Chickpea soup

Chickpea soup


  • 400 grams of chickpeas.
  • 100 grams of beans.
  • 100 grams of spinach.
  • 400 grams of potatoes.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 tablespoon paprika 1 flour.
  • Oil, water, salt and saffron.



  • Put the chickpeas to soak overnight before.
  • Put the beans to a boil, Chard and potatoes with chickpeas. Add the saffron and season with salt.
  • In a mortar with crushed almonds 4 cloves of garlic in a bowl, fry the red pepper with the flour.
  • Add the sauce and almonds cooked in garlic and let it cook before steam over medium heat.



Gypsy pot

Gypsy pot


  • 250g chickpeas.
  • Potatoes, green beans and a parsnip.
  • Two artichokes and celery leaves.
  • Bacon four sausages.
  • 1 tablespoon flour.
  • Olive oil; ground pepper.
  • 2 or 3 onions and tomatoes.


  • Els cigrons hem de posar-los en remull des del dia anterior perquè es blandeen.
  • D’una banda cal sofregir amb l’oli d’oliva la ceba i el tomàquet, al que afegim una mica de pebrot mòlt i la cullerada de farina perquè agafi cos el fregit.
  • En una olla posem a bullir aigua i quan estigui calent introduïm tota la verdura, el sofregit i la cansalada.
  • Transcorreguda una hora de cocció a foc normal amb l’olla tapada, l’obrirem i farem la botifarra, la patata i la carxofa i sense tancar l’olla la posem altra vegada al foc fins que es faci la patata. Per evitar que la botifarra es desfaci, abans de tirar-la haurem de punxar amb un escuradents





  • bread
  • potatoes
  • beans
  • garlic



  • Let the bread soak (one or two minutes), remove and drain well. We desmenuzándolo into small pieces to crumble completely.
  • heat oil in a pan and throw him the whole garlic with a cut on the side.
  • Add the peeled beans and give it a spin. Then throw the peeled potatoes previously cut into small pieces.
  • Once these ingredients fried bread desmenuzándolo throw. We circling endlessly until everything is well fried.
  • Put some salt.

Rabbit stew with meatballs

Rabbit stew with meatballs


  • 1 Rabbit.
  • Kg of potatoes.
  • 100 cl. Of oil.


  • 150 grams of hard bread.
  • Giblets and some other piece of the rabbit.
  • Blood of rabbit.
  • 1 egg.
  • Sprockets and salt.


  • 3 teeth.
  • 5 almonds.
  • Parsley.



In a bowl mix the crumb of bread with a little salt and the blood of the rabbit. Then add the finely chopped giblets and meat, egg, pine nuts and knead all very well to form small balls (meatballs).

In a frying pan sauté the chopped rabbit and winged giblets. While so many e potatoes chopped in an irregular shape, with ½ liter of water, to which will be added the rabbit and meatballs once fried. Let simmer for 30 minutes. Finally, chop the ingredients of the mortar with a little salt and pour the chopped in the pan next to some pine nuts. And then served. Meatballs are traditionally made with rabbit blood, as they are tastier.


Cod stew

Cod stew


  • ½ kg of cod to pieces.
  • ½ kg of potatoes.
  • ½ kg d and tomatoes.
  • ½ kg. Of onions.
  • 60 grams of fried almonds.
  • 1 head of garlic.
  • 2 or 3 bay leaves.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 6 or 7 nails and peppercorns in grain.
  • A little flour (to batter).



  • We put in a pot with a little water the peeled potatoes and checkered pieces. Floured the cod (previously cleaned), and fry it in a frying pan with very hot oil.
  • In a frying pan apart we fry the onion (heading as for salad), adding later the tomato (split in pieces). We cook the eggs.
  • When the potatoes have boiled for about 20 minutes, add to the pot the cod, the sofrito and the spices (laurel, clove, pepper in grain, salt and saffron).
  • We roast a head of garlic and in the mortar the majamos together with the almond, adding it to the pot.
  • Five minutes before separating add the cooked eggs, broken pieces.

Stew of meatballs

Stew of meatballs


  • ½ kg of turkey with shell.
  • 1/4 and a half chopped turkey.
  • A slice of lean pork.
  • A slice of bacon.
  • 2 chicken breast fillets.
  • 2 chicken yolks.
  • A little blood.
  • Egg.
  • 4 or 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 3 potatoes.
  • A tomato.
  • A spoonful of flour.
  • A little hard bread.
  • 2 or 3 small sprigs of parsley.
  • Spices: nutmeg, peppers, salt and saffron




  • Fry the turkey meat with shell, then put it in a pot with water. In a separate bowl we put all the rest of the meat, previously chopped; We chopped 2 0 3 garlic cloves in pieces, sprinkle the spices and then add the egg. Chop the parsley into small pieces by putting it in this mixture; Finally add the bread, (previously macerated with a little water) and finally the blood.
  • We mix all the ingredients until all these are well mixed and we are making balls the size of a walnut.
  • In the oil where we fry the turkey we give a few turns to the almonds and a little bread, we take 1 or 2 cloves of raw garlic and chop them in the mortar together with the almonds and bread. We throw this bite into the pot where the turkey is boiling along with the potatoes (peeled and cut into squares).
  • Fry a tomato, adding a tablespoon of flour 2 or 3 seconds before separating. Throwing it into the pot.
  • Finally we put the meatballs leaving them to cook about 30 minutes approximately.