Redován hosts the 18th Regional Music Performance Contest
Redován 6/28/2017. About 300 students from the music schools of Vega Baja and Baix Vinalopó will meet on weekends July 1 and 2 and July 8 and 9 in Redován to participate in the XVIII Regional Interpretation Contest Musical organized by the Federation of Musical...
Redován receives more than 70,000 euros in subsidies to enable employment among young and unemployed
Redován 22/6/2017. The City Council of Redován has received in recent weeks several subsidies from different administrations that will allow the recruitment during the next months of two young people and sixteen agricultural unemployed to perform different tasks in...
Junta de Gobierno Local 19/6/2017
AGENDA OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT Date and time: June 19, 2017, 9:30 a.m. Approval of the minutes of the previous session. File 393/2017. Application article 22 of the Regulatory Ordinance of the Rate for the Provision of the Potable Water Service to Silvestre...
The summer schools that take place in July in Redován choose to choose between sports, music or education
Redován 15/6/2017. The activities for the youngest of Redován multiply once they have completed their school obligations. With the intention of reconciling work and family life in the month of July, they are being implemented by the City Council or in collaboration...
The Redován hostel is the base of a group of Erasmus students from 4 European countries
Redován 06/13/2017. Redován is until next Saturday the base of operations of a group of 25 students of the Erasmus + exchange program. They come from Poland, Lithuania, Hungary and Spain, and have chosen the town to stay and spend some days of coexistence that from...
The Redován hostelers take their tapas to the street on Saturday 17 in a ‘Tapeo and tardo turístico’ that also involves the festeros
Redován 12/6/2017. The Council of Tourism of the City Council of Redován has joined the hotel and the Redovan party to organize a day that will take place on Saturday 17 the activity on the street, specifically the Plaza de la Paz, which will be the epicenter of a...
Local Government Board
AGENDA OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT Date and time: June 12, 2017, 9:30 a.m. Approval of the minutes of the previous session. Application for subsidies for local entities: CHILDREN'S THEATER THREE CERDITOS. Approval tender file works Parroquia San Miguel. Approval...
Instructions for making the payment letter at the Municipal Sports Schools, swimming and tennis courses
To complete the payment letter at the Municipal Sports Schools, swimming and tennis courses, we have to follow the following steps. From this link SUMA We access the document, and from here: In Organism, we have to select Redován (Town Hall), and in the concept:...
The Plenary approves the agreement that will allow to allocate 90,000 euros of Delegation to restore the church
Redován 5/6/2017. The start-up of the restoration of the Parochial Church dedicated to San Miguel in Redován, one of the most singular buildings of the town raised in the early eighteenth century, is closer. The Plenary of the Corporation approved last Monday the...
Open deadline to enroll in 2017 Summer Sports Schools
The courses will be from July 2 to 28 and the registration can be paid until June 28 The deadline for registering in the Summer Sports Schools is now open 2017. There will be activities for boys and girls born between the years 2005 and 2012 at the Municipal Sports...