Redován will grant a 50% bonus on municipal capital gains in cases of inheritance and when economic activity is promoted.

The City Council of Redován held yesterday the Plenary for the month of July, a session of the Corporation in which, among other things, has adapted the Tax Ordinance Regulating the Tax on the Increase in the Value of Urban Land, better known as Plusvalía, to the current regulations of Royal Decree Law 26/2021. The councilman of Urbanism, José Nájar, explained that “what we have done has been to modify the ordinance based on state regulations and, at the same time, we have taken the opportunity to introduce at the municipal level some bonuses that we consider, on the one hand, that will ease the pocket of people who receive an inheritance, and on the other, to make it less uphill to buy premises for those who want to start their business in Redován”.

The councilman refers to the bonuses introduced in Article 8 of the municipal regulations, which establishes the reduction of 50% of the tax quota in the transfer of land by inheritance, and the same amount in the case of economic activities declared of special interest or municipal utility due to social, cultural, historical-artistic or employment promotion circumstances that justify such a declaration. “In recent years we have seen how there are people who are even forced to give up their inheritances to cope with the Plusvalía, as well as the problems, mainly economic, which are found by those who want to start their businesses,” said Nájar, who added that “in Redován we want to minimize the maximum burden on citizens, and we thought this was an opportunity to do so in the case of the Plusvalía, as we had to modify the ordinance after the latest regulatory changes made at the state level.”

On the other hand, during the plenary session another step was taken for the implementation of the works of adequacy and expansion of the CEIP Sagrados Corazones, with the award of the execution contract, while a motion aimed at facilitating the regularization of housing considered illegal in the municipality was also approved at the request of the popular group. This point, dealt with through a motion that also defended the councilman of Urbanism, urges the Generalitat Valenciana to facilitate the legalization of the constructions made after August 20, 2014. José Nájar explained that the Law of Land Management, Urban Planning and Landscape of the Valencian Community (LOTUP) gives the possibility to the owners of these properties to regularize them through special plans to minimize impact. “From the City Council of Redován we set to work, which has allowed us to identify more than 400 buildings in the municipality out of management,” said Nájar, who has specified that from the conclusions of the study carried out it is clear that only buildings completed before the aforementioned date of August 20, 2014 could be regularized, “a date that we do not understand and that we consider necessary to change, so that they can benefit from the minimization plan almost all of the properties built out of order, thus avoiding that unfair situations may occur, “concluded the mayor.


The Redován Town Council celebrates Women’s Month and extends the commemoration of 8M to the whole of March.

Redován 23/2/2022. Redován Town Council, through the Department of Social Services, has prepared an extensive programme of activities to celebrate Women’s Month. In this way, the commemoration of 8M, International Women’s Day, will be extended to the whole month of March. The councillor for Social Services, Marisol Ibáñez, and the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, today presented the programme of events which begins on 6 March with the naming of Redován Women 2022, which will take place at 11.30 am in the Town Hall Plenary Hall.

The mayoress explained that this year “in which it seems that we are beginning to emerge from the pandemic that has prevented us from celebrating Women’s Month as we would have liked in previous years, we wanted to highlight the role of women in the health system”. Hence both the photographic exhibition ‘Women of Redován’ and the naming of Redován Women 2022 will focus this year on healthcare professionals in all job positions from doctors to nurses, assistants, lightning technicians, cooks, cleaners, managers, receptionists, etc.

Nely Ruiz announced that the Redován Town Council “will present the Mujer 2022 award to Doctor María Ballester, a native of Redován who carries out her daily work as an oncologist at the Vega Baja Hospital, focusing on breast and gynaecological cancer”. María Ballester has been trained in this field since the beginning of her professional career in the Medical Oncology Service of the General University Hospital of Elche. During these years she has continued her training and has a Master’s Degree in Medical and Surgical Research and a Specialised Master’s Degree from the Spanish Society of Oncology. In addition, he has participated in various research projects and scientific publications, receiving in 2016 the second national prize in the Oncology Clinical Case Competition.

Marisol Ibáñez specified that the entire programme is part of the Vital campaign of the La Vega Association of Social Services, to which Redován belongs, and which is aimed at highlighting the care work that falls to women. The councillor explained the rest of the activities. On 7 March at 19.30 hours and in online mode, there will be a session of Feminist Reading Club that will focus on the book ‘Tsunami: Feminist Perspectives’. On 10 March the Social Centre for the Elderly will host a workshop on female sexuality, while on Friday 11 March there will be a stand at the Friday market where information on equality will be handed out. Equality Market: The value of care’ will be the slogan on the stand that will be open all morning at the market.

“On the 11th we also have one of the main events of this month, with the dinner that we will share in Salones Thamesis,” said the councillor, who recalled that there is a deadline until 7 March to sign up through the Aracelia (650 219 570) and Redován Women’s Association (667 863 378). “We will share an evening full of surprises and very lively with DJ Marcos and Víctor Sigüenza and the performance of Miriam and Fátima,” explained Ibáñez.

Regarding the photographic exhibition ‘Mujeres trabajadoras de Redován’, the inauguration will take place on 12.30 p.m. in the Exhibition Hall of the Social Centre. Although it was originally planned to have around 30 photos, this exhibition has become much bigger “as there are many women in Redován who work at all levels of the health sector and who have wanted to participate”, said the councillor, who hopes that all of them, those who are in the photos and those who are not, can see themselves reflected in them.

On 16 March the Social Centre for the Elderly will host a laughter therapy workshop at eight o’clock in the evening aimed at women, and on the 17th it will be the turn of the ‘Educating for equality’ workshop at the Sagrados Corazones school. On 24th March, the activity will return to the Social Centre for the Elderly, with the talk ‘Slowlife. Learn to slow down’ and we finish the month with the Emotional Wellbeing workshop on the 30th, also at the Social Centre for the Elderly at eight o’clock in the evening.

“We are also planning a trip to visit the neighbouring city of Murcia and its many cultural elements on the 26th of March,” said the councillor. Marisol Ibáñez predicted the success of all these activities “because every day, the women of Redován show that they want to be active and have the same opportunities as men, and from the Town Hall we are working to provide them with the necessary tools to develop themselves without having to leave Redován”.

The councillor for Social Services thanked the women’s associations of Redován and the La Vega Association of Social Services for their collaboration in the development of this extensive programme.

The ‘Grifo de Redován’ Awards will recognise the work of people and entities in favour of the progress of the municipality.

The Redován Town Council has launched a series of awards which seek to recognise the work of individuals, clubs, groups and entities in favour of the progress of the municipality of Redován. The mayoress, Nely Ruiz, and the councillor Ramón López have announced this initiative called the Grifo Awards, which will highlight in the trophy that the winners will receive the one of the symbols of the municipality, the Grifo de Redován, an Iberian sculpture of great value found at the end of the 19th century during an excavation and which can currently be visited in the National Archaeological Museum in Madrid.

Ramón López explained that “each month an award will be named, so that at the end of the year we will have 12 people, entities or groups to whom the award will be presented at a gala that will bring them all together”. The councillor pointed out that the award will be given for the work they carry out in their jobs, through altruistic actions or any other type of action “to help people from Redován or to take the name of our town beyond our borders”. For her part, the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, said that “it is about recognising in some way the work carried out by many people in Redován from all walks of life, who help us to develop and grow as people and as a town”. The first of the Grifo Awards is the one for the month of January, which has gone to an officer of the Redován Local Police. In this case, Manuel Miguel Belmonte Heredia was recognised for his professional work. He was one of the officers who acted in the arrest of two people in December as alleged perpetrators of several robberies in shops in Redovan and has almost 20 years of service in the municipal security corps in which he says he has experienced rewarding situations but also hard, “but it is my job and my choice”, while the winner shares the award with “each and every one of my colleagues, who leave their skin on the street every day.

Redován launches a promotion campaign for local businesses to encourage consumption in the municipality

  • The City Council produces three videos showing that all kinds of products and services can be accessed without having to travel.

In Redován I have everything’ is the slogan of the campaign launched by the Redován Town Council to boost consumption in the municipality and promote the local economy. “It is very important that after everything we have been through, first the Dana, then the pandemic, and the economic crisis in which we find ourselves, caused by both disasters, the citizens of Redován take into account that our town has a wide range of products and services, and as the video says, if they don’t have it, they bring it to you without having to look for it outside”, says the mayoress, Nely Ruiz.

This campaign consists of three videos. The first has already been broadcast on different municipal communication channels and is related to trade. The second, related to the customs of Redovan and focused on the hotel and catering industry, has just been circulated through various social networks. And the third, which will arrive at the end of the year, will be dedicated to traditions, focusing on the typical Redovan Christmas sweets that are famous beyond the borders of the municipality. In all cases the videos have been produced with the support of the Costa Blanca Tourist Board of the Alicante Provincial Council “and the aim is to promote our local products, which are many and of high quality, because we often go out to look for things that we can find in our shops,” said the mayor of Commerce and Markets, Maite Martinez.

Martínez recalled that the Town Council, within its means, has put in place “all the economic aid that has been made available to us from higher institutions, but we also felt that it was necessary to generate a feeling of belonging to a group among the people of Redovan, a group of which each of us who live here forms part and in which we must help each other”. For her part, the councillor for the hotel and catering industry, Clara Ezcurra, considered that this sector “which has suffered above all from the closures and curfews, has the support of the Town Council in everything we can do”. That is why the hotel and catering industry, as part of our customs, is also a protagonist in this campaign.

Ezcurra has encouraged consumption in bars and restaurants in Redován, and recalled that one of the support measures that has been adopted in the coming months has been the pedestrianisation of streets and squares to encourage consumption in these establishments. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of both the product and the people who struggle every day to open their businesses in Redován. “The videos are dynamic, as is the dynamic society of Redovan, and with them we also want to send out a message of hope, because together we are going to get out of this crisis as we have got out of previous ones,” concluded the mayoress.

Redován City Council opens an information and processing office for aid to those affected by the floods

  • City Council will attend for two weeks in the afternoon, from 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., to people who make an appointment at 96 675 40 25

Redován City Council opens from tomorrow, Tuesday, September 24, an information and processing office to aid with paperwork to those affected by the floods. Said office will work in the afternoon, from 16.30 to 19.30, during the next two weeks. The spokesman of the government team and Councilor for Emergencies, Adrián Ballester, and the mayor, Nely Ruiz, today announced the start-up of facilities that will be attended by eight municipal officials and that will assist people who previously request an appointment by calling City Hall, at 96 675 40 25.

Ballester has explained the three types of aid to which those who have suffered some type of damage to their properties can resort. On the one hand those of the Insurance Compensation Consortium, which covers those people and goods (homes and vehicles) that have insurance. In second place are the aid approved last Friday by the Generalitat Valenciana, the most urgent that of the calls, which affects the damages of first necessity in homes and that must be processed before October 11. In this case “up to 4,500 euros can be obtained, although as soon as it is processed, the Generalitat directly gives 1,500 euros,” said Adrián Ballester. The mayor has commented that to request them you must provide the housing data, an account number with a receipt that shows that you are the owner, as well as the documentation that proves the property (deed, IBI taxes, simple registration note, etc. ), or the contract in the case of rentals.

“For the moment, this aid can be processed for essential goods, although they cannot be requested for vehicles, but we will be informing about how to request them once they are approved, also enabling another line for people who have lost their entire home, to which we will inform personally, ”he said. Ballester has also specified that in third place are the State aids, enabled after the Council of Ministers declared the catastrophic zone. “In this regard, you can also request, through the Civil Protection website, housing assistance and furniture purchase.” In his case there are two months that began to count last Saturday to request them.

With these measures, it is intended to simplify the procedures for the residents of the municipality to the maximum, “and that is why we have launched this personalized attention by appointment,” said the mayor, who has urged the people affected to request this attention if needed “because, especially in the case of damage to homes, it is urgently processed and the deadline ends on October 11”.

Redován crowns its queens at the beginning of town’s celebrations that will last throughout the month

  • Judith Espinosa is Queen of Sympathy, Belén Cascales receives the crown of Youth and Cristina Martínez is proclaimed Queen of Festivities

The management holidays in honor of the Virgin of Health of Redován began their journey last Saturday with the election and coronation of queens for this year 2019. Cristina Martínez Barberá is already the Queen of the Fiestas of the municipality, while Judith Espinosa Santos and Belén Cascales Manzano were chosen as Queen of Sympathy and Queen of Youth, respectively. In addition, the reading of the proclamation of parties, by Miguel Monera Martínez, put the finishing touch to the event that took place in the Plaza de la Paz, and that marked the beginning of a complete program of activities that will take place until next September 29th.

After the exhibition of grass and yarn made by the Barraca La Gramaera and the refreshing activities related to water that took place throughout Sunday, the programming of the festivities continues this week with the opening of barracks from 21:00 hours on  September the 4th. Thursday at noon will be when joy and music will be on the streets of Redován thanks to the Charanga-Tapeo.

The Flower Offering will start on Friday, September 6 at 8:00 p.m. from Plaza Miguel Hernández, after which the shot of the Great Chupinazo will take place from the balcony of the City Hall in charge of the Festero de Honor, César Vegara Cuadrado, representative for Los Templarios. Upon completion, the Retreta will take place until the Plaza de la Cruz. Saturday will be the day to enjoy the General Parade of Peñas, Barracas and Queens from 9:00 p.m. starting at the Plaza de la Cruz and the Serenade to the Virgin of Health at the church of San Miguel at 00:30, with a special Verbena dedicated to the elders of the municipality in the courtyard of the Sacred Hearts school after its completion.

The week will conclude with the big day the festivities, the one dedicated to the patron saint, the Virgin of Health, on Sunday, September 8th. The day will begin with a solemn Mass in hes honor from 12:00 noon. In the afternoon, at 8:00 p.m., the procession dedicated to the Virgin will begin, with fireworks and Gran Verbena firing at the Plaza de la Paz at its end.