds that during that time will have to move the cult to another space. The intention is that the works culminate at the end of the month of February, so the proceedings have been launched to tender this action urgently.

Open deadline to enroll in 2017 Summer Sports Schools

The courses will be from July 2 to 28 and the registration can be paid until June 28

The deadline for registering in the Summer Sports Schools is now open 2017. There will be activities for boys and girls born between the years 2005 and 2012 at the Municipal Sports School of summer July 2017 and the Municipal Tennis School of Summer July 2017, while swimming courses of the same month of July are aimed at students from 3 to 12 years of age.

The courses will be held from July 2 to 28 and the inscriptions will be FORMALIZED AND PAYABLE UNTIL JUNE 28. As of this date, the inscriptions will be made under available places (a previous phone call will be made at 618.014.504 or in person through the Department of Sports) and can not guarantee admitting the student out of time.

Schedule for the two schools (sports and tennis)

Entrance from 8:45 a.m. to 9:15 p.m.
Activities from 9:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Departure from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Timetables for swimming: The schedules of 9: 30-10: 15 are established (children 6-12 years old) 10: 30-11: 15 (small 3-5 years), 11: 30-12: 15 (children 6-12 Years). The schedules can be modified according to the demand. Swimming will be carried out in the heated pool

Prices:The three modes will cost € 50 if the monthly payment or a cost of € 30 is made if it is done in a bi-annual manner.

Registration and payment:

To formalize the registration they must first request the payment card in the City Hall, later fill out the registration form and finally deliver it to the Town Hall of Redován together with the stamped payment receipt.


The urban orchards of Redován will have a deposit for irrigation by dripping with the help of Diputación

Redován 24/5/2017. With only three months of life the ecological orchards of Redován already work at full capacity. The harvests are beginning to bear fruit and the efforts made by the Redondo City Council, aimed at obtaining funds to promote this municipal initiative, as well. These orchards have received a grant from the Provincial Council of Alicante of 4,000 euros for the conditioning and equipment of the facility, a part of the 7,787.94 euros provided for this work by the Consistory.

The aid is part of the provincial call for current expenditure and investment in municipal urban orchard projects, and as explained by Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López, will be allocated to “enable a deposit of 5,000 liters of water for irrigation by drip”. The mayor points out that the work is underway and that with the subsidy “the entire installation will be carried out, and adds that” in the gardens will be installed workbenches “that users will have at their disposal both to work as To rest for as long as they are in their orchards. ”

The City Council of Redován put in service in March a total of one thousand square meters divided into fifteen parcels that are ceded to its users for free to carry out the plantations that they deem convenient, as long as they allocate what they collect to the self consumption. They are located in the old park Paul VI with the aim also to recover an area that was degraded. The land cession is for a year and people interested in having an orchard a few meters from their home can request it through the municipal website: Application to use municipal ecological orchard where it indicates all the documentation that must be presented to make the request.

Redován resumes official rainfall record

The author of the MeteOrihuela Project, Pedro José Gómez Cascales, has installed an official Hellmann rain gauge at CEIP Sagrados Corazones de Redován. This completes the installation of a complete meteorological observatory in the municipality, since last March it installed a quality meteorological station, in order to reliably measure variables such as temperature, humidity, speed and direction of the wind , Dewpoint and precipitation.
Pedro José Gómez explains that although the State Meteorological Agency does not homologate this meteorological station or others of the market, since it owns its own equipment and is not commercialized, if it certifies the precipitation measures with the measuring instrument. Looking back, it is verified that only records of rain were recorded in Redován from 1972 to 1979, there are many gaps in the way, resulting in the lack of continuity of the data. Now MeteOrihuela wants to return to resume this activity, in a city where it has many followers.
In addition, this gadget is added to the teaching and learning tasks aimed at the students of the school, where they can check how the rain is measured correctly. All this has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the director of the center: Francisco Manzanares; His head of studies Amparo Puertas; His concierge Antonio Albertus; And professors like Adolfo Arronis.
All of MeteOrihuela’s activity can be followed on the MeteOrihuela website (, as well as on Facebook (, Twitter ( and the Instagram (

Redován supports the #StopAhogados campaign to reduce beach and pool deaths

Redován, 18/5/2017. The Real Federación Española de Salvamento y Socorrismo has requested the support of the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP) In its campaign of prevention of accidents in aquatic facilities and natural aquatic spaces. It is an initiative aimed at reducing the number of drowning deaths that occur each year in Spain and that in 2017 already exceeds one hundred people.

To this end, the Royal Federation, together with the European Federation and the World Federation for Rescue and Rescue, has undertaken the #StopAhogados campaign, which, as it could not be otherwise, is joined by Redován City Council, in order to mitigate As far as possible drowning deaths. We do not have a beach, but we have it very close, and the public and private swimming pools in our area are practically already in use, so we ask for a lot of precaution and follow these simple tips so that we have a summer without fuss.

The City Council reduces to 11 days the average payment period to suppliers in the first quarter of 2017

Redován 05/03/2017. The City Council of Redován pays the bills to its suppliers in an average of eleven days since they are presented in the Consistory. This data makes the local administration Redovanense one of the least delayed payment of its obligations in the entire province. This has been achieved thanks to the work of the Department of Finance, whose head, Adrián Ballester, reports that in 2011 it took an average of 483 days to comply with the obligation to pay for the work done for the municipality, that is, Companies charged more than one year after providing the service.

“When we arrived at the municipal government, the law for the average period of payment to suppliers was not complied with, we marked it as an objective and little by little we managed not only to be within the time limits established by the regulations but to reduce them to Maximum “, explains Ballester. In 2015, it was achieved that suppliers will charge 44 days, a figure that has declined clearly in 2016, with 34 days on average until reaching the first quarter of 2017 at the eleven days with which it is paid in The news to companies that work for the Consistory. Ballester assures that this is “an obligation of any government because in many cases it is about small local companies that must count as soon as possible with money that their managers have advanced in order to carry out the work.