
The pathway of the Poet

The pathway of the Poet

The Path of the Poet passes by the municipal term of Redován, by the old road of Callosa-Orihuela. It has been popularized following the editions that the IVAJ.Generalitat Jove has driven to pay homage to the universal poet. Redován is the home town of Miguel...

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Redován until the middle of the 60s developed an important industry dedicated to hemp and its derivatives. It was made rope and sandals of footwear and alpargatas of high quality craftsmanship. The incipient appearance of plastic supplanted and definitively sank the...

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Redován resumes official rainfall record

Redován resumes official rainfall record

The author of the MeteOrihuela Project, Pedro José Gómez Cascales, has installed an official Hellmann rain gauge at CEIP Sagrados Corazones de Redován. This completes the installation of a complete meteorological observatory in the municipality, since last March it...

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Severo Ochoa square

Also located to the B-4, next to the Avinguda Llibertat. Posseeix an area of jocs and spais per als nens. Tea artificial gespa to the garden area. It will be conditioned by the students of the Workshop of Occupancy of Gardening and Work in 2010.    ...

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The clock tower building

Contemplate the Clock Tower Building (19th century architectural work), of great beauty, with large balconies and large windows. The clock is a true work of Valencian engineering, a jewel of enormous value, preserved in good condition. The rectangular tower that...

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New Townhall

The palace". Old Palace-residence of the Order of Preachers. The conclusion of the works dates from 1726, During the exercise of the parish priest Esteban Ferrer and Galindo, being Rector Reverend Father Fray Domingo Fenoll. In its origin was equipped with several...

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