Redován’s Flood Management Plan includes a dozen actions to avoid the collapse of the town in the event of torrential rains

The councillor for Town Planning at Redován Town Hall, José Nájar, today gave a press conference detailing the Flood Prevention Plan for the municipality, which was approved by the Town Council last November. This document is the central theme of a Spokesmen’s Meeting that was also held today in the Consistory redovanense with the assistance of the technical drafters of the plan, both external and municipal, to explain the detail to all parties with municipal representation. “From the government team we want all the citizens of Redován can also know it, since it is the document that will serve us in the coming years as a guide to carry out a series of actions, ten in total, to avoid problems in our streets when there are episodes of torrential rains,” said the councillor.

The plan details the problems that exist in Redován in the event of heavy rainfall and establishes a series of solutions to be implemented. The first two will be paid for with the funds that the Generalitat’s Plan Vega Renhace has made available to the local councils in the region, 400,000 euros with which two actions will be carried out. One of them will be in the Plaza Pablo VI, so that an underground tank can be reused as an urban drainage system, in addition to redeveloping the green area on the surface. The second action involves a landscaping intervention in the Ermita area, continuing with those that have been carried out previously, which will restore vegetation to the area known as La Pinada, which has historically been affected by flooding.

The total amount of the Flood Master Plan exceeds 22 million euros, “so we must be aware that it is a roadmap that we hope can be implemented in the long term,” said Nájar. The town planning councillor explained that the Town Hall is going to apply for all possible aid to obtain the necessary funds to move forward as soon as possible, and has indicated that the next source of funding may be the European Union, “which has another call for proposals underway in which we can opt to obtain another 400,000 euros”.

For Nájar, this plan is important “insofar as it detects the problems we have and provides solutions to them”. According to the document, in the event of heavy rains, Redován receives water from seven ravines in the mountains that pour directly into the town centre; an eighth that isolates the Barrio San Carlos from the town centre in the event of not excessively heavy rains; various runoffs that pour into both the Barrio del Rincón and Barrio San Carlos, and the water flows that come from the Rambla de Abanilla and its forks (Rambla Redován and Rambla Culebra).

The actions proposed, in addition to those already indicated in Pablo VI and in the area of La Ermita, include the installation of drainage systems in the Acequia Mayor; extension of the drainage network in the town centre, the construction of a storm tank in a municipal green area; extension of the drainage network in the road connecting the town centre and the San Carlos neighbourhood and extension of the drains in San Carlos; drainage systems in the area of El Cabezo; sensorisation and action in the ravines that affect the urban area.

Nájar insisted that this is a guide for actions that will have to be carried out in the coming years based on the funds available. He recalled that this plan is being implemented with some of the problems we had in Redován in the process of being solved, as in the case of the Barrio María Ros, where the Provincial Council of Alicante is carrying out work to prevent flooding in the streets. The intention is to opt for all the aid that is made available to us by all the institutions”.

The Redován Town Council includes the adaptation of a green area in El Rincón in the new parks contract.

Redován 1/3/2022. The Governing Board of the Redován Town Council has given the green light to the tendering of a new contract for the maintenance of parks and gardens in the municipality which includes, as an improvement, the adaptation of a green space in El Rincón. This contract will update the current one to provide service to all the areas created in recent years, and also takes into account the increased cost of materials, as explained by the councillor for Contracting, José Nájar. For all these reasons, the amount has also increased to 115,000 euros per year (26,000 more than the previous one) for a contract that will last for four years, “which makes it one of the most important in terms of quantity of those implemented by this Town Hall”, said the councillor.


Nájar explained that the company which undertakes to carry out the new green area in the El Rincón neighbourhood as soon as possible after the service is awarded “will obtain a higher score, as the drafting of the tender documents gives priority to carrying out this work”. The councillor indicated that, once the service is awarded, in a few months El Rincón will have a park equipped with artificial grass, rubber paving and a place to practice calisthenics with horizontal and vertical stairs and five modules of dominated straight bars, materials and finishes in compliance with European standards.


According to the councillor for Contracting, “the Redován Town Council has drawn up a set of specifications for the benefit of our green spaces and, therefore, our citizens”. In this way, the councillor specifies, “we are responding to the needs of all the green areas of Redován, as those that have been created in recent years were not included in the previous contract and it is necessary for them to be included in the maintenance to be carried out by the service”.

The Redován Town Council celebrates Women’s Month and extends the commemoration of 8M to the whole of March.

Redován 23/2/2022. Redován Town Council, through the Department of Social Services, has prepared an extensive programme of activities to celebrate Women’s Month. In this way, the commemoration of 8M, International Women’s Day, will be extended to the whole month of March. The councillor for Social Services, Marisol Ibáñez, and the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, today presented the programme of events which begins on 6 March with the naming of Redován Women 2022, which will take place at 11.30 am in the Town Hall Plenary Hall.

The mayoress explained that this year “in which it seems that we are beginning to emerge from the pandemic that has prevented us from celebrating Women’s Month as we would have liked in previous years, we wanted to highlight the role of women in the health system”. Hence both the photographic exhibition ‘Women of Redován’ and the naming of Redován Women 2022 will focus this year on healthcare professionals in all job positions from doctors to nurses, assistants, lightning technicians, cooks, cleaners, managers, receptionists, etc.

Nely Ruiz announced that the Redován Town Council “will present the Mujer 2022 award to Doctor María Ballester, a native of Redován who carries out her daily work as an oncologist at the Vega Baja Hospital, focusing on breast and gynaecological cancer”. María Ballester has been trained in this field since the beginning of her professional career in the Medical Oncology Service of the General University Hospital of Elche. During these years she has continued her training and has a Master’s Degree in Medical and Surgical Research and a Specialised Master’s Degree from the Spanish Society of Oncology. In addition, he has participated in various research projects and scientific publications, receiving in 2016 the second national prize in the Oncology Clinical Case Competition.

Marisol Ibáñez specified that the entire programme is part of the Vital campaign of the La Vega Association of Social Services, to which Redován belongs, and which is aimed at highlighting the care work that falls to women. The councillor explained the rest of the activities. On 7 March at 19.30 hours and in online mode, there will be a session of Feminist Reading Club that will focus on the book ‘Tsunami: Feminist Perspectives’. On 10 March the Social Centre for the Elderly will host a workshop on female sexuality, while on Friday 11 March there will be a stand at the Friday market where information on equality will be handed out. Equality Market: The value of care’ will be the slogan on the stand that will be open all morning at the market.

“On the 11th we also have one of the main events of this month, with the dinner that we will share in Salones Thamesis,” said the councillor, who recalled that there is a deadline until 7 March to sign up through the Aracelia (650 219 570) and Redován Women’s Association (667 863 378). “We will share an evening full of surprises and very lively with DJ Marcos and Víctor Sigüenza and the performance of Miriam and Fátima,” explained Ibáñez.

Regarding the photographic exhibition ‘Mujeres trabajadoras de Redován’, the inauguration will take place on 12.30 p.m. in the Exhibition Hall of the Social Centre. Although it was originally planned to have around 30 photos, this exhibition has become much bigger “as there are many women in Redován who work at all levels of the health sector and who have wanted to participate”, said the councillor, who hopes that all of them, those who are in the photos and those who are not, can see themselves reflected in them.

On 16 March the Social Centre for the Elderly will host a laughter therapy workshop at eight o’clock in the evening aimed at women, and on the 17th it will be the turn of the ‘Educating for equality’ workshop at the Sagrados Corazones school. On 24th March, the activity will return to the Social Centre for the Elderly, with the talk ‘Slowlife. Learn to slow down’ and we finish the month with the Emotional Wellbeing workshop on the 30th, also at the Social Centre for the Elderly at eight o’clock in the evening.

“We are also planning a trip to visit the neighbouring city of Murcia and its many cultural elements on the 26th of March,” said the councillor. Marisol Ibáñez predicted the success of all these activities “because every day, the women of Redován show that they want to be active and have the same opportunities as men, and from the Town Hall we are working to provide them with the necessary tools to develop themselves without having to leave Redován”.

The councillor for Social Services thanked the women’s associations of Redován and the La Vega Association of Social Services for their collaboration in the development of this extensive programme.

Redován tackles the technological modernisation of the Centre for the Elderly and prepares the refurbishment of the ground floor

Redován 16/2/2022. The Redován Town Council, through the Department of Social Services, has launched the technological modernisation of the Centre for the Elderly, and is already preparing the reform of the ground floor of this building. The councillor responsible for the area, Marisol Ibáñez, explained that part of the new acquisitions have been made with subsidies obtained by the Generalitat Valenciana through the Conselleria de Inclusion and the Diputación Provincial de Alicante.

In the case of the Generalitat, a grant of 10,201.51 euros has enabled the purchase of ten laptops, a digital whiteboard and another whiteboard to replace the traditional chalk board. “With this material that we already have here we are going to carry out workshops, with the aim that the elderly people of Redován learn to use new technologies and can have autonomy, to carry out online procedures or to enjoy entertainment through digital platforms or any type of streaming broadcasts”. The Diputación has awarded another grant, in this case of 870 euros, which has been used to buy a screen and a projector for the ground floor.

98,391 euros from the Diputación to update the ground floor

Marisol Ibáñez explains that the building itself is the one which has received the greatest investment, as the Town Hall has taken action in recent months to change the floor and doors on the first floor, while the Alicante Provincial Council has granted a subsidy of 98,391 euros which will be used to refurbish the entire ground floor. “It is the area that has become the most obsolete, and what we want is for it to be in keeping with the rest of the building so that our elderly people can fully enjoy its facilities”.

Redován Town Council creates the first municipal paddle tennis court in Los Pasos Sports Centre

Redován will have a complete, fully municipal racquetball area in the Los Pasos Sports Centre once the project, which has already begun to be processed by the Town Planning Department, is completed. Councillor José Nájar explained that the project, which involves the creation of a new paddle tennis court and the repair of the two existing tennis courts in this sports area, is financed with funds from the Alicante Provincial Council’s +Deporte plan and has a basic tender budget of 48,399.76 euros.

The execution project has been drawn up by the Redovan architect Sergio Pina Belmonte and includes the creation of the paddle tennis court. This will be located on the esplanade next to the access to the heated swimming pool, while the two existing tennis courts will also be repaired. Among the improvements to be added to what was initially planned is the repair of the exterior paving around the paddle tennis court, which currently has an irregular and deteriorated finish, as well as the installation of two benches to serve the court. 

The Councillor for Sports, Ramón López Escarabajal, said that with this work “we are completing one of the busiest areas of our sports centre in both summer and winter, and we are giving the many paddle tennis fans in Redován the chance to practice this sport in a municipal facility which until now did not exist”.

At today’s meeting, the Local Government Board approved the basic project and the execution of the works, which, once they get underway, could be ready in three months

The ‘Grifo de Redován’ Awards will recognise the work of people and entities in favour of the progress of the municipality.

The Redován Town Council has launched a series of awards which seek to recognise the work of individuals, clubs, groups and entities in favour of the progress of the municipality of Redován. The mayoress, Nely Ruiz, and the councillor Ramón López have announced this initiative called the Grifo Awards, which will highlight in the trophy that the winners will receive the one of the symbols of the municipality, the Grifo de Redován, an Iberian sculpture of great value found at the end of the 19th century during an excavation and which can currently be visited in the National Archaeological Museum in Madrid.

Ramón López explained that “each month an award will be named, so that at the end of the year we will have 12 people, entities or groups to whom the award will be presented at a gala that will bring them all together”. The councillor pointed out that the award will be given for the work they carry out in their jobs, through altruistic actions or any other type of action “to help people from Redován or to take the name of our town beyond our borders”. For her part, the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, said that “it is about recognising in some way the work carried out by many people in Redován from all walks of life, who help us to develop and grow as people and as a town”. The first of the Grifo Awards is the one for the month of January, which has gone to an officer of the Redován Local Police. In this case, Manuel Miguel Belmonte Heredia was recognised for his professional work. He was one of the officers who acted in the arrest of two people in December as alleged perpetrators of several robberies in shops in Redovan and has almost 20 years of service in the municipal security corps in which he says he has experienced rewarding situations but also hard, “but it is my job and my choice”, while the winner shares the award with “each and every one of my colleagues, who leave their skin on the street every day.