Redován incorporates two unemployed young people under 30 years of age through the EMPUJU 2022 Program

The City Council of Redován has incorporated two young people under 30 years of age who were unemployed. These two new municipal employees will carry out their work for one year, until July 17, 2023, through Labora's EMPUJU 2022 Program co-financed by the European Social Fund.

The grant awarded is 33,031.44 euros and the jobs to be performed will be masonry laborers for the maintenance of urban public spaces and administrative assistants for the management of the local administration. The Councilor for Employment, Maite Martínez, explained that, as every year, the Redován City Council benefits from this aid co-financed by the European Union "which allows us to provide work, in this case to two young people under 30 years of age who they were unemployed, and on the other hand, we managed to improve our town thanks to their work, with which, all the citizens of Redovan benefit from these aids”.

The old gymnasium in Redován begins its conversion into classrooms to accommodate students from the Sagrados Corazones School

Redován Town Council is to start converting the old municipal gymnasium into training classrooms. The Councillor for Education, Rebeca Martínez, explains that these facilities “will initially accommodate the students of the Sagrados Corazones School who have to move due to the extension work on this centre, and will then remain open for training courses which may be organised in our municipality by the Town Council or other institutions or organisations”.


The councillor for Town Planning, José Nájar, explained the work to be carried out, which involves the creation of six classrooms on the ground floor and first floor with their corresponding toilets and service areas. The constructed surface area of the project is 638.14 metres spread over the two floors. “On the ground floor there will be a covered access, the entrance and distribution, two toilets, a multi-purpose room and two classrooms, while on the first floor there will be a distributor that will serve two offices and four other classrooms”.


Basically, said Nájar, “it is about redistributing the current spaces to the existing educational needs of our municipality”, and among other things it will be provided with accessibility through a ramp and handrail at the entrance, change of lighting, review of electrical installations, plumbing and sanitation and placement of a security fence to prevent access to the existing staircase when leaving the centre.


Last Friday a visit was made to the facilities together with representatives of the company that is going to carry out the adaptation once the contract has been awarded so that work can begin in the next few days. This is the first phase of the project carried out by local architect Alejandra Fernández Mateo.

Redován incorporates 18 agricultural labourers to carry out the maintenance and cleaning of ravines and paths.

The Redován Town Council has incorporated, as it does every summer, 18 agricultural labourers into the municipal workforce, who will be dedicated to the maintenance and cleaning of ravines, rural roads, the recreational area of La Ermita and streets and squares in the municipality, especially in the rural districts of El Rincón and San Carlos. These contracts are carried out on the basis of the SEPE-Local Councils Agreement for Depressed Rural Areas through a grant of 86,562 euros to cover salary costs.

The Councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, explained that the labourers will work for 70 real days and that they will mainly be clearing gullies, collecting waste and clearing brush, stones and branches “in order to improve the rural environment of our rural roads, as well as cleaning and maintaining the recreational area of La Ermita, the street Polideportivo Los Pasos, public squares and various areas of the districts of San Carlos and El Rincón that require this type of action”.

Martínez added that “we also favour the creation of jobs and the training of the people involved, while improving our environment with work that, for example, allows us to keep the ravines clean in the event of possible flooding, especially during the autumn”.

Redován Town Council launches aid to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses and the self-employed in the municipality.

Until the 14th of July you can apply at the Redován Town Hall for aid to minimise the economic impact of COVID-19 for SMEs, micro-SMEs, small self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals in Redován within the 2022 year. “Once again this year we want the people of Redován who strive every day to move their businesses forward to have this help from the City Council, through the grant we receive from the Provincial Council of Alicante, to help facilitate the maintenance of the activity and the jobs it generates,” explained the Councillor for Employment, Maite Martinez.

Those interested can now consult the rules and all the documentation on the notice board of the Electronic Headquarters of the Redován Town Hall through the website, as well as in this same entry, in the documents that can be downloaded at the end of it. SMEs, micro-SMEs, freelancers and professionals who meet the requirement that the monthly average of the months for which the aid is to be requested, which must be between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022, has been equal to or less than the monthly average invoiced in the same months in 2019, may benefit from them.

Eligible expenses may include self-employment fees, monthly business rent, consultancy and advisory fees, water and electricity, telephone, internet, business security, equipment maintenance, interest on loans for the purchase of premises, insurance premiums for premises or commercial vehicles, rental of commercial vehicles, or interest on loans for the purchase of commercial vehicles. All paid between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022. The rules establish that the maximum aid to be received will be 4,000 euros per applicant. Applications must be submitted via the Town Hall’s Electronic Headquarters along with all the documentation.

The Redován Town Council has a budget of 59,085 euros provided by a named grant from the Provincial Council of Alicante, “and whenever aid of this type is put in place we will be applying for it so that our companies and entrepreneurs can move their businesses forward and not be doomed to closure,” said the head of the municipality.

Anuncio en el BOP.


The Redován City Council celebrates World Environment Day at the Sagrados Corazones School

The City Council of Redován wanted this year’s celebration of World Environment Day to focus on the work carried out in this area by the Colegio Sagrados Corazones, and, therefore, this day was celebrated with the students and teachers from college. The school center has been developing the project ‘RedovánpolisGo! The sustainable people’ that has just received the first prize at the national level in the category of health, well-being and food in the XII School Contest ‘Let’s take care of the Environment’. The Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López, has assured that “it was worth delaying the celebration of this day that took place yesterday, Sunday, to be able to share it with such an important asset in caring for the environment in Redován, such as the school ”.

The mayor, who has been accompanied by the Councilor for Education, Rebeca Martínez, and the mayor, Nely Ruiz, as well as management personnel from the school and those responsible for Redovánpolis, added that these workshops and activities “we want them to serve as a token of appreciation from all the people of Redován to the work that is carried out in the school, since it is very important that we contribute to improving the environment from childhood and in our homes, through recycling, the reuse of objects and with this, we reduce the waste that we generate. In this sense, he has recalled that on many occasions it is the boys and girls who take home everything they have learned and encourage their parents to recycle.

During the morning, different activities were held, among which the presentation of the ecological municipal school garden stood out, “which comes to enrich that environmental and sustainable project of the school and for whose implementation the City Council has also collaborated”, he said the concilor.

For its realization they have had the collaboration of the Vega Baja Sustainable Consortium, which has developed the recycling workshops and the boys and girls have had the opportunity to see closely the truck that is in charge of the equipment collection service, as well as the sweeper of the latest generation that is used in cleaning the streets of Redován “which we have labeled with the logo of the school project, so that it can be made known throughout our town”, indicated the mayor.

Calle Abajo in Redován will have new water supply and drainage networks and improved accessibility.

Redován 23/5/2022. Redován Town Council has launched the tendering process for the works on Calle Abajo. This street, located in the heart of the old part of the town, has obsolete sewage and drainage networks, which led the Redován Council to apply for funds from the Alicante Provincial Council’s Plan + Water 2021, which will cover the 150,000 euro budget for the work. The councillor for Town Planning, José Nájar, reports that the malfunctioning of the water infrastructure in Calle Abajo, given its age, causes constant breaks, “with the consequent inconvenience for the people who live there”, and adds that the planned action will not only completely remodel the underground pipes, “but will make this street much more accessible, as it will be redeveloped on a single platform, with no difference in height between pavements and roadway, maintaining the aesthetics of nearby streets in the old town that have already been remodelled”.

The works project indicates that the current sewerage network consists of concrete pipes, of small diameter and with hardly any house connections. With regard to the sewerage system, the pipework is also of insufficient diameter, added to the age of the network, while the water supply network has the same problems of age and breakdowns, which has led to excessive maintenance costs and constant water losses. On top of all this, the network is not meshed, so when there are breakdowns the number of users affected is greater than it should be.

The work will consist of replacing all the pipes in the sewage and water supply networks and then resurfacing the street with prefabricated cobblestones in which the road and pavement will be colour-coded. For José Nájar, “with these improvements, Calle Abajo will gain in terms of infrastructure, accessibility and image”. The execution period will be four months once the work has been awarded to a company and work begins.