Club Running One Move

The Department of Sports collaborates in this activity

Organized by the One Advanced Clinic

Do you like to run but can not find anyone to do it? Have you been running for a while and are you tired of not getting any better than you try? Do you want to learn the career technique and enjoy training with qualified trainers? For all this and much more, in ONE MOVE together with the Department of Sports of Redován we have decided to create our own Running Club, an environment where to enjoy this great sport with the company of the most qualified preparers of ONE Advanced Clinic and a group of People wanting to put on their shoes and go out miles.

Running is the most natural movement of the human being. For thousands of years, this activity has been part of our life. Although the purpose of the race has changed over time, the sensations and improvements it causes in our body allow us to benefit from it yet, such as:

  • Improvement of the cardiovascular and respiratory system due to the great activity to which we submit our heart and lungs.
  • General toning of your whole body, from the feet to the head.
  • Improvement of bone mineralization caused by the impact of running.
  • Elimination of stress, increased mental activity and alertness because of the hormones released while we run.

Running not only provokes these benefits, but will help you improve your relationship with gym buddies, work, friends … and create an ideal training group. Everything you need to start or evolve in this fantastic sport.


Starting date of the activity: 09/14/2015
Cost of the activity: 5 € monthly, first month gift technical tee “I move and you?”
Duration: 20 hours, from 1 to 1.5 h, every Monday of the month.
Venue: From October 7th, the sporting event will be on Wednesday at the B4 sports center at 8:30 p.m.
If you are interested you can request more information at ONE Advanced Clinic, located at Calle Pascual Martínez Nº 49 de Redován.