Redován launches a promotion campaign for local businesses to encourage consumption in the municipality

  • The City Council produces three videos showing that all kinds of products and services can be accessed without having to travel.

In Redován I have everything’ is the slogan of the campaign launched by the Redován Town Council to boost consumption in the municipality and promote the local economy. “It is very important that after everything we have been through, first the Dana, then the pandemic, and the economic crisis in which we find ourselves, caused by both disasters, the citizens of Redován take into account that our town has a wide range of products and services, and as the video says, if they don’t have it, they bring it to you without having to look for it outside”, says the mayoress, Nely Ruiz.

This campaign consists of three videos. The first has already been broadcast on different municipal communication channels and is related to trade. The second, related to the customs of Redovan and focused on the hotel and catering industry, has just been circulated through various social networks. And the third, which will arrive at the end of the year, will be dedicated to traditions, focusing on the typical Redovan Christmas sweets that are famous beyond the borders of the municipality. In all cases the videos have been produced with the support of the Costa Blanca Tourist Board of the Alicante Provincial Council “and the aim is to promote our local products, which are many and of high quality, because we often go out to look for things that we can find in our shops,” said the mayor of Commerce and Markets, Maite Martinez.

Martínez recalled that the Town Council, within its means, has put in place “all the economic aid that has been made available to us from higher institutions, but we also felt that it was necessary to generate a feeling of belonging to a group among the people of Redovan, a group of which each of us who live here forms part and in which we must help each other”. For her part, the councillor for the hotel and catering industry, Clara Ezcurra, considered that this sector “which has suffered above all from the closures and curfews, has the support of the Town Council in everything we can do”. That is why the hotel and catering industry, as part of our customs, is also a protagonist in this campaign.

Ezcurra has encouraged consumption in bars and restaurants in Redován, and recalled that one of the support measures that has been adopted in the coming months has been the pedestrianisation of streets and squares to encourage consumption in these establishments. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of both the product and the people who struggle every day to open their businesses in Redován. “The videos are dynamic, as is the dynamic society of Redovan, and with them we also want to send out a message of hope, because together we are going to get out of this crisis as we have got out of previous ones,” concluded the mayoress.