Redován announces the programming of its celebrations of the Virgin of Health and San Miguel for 2019

  • The inaguration speech for the celebrations, as well as the election and coronation of the queens, the acts that will give impetus to almost a month of celebrations and activities

The municipality of Redován has kicked off its patron celebrations dedicated to the Virgin of Health and San Miguel, with the act of presenting its party book, which this year opens with the illustration of its cover “a window to Redován de la ilusión ”, as the author indicates, who prefers to remain anonymous, as explained by the mayor of the municipality, Nely Ruiz. The festive book brings together the most important events of the last year in the municipality, as well as stories, customs, anecdotes and stories provided by the neighbors.

Nely Ruiz thanked those responsible for the Department of Festivities for the work done for the preparation of the festivities, the first as mayor, who “who exceed the previous ones every year”, by proposing “leave a memory in the mind of the Redovans endearing and special ”. The mayor has emphasized the important weight that the festivities have in the municipality, inviting “all the towns in the region to come to Redován and spend with us these days of celebration, coexistence and tradition.”

Likewise, and as in previous years, the various campaigns aimed at avoiding situations of alcohol abuse, harassment or sexist attitudes, and urging the cleaning of public spaces during the celebrations have been highlighted. The “Talented” campaign encourages neighbors to enjoy the parties with responsibility and “without going over” with the drink, while the “You do not have my permission” campaign will raise awareness in the streets towards respect episodes of harassment or sexist violence, and it will be done by the volunteers who will wear an orange bracelet and who will help anyone who needs it.

In the same way, the mayor has presented “Mola tu gest, mola tu Acción”, a campaign that aims to keep Redován clean during the holidays.

Activities for all audiences

The celebrations will begin on the last Saturday of August from 7:30 p.m., with the election and coronation of the queens of this year, the reception of authorities and party representatives, and the proclamation of parties by Miguel Mora Martínez, with A great verbena to end the day. In the morning of September 1 we will be able to visualize, in the courtyard of the Sagrados Corazones school, the traditional exhibition of grass and yarn loaded by the Barraca La Gramaera, followed by one of the main novelties of this year such as the “Day del agua ”, with a foam party in Miguel Hernández square.

After the opening of barracks on the night of September 4, the celebrations will continue on Thursday 5 in the morning with the charanga-tapeo and the “Los Feos” orchestra, which leave from the Town Hall square, will transfer the festive joy through the bars and Redován coffee shops. At 10:00 pm the serenade will take place to the Virgin of Health, at the door of the church. On Friday, September 6 will be when barracks, clubs, brotherhoods and associations, accompanied by authorities and festive charges, will parade through the streets of Redován in the offering of flowers, which will have their departure at 20:00 from the Plaza Miguel Hernández. After its completion, the shooting of “El chupinazo”, a load of César Vegara Square, honor party and representative of the hut “Los Templarios” will be carried out from the balcony of the Town Hall.

The celebrations will begin on the last Saturday of August from 7:30 pm, with the election and coronation of the queens of this year, the reception of authorities and party representatives, and the proclamation of parties by Miguel Mora Martínez, with A great verbena to end the day. In the morning of September 1 we will be able to visualize, in the courtyard of the Sagrados Corazones school, the traditional exhibition of grass and yarn loaded by the Barraca La Gramaera, followed by one of the main novelties of this year such as the “ Water Day ”, with a foam party in Miguel Hernández square.

After the opening of barracks on the night of September 4, the celebrations will continue on Thursday 5 in the morning with the charanga-tapeo and the “Los Feos” orchestra, which leave from the Town Hall square, will transfer the festive joy through the bars and Redován coffee shops. At 10:00 pm the serenade will take place to the Virgin of Health, at the door of the church. On Friday, September 6 will be when barracks, clubs, brotherhoods and associations, accompanied by authorities and festive charges, will parade through the streets of Redován in the offering of flowers, which will have their departure at 20:00 from the Plaza Miguel Hernández . After its completion, the shooting of “El chupinazo”, a load of César Vegara Square, honor party and representative of the hut “Los Templarios” will be carried out from the balcony of the Town Hall.

The General Parade of Peñas, Barracas and Reinas will take place on Saturday, September 7 from 9:00 p.m., followed by a verbena with orchestra in the courtyard of the Sagrados Corazones school and dedicated to the elders of the municipality to end the day. On the other hand, on Saturday, September 8, the big day of Redován, there will be a religious event in honor of the Virgin of Health from 12:00 noon in Miguel Hernández square, after which we can enjoy a great mascletá, as well as the procession dedicated to the patron saint, which will take place in the afternoon.

Continuing with the programming, the nights of September 11 and 12 return the heifer evening “Save me” to Redován, in the bullfighting venue and from 20:00 hours. The music of all ages will be the protagonist on September 13 with the party remember “Redován dances 1.0”, at 10 pm in the courtyard of the Sagrados Corazones school. Likewise, the traditional Fiesta Blanca will be in Miguel Hernández Square on Saturday 14, with the performance of the Ciudad Canalla group, while the 16th edition of the classic motorcycle meeting will take place the following day, starting at 9:00 a.m. “Villa de Redován”, in the Los Pasos sports area, and where from 11.30 am we can enjoy a photography exhibition. The day will culminate dedicated to children with the children’s theater in Valencia “Treasure Island”.

Likewise, on Friday, September 20, at 8:00 p.m. and in the Francisco Ferrer square, an impromptu rap battle with 32 participants will be held, which will delight lovers of this style of music. It will be on the next day, Saturday, September 21, when the Multicolor Parade will take place, which will run from the Plaza de la Cruz to Francisco Ferrer Square, concluding with the performance of the “Patrol 66” group in the Plaza de la Paz.

On Sunday 22, the little ones will have the opportunity to enjoy children’s games and an exhibition of judo in this same location, while on the day of Friday 27, in Miguel Hernández square, we will listen to the concert of soundtracks, in honor of San Miguel. In the same way, and without abandoning the cinematographic theme, on Saturday the 28th all the redovanenses will be able to enjoy from the 22:00 hours the musical “Mamma mine” in the Plaza de la Paz.

The last holiday, and ending the program, will take place at 12:00 hours of the Mass dedicated to San Miguel, sung by the Manos Unidas choir, culminating with the procession and a great dawn in honor of the patron of Redován.

Holy week

Holy week

The procession of Las Palmas (Domingo de Ramos) and the Procession of the Meeting stand out for its centuries-old tradition. On Holy Friday, they process all the steps guarded by the Brotherhoods of Holy Week, highlighting La Piedad y la Soledad, works by the great sculptor Sánchez Lozano, El Santo Entierro, Jesús y La Verónica, Virgen de la Paz, Jesús Nazareno y la Virgen Of the Dolores, these last ones carved by the local imaginer D. Joaquín Mayans.