Beef Stew

Beef Stew


  • Veal (cheek).
  • Potatoes.
  • Onion.
  • Garlic
  • Laurel.
  • White or red wine.
  • Saffron.
  • Nails and salt.
  • Oil



  • In a frying pan or in the pot to be cooked, add oil and put the onion into small pieces, garlic, laurel and cloves, half-cooked, add the cut meat to tacos, and finish frying.
  • Add the wine and water and bring to a boil until the meat is tender. Then add the potatoes and grind with salt. Continue cooking until the potatoes are at their point.


Turkey stew with meatballs

Turkey stew with meatballs


  • 1 kg of turkey.
  • 250 grams of bacon.
  • 500 grams of soaked chickpeas.
  • 1 kg of potatoes.
  • Celery.
  • Onion sausage.
  • Salt.
  • Saffron.



Probably this is the most traditional dish of Redován and the whole region of Vega Baja del Segura. Dedicated to great occasions and holidays.

  • Put the chickpeas to soak the day before. In a pot cook for an hour the chickpeas, meat, bacon and celery. In a bowl, crumb the bread with a pinch of salt, add the blood and mix well. Then add the other ingredients and knead everything well. It is taking portions of this mass and is shaped like “balls”.
  • Add the meat and the chickpeas, the other ingredients and the balls in the pot to the boil, letting them cook until everything is ready (cook for 3 hours over low heat).
  • This dish is typical at Christmas. The custom was years ago to kill the turkey and the blood was reserved to make the meatballs. At the dinner on Christmas Eve turkey was roasted. On Christmas day the stew was cooked and served like this:
  • First dish, with part of the broth and made a “soup covered”.
  • Second course, the balls with a little broth.
  • Third course, meat, chickpeas and potatoes.

Snails in broth

Snails in broth


  • ½ kg of potatoes.
  • 1 kg of carcacols.
  • Onion.
  • Sausage.
  • 1 whole tomato.
  • Flour.
  • Garlic.
  • Cominos and Sal.
  • Young nines.
  • Oil.
  • Parsley.


  • The day before, they washed the snails very well with water and salt, and they were put in a casserole. Then salt the edge of the pan with salt and cover with water. This is done so that they do not escape.
  • Once drowned, they are thrown into another pan and covered with water. We put them to heat to foam them, and once foamed the broth is drained and the snails are reserved.
  • On the other hand, we make an onion and add a spoonful of flour. When the sofrito is done, add a spoonful of ground pepper.
  • You put a casserole with water, the potatoes, the chorizo, the ñora, the whole tomato and the sofrito of the onion. Then we pour the boiling broth the snails and a little water if necessary.
  • In a mortar we put the cumin and we extract the chorizo, the tomato and the ñora of the pot to chop them. This is minced the broth, and let it cook for half an hour.

Fried shrimp

Fried shrimp


  • ½ kg of Swiss chard.
  • ½ kg of shrimp.
  • ½ kg slices and sarrajones.
  • ½ kg of tomato.
  • Hard or soft garlic.
  • 2 ñoras.
  • 1 “salad” sardine.
  • Oil.
  • Salt.



  • Wash the vegetables well and boil them. Once boiled they drain very well with a strainer and itch.
  • In a frying pan oil is put and it is put to heat, the garlic is chopped to pieces and once golden they separate.
  • In this oil, the tomato and the sardine are cooked, and when done, add the vegetables and garlic, give them a few turns to mix well with the tomato and sardine, and are ready to serve .

Callos or mondongo

Callos or mondongo


  • 1 KG. And middle callus.
  • 1 kg. Of hoof terbera.
  • 2 or 3 potatoes.
  • 1 onion.
  • ¼ of chickpeas soaked.
  • 1 celery leaf.
  • 2 or 3 leaves of spearmint.
  • Oil.
  • Tomato.
  • Peppers.
  • 1 piece of chorizo.
  • 1 slice of bacon (fresh).
  • 1 head of garlic.
  • Salt


  • We bought the callus one day before it was cooked; We scorch the veal hands well and wash the remnants well with water, salt and lemon, leaving them with these ingredients until the next day to be completely clean.
  • In a pot we add a little oil, frying the onion (grated previously), a little before separating, add the flour and paprika, making a turn (without letting it burn). Put water in the pot, adding corns, celery, chickpeas and a slice of chorizo sliced (leaving a bit to chop).
  • Roast the garlic, chopped together with almonds, remaining chorizo and bacon. When the pot has boiled for about 45 minutes, we uncork it, throwing the potatoes into tacos. Once the potatoes have been cooked 10 minutes, add the chopped together with the peppermint, letting it boil for about 10 minutes.

Rice and crust

Rice and crust


  • 1 KG. of rice.
  • 8 to 12 eggs.
  • Meat of rabbit, turkey and campero chicken.
  • A target.
  • 4 small sausages.
  • 1 ripe tomato.
  • Oil.
  • A little saffron.



  • In a frying pan sauté and boil for about an hour the meat (the rabbit, turkey or  chicken).
    Prepare the sofrito by tossing the tomato to the pan (grated) and mixing it with the rice, giving a few turns to take it well, along with the sausages cut and a little golden, the white cut but not browned.
  • Measure the rice and add the broth of the meat, 1 cup or ½ of broth per ½ of rice per serving, a little salt and seasoning.
  • As this rice goes to the furnace it is suppressed to him 1 glass or ½ of broth, depending on the class of rice, because some consume more than others.
  • When the rice lacks 7 or 8 minutes to separate, add the eggs well beaten above, and put in the oven to be heated in advance, until the eggs are set (about ½ hour or something less).