Fiestas Patronales

Fiestas Patronales

Celebrations in honor of Our Lady Our Lady of Health during the first week of the month, which ends on the 8th day of the patron saint of the town and extends every weekend until San Miguel Arcángel, patron of Redován , Whose festival is celebrated on the 29th. The Parade is the “soul of the feast”, in which the Moors and Christians compose, recalling the medieval origin of the town, and the “Gramaores”, representing the ancestral customs of the people, With their costumes and craft activities.



Chickpea soup

Chickpea soup


  • 400 grams of chickpeas.
  • 100 grams of beans.
  • 100 grams of spinach.
  • 400 grams of potatoes.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 tablespoon paprika 1 flour.
  • Oil, water, salt and saffron.



  • Put the chickpeas to soak overnight before.
  • Put the beans to a boil, Chard and potatoes with chickpeas. Add the saffron and season with salt.
  • In a mortar with crushed almonds 4 cloves of garlic in a bowl, fry the red pepper with the flour.
  • Add the sauce and almonds cooked in garlic and let it cook before steam over medium heat.



Gypsy pot

Gypsy pot


  • 250g chickpeas.
  • Potatoes, green beans and a parsnip.
  • Two artichokes and celery leaves.
  • Bacon four sausages.
  • 1 tablespoon flour.
  • Olive oil; ground pepper.
  • 2 or 3 onions and tomatoes.


  • Els cigrons hem de posar-los en remull des del dia anterior perquè es blandeen.
  • D’una banda cal sofregir amb l’oli d’oliva la ceba i el tomàquet, al que afegim una mica de pebrot mòlt i la cullerada de farina perquè agafi cos el fregit.
  • En una olla posem a bullir aigua i quan estigui calent introduïm tota la verdura, el sofregit i la cansalada.
  • Transcorreguda una hora de cocció a foc normal amb l’olla tapada, l’obrirem i farem la botifarra, la patata i la carxofa i sense tancar l’olla la posem altra vegada al foc fins que es faci la patata. Per evitar que la botifarra es desfaci, abans de tirar-la haurem de punxar amb un escuradents





  • bread
  • potatoes
  • beans
  • garlic



  • Let the bread soak (one or two minutes), remove and drain well. We desmenuzándolo into small pieces to crumble completely.
  • heat oil in a pan and throw him the whole garlic with a cut on the side.
  • Add the peeled beans and give it a spin. Then throw the peeled potatoes previously cut into small pieces.
  • Once these ingredients fried bread desmenuzándolo throw. We circling endlessly until everything is well fried.
  • Put some salt.