Toña fina

Toña fina


  •  1 kg of flour.
  • ½ liter of oil.
  • ¼ kg of sugar.
  • ¼ liter of dry aniseed.
  • Lemon rind.



  • Heat the oil with the lemon rind, very hot; But without actually burning it.
  • Scald the flour and add the sugar and anise, kneading well.
  • The dough is still hot on a floured table and a cake is made of the approximate thickness of a finger. With a flower mold, it forms the toña and is placed in the llanda previously anointed in oil.
  • Bake at 180º until golden brown. Once cold, they bathe in honey.

Yolk Rolls

Yolk Rolls


  • 5 Eggs.
  • 2 Egg yolks.
  • ½ kg of sugar.
  • 6 eggshells of olive oil.
  • 1 kg of flour.






  • First beat the eggs well with the sugar. Add the oil that we will have measured with half egg shell and add the flour.
  • Knead well. Prepare a table and with the hands accepted, form the rolls and place them in a baking tray. Paint the rolls with beaten egg and cook in the oven at 180º.


Pasta Flora

Pasta Flora



  • ¾ kg of flour.
  • 6 Egg yolks.
  • ¼ kg butter.
  • ½ glass of sherry.
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda.
  • ¼ kg. of sugar.
  • Angel hair.



  • In a bowl, butter is softened, egg yolks, sugar, sherry, flour and baking soda are added and kneaded all very well. The llanda is then anointed with oil.
  • On the kneading table spread the dough with the roll until it reaches the approximate thickness of a finger. Then they are placed conveniently separated from each other, a few teaspoons of angel hair and covered with another layer of dough, a little thinner than the base. The resulting monocytes are cut out with the mold, preferably the flower-shaped, and placed in the soles, painting them with egg.
  • Bake at 180º.






  • 1 kg white butter.
  • ¾ kg of sugar.
  • 2 kg of flour.
  • 3 eggs.
  • Lemon zest.
  • Cinnamon.



  • Beat the butter to the point of ointment; Pour sugar, eggs, lemon zest and flour. Knead thoroughly.
  • On top of a floured table spread the dough with the help of a roll, and leave an approximate thickness of a finger.
  • Make the mantecados with a short paste, making the figures to taste.
  • Place in oven pan and bake.
  • When they are already cold, sprinkle with sugar and ground cinnamon.


Oil muffins

Oil muffins



  • 6 eggs.
  • ½ kg of sugar.
  • ½ kg of flour.
  • ½ cup of oil.
  • 1 and ½ small glass of milk.
  • 5 soda bottles, benches.
  • 5 gaseous, blue ballots.
  • Lemon zest.
  • Paper molds.


  • Se separan las claras y se montan a punto de nieve, bien firme. Se añade el azúcar, muy poco a poco. Se baten las yemas y se incorporan al batido anterior. Seguidamente se añade la leche y el aceite; a continuación la harina tamizada y por último las papeletas ya mezcladas.
  • Con un cuchara se rellenas los moldes, dejando un poco de altura al molde, pues la masa sube en el horno.
  • Echar en el centro de la masa un poquito de azúcar y cocer a 200º aproximadamente.


Porridge with Cloth

Porridge with Cloth


  • 1.5 liters of water.
  • 1/4 kg of flour.
  • Matalauva.
  • Arrope to bathe them.
  • Salt.




  • From the water, separate  ¼ liter in a pot to dissolve the flour, placing it later to avoid the formation of groups.
  • Put the water to boil along with the matalauva and a pinch of salt.
  • When it breaks to a boil, pour the dissolved flour and stir without stopping until it thickens. It is distributed in plates and when they are going to serve, it is formed with a squares knife so that the arrope is introduced.
  • A wooden spoon is used to remove.