Huertano rice

Huertano rice



  • 500 grams of rice.
  • 1 kg of beans.
  • 2 kg. Of artichokes.
  • 2 bunches of tender garlic.
  • 1 tomato.
  • Boquerones (optional)
  • ¼ liter of oil.
  • Saffron.



  • Chop the vegetables (not lacking tender garlic, or artichokes) and fry. Put a little water and boil for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Then pour the rice, salt and saffron. It is cooked like the other rice and when it is finished they put the fried anchovies on top.
  • Wait until it is ready.


Rice of vigil or of the three handles

Rice of vigil or of the three handles


  • A handful of rice.
  • A handful of lentils.
  • A handful of beans.
  • Chard.
  • 1 turnip.
  • 1 potato.
  • Artichokes.
  • Dried ñora or ground paprika.
  • Tomato.
  • Onion.
  • 1 tablespoon flour.
  • Oil and salt.



Lentils, beans and vegetables are boiled in a pot; Apart the sautéed onion and the tomato, to which they will be added the flour, the pineapple or the paprika. This sofrito is poured over the pot, giving a few boils to mix well. When it is in its point the rice is added, until its cooking.

Serve right away.



Rice of summer

Rice of summer


  • 1 kg of rice.
  • 50 grams of green beans.
  • 125 grams of ñoras.
  • ½ kg of potatoes.
  • 1 red pepper.
  • ¼ kg of dry cod.
  • 2 ripe tomatoes.


  • We heat oil and we fry and remove the vegetables clean and chopped in this order:
    Pepper, ñoras, green beans, potatoes and finally we incorporate the cod and the tomato.
  • When it is well fried, we add all the ingredients to the frying pan, giving a few turns together with rice, mixing everything with the rasera (2 handfuls per person).
  • Add the water and put the pieces of cod above and a little saffron. Let cook about 20 minutes since the water begins to boil.


Rice with Rabbit

Rice with Rabbit


  • A rabbit.
  • 750 grams of rice.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 1 red pepper.
  • 2 dozen hills.
  • 2 measures of oil.
  • Saffron.
  • Parsley.
  • Salt.


Put a paella pan on the fire with the oil, and sauté the pepper. Then the rabbit is chopped and chopped, the tomato is added and the rabbit once fried, the water is added, the “foamed” hills and the parsley, boiling it for a few minutes, it is tested for salt and Put the rice until cooked approximately 20 minutes.

Pumpkin cakes

Pumpkin cakes


  • 3 bowls of boiled pumpkin.
  • 1 bowl of olive oil.
  • ¼ kg of sugar.
  • Flour that admits.
  • A piece of baker’s yeast.
  • Pine nuts and anise seeds.
  • Honey.


GROWING: a bowl of pumpkin and half of yeast and flour; Knead to form a ball and let it rest, has to double its volume.

Next to this growing the rest of pumpkin, sugar and yeast, pine nuts and anise are added and kneaded. The dough is again left to stand and the dough is fermented, portions are taken and given form, placed in oven louver and allowed to stand until they almost double their volume.

With a scissors they are made piquitos and they are cooked in the oven at medium temperature. Once cold they bathe with honey and sprinkle with sugar.





  • 6 Eggs.
  • 190 grams of sugar.
  • 200 grams of ground almond.
  • 125 grams of starch flour.




  • It is prepared just like the pa of pessic, separating the clares dels rovells i batent a punt de neu amb el sucre; Remove incorporate rovells, ametlla and farina barred amb the flower of midó. To work on a motor, rolled for a focal length (160º).
  • A cop freda, is part of the meitat i s’omple amb dolç de rovell. Then it is banya to a syrup which is added to a liqueur cop.
  • Finally, it is cobreix amb una merenga (clares d’or muntades a punt de neu fort) i s’adorna.