Redován City Council hires two caretakers for the prevention of Covid-19 in municipal areas
The incorporation of these workers has been carried out through the ECOVID programme for the promotion of employment of LABORA The Department of Employment of Redován Town Council, led by Councillor Maite Martínez, has announced the hiring of two people by the...
Redován cleans and marks the path of Los Coloraos in the mountains with a grant of 4.924 euros from the Provincial Council
The work has focused on the maintenance and conservation of the signs and the cleaning of stone dragging occurred in the DANA The Councillor for the Environment and Sports of Redován Town Council, Ramón López, gave an account of the recent maintenance and conservation...
Redován hires two agricultural laborers to maintain and clean the recreational area of the Ermita
Workers will have a six-month contract thanks to the EMCORP employment promotion program for people over 30 years of age Redován City Council has announced the hiring of two people to carry out cleaning and maintenance tasks around the recreational area of the...
Renovation works on Redován Medical Centre are completed with an increase in the number of consultations
The improvements include the purchase of new furniture consisting of four electric stretchers, two swivel chairs and a surgical cabinet The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, with the Councillor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez, presented this morning the reform works done on the...
Rainwater drainage works completed on Calle Menéndez Pelayo to prevent landslides
The works have been carried out thanks to a subsidy from the Provincial Council of Alicante, with a budget of almost 50.000 euros The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the Councillor for the Environment and Municipal Services, Ramón López, presented this morning the...
Redován once again calls on the Regional Ministry to improve primary care in the municipality’s doctor’s office
The municipal government team once again sends a letter to the Councillor for Health and the Orihuela Health Department The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has announced the sending of two letters to both the Councillor for Health, Ana Barceló, and the Director of...
The Redován City Council dismisses its Local Police Chief in recognition of his work with an act
• Agent Antonio Ruiz Hernández leaves his post to retire after more than thirty years of belonging to the municipal police force The Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Redován has been the place where this morning the act in recognition of the work and services carried out in...
Redovan City Council presents a project to the European Commission for the social inclusion of young people
The project is part of the 'Europe for Citizens' programme and could obtain funding of almost 150.000 euros The social and labour inclusion of young people with difficulties through their participation in European Union policies is the objective pursued by the project...
Local Police in Redován sanction 10 people this weekend for not complying with health regulations in front of Covid-19
Officials step up surveillance and begin a campaign of controls to ensure compliance with the new measures decreed by the Generalitat and following the decree of the State of Alert by the Central Government Redován City Council, through the Department of Public...
Redován will implement the fifth container and improve waste collection with more recycling containers
The service will be provided seven days a week, instead of the current six, and will also have advanced and more modern machinery The next plenary session will launch the call for tenders for the service, and once the specifications have been published, companies will...