• City Council will allocate a first package of 50,000 euros in social aid, in addition to dedicating 9,000 euros in aid for the payment of IBI for families without resources or who have been affected by the health crisis
  • The processing of the Budgets for 2020 has also been paralyzed to reorient the budget lines and mitigate the effects of the coronavirus through a plan to promote the local economy.

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, accompanied by the councilors of the municipal government team, has appeared online today to inform citizens of the measures being carried out by the Redován municipal government.

The mayor has reported on the measures being taken by the Redován City Council on the occasion of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, such as “the closure and sealing of municipal facilities or the increase in security and surveillance of the Local Police, as well as carrying out disinfection and thorough cleaning of streets and municipal facilities,” she said.

Ruiz has also announced the suspension of the approval of the municipal budgets for the year 2020, the draft of which was already finalized, “with the aim of reorienting the budget items included in it to address emergency situations caused by this crisis,” has indicated.

For this reason, a first package of 50,000 euros in social aid is going to be allocated, managed by the Social Services of the La Vega Community, of which 30,000 euros have been contributed by the Alicante Provincial Government. Likewise, 9,000 euros in aid will be allocated to defray the IBI (Real Estate Tax) to families without resources or who have been affected by the health crisis situation.

On the other hand, and with regard to the rate of terraces of cafeterias and bars, the mayor has declared that “the pertinent returns will be made to the owners of these establishments, since the taxable event that has allowed their utilization, “Ruiz explained. In the same way, the weekly market rates and those corresponding to sports activities carried out by the Redován City Council, motivated by the temporary closure of its activity, will not be charged during the period of alarm.

The 2020 budgets will also include a Plan to promote the local economy, aimed above all at the shops, bars and cafes in the municipality that have had to close down during this crisis, to help them reactivate their economic activity.

The mayor has also indicated that, once the set of grants from the different Public Administrations are known, from the City Council “we will study and specify the necessary requirements to apply for them, and thus be able to help the maximum number of people from Redován “.

The mayor has finished her speech by conveying a message of calm and thanks to the population of Redován, for their exemplary behavior in the face of the confinement measures decreed by the Government of Spain. She also wanted to thank the work of the health workers who are caring for sick people, the Local Police and State Security Forces and Bodies, the Armed Forces, the municipality’s pharmacies and the shops that are open to guarantee the supply of basic products, as well as the municipal brigade.

“Ultimately, we want to thank all the people who are helping to make this situation more bearable, and putting their lives at the service of citizens,” said Ruiz, also thanking the great capacity for awareness and collaboration of the Redovans, encouraging to continue the work of confinement until now until the end of the State of Alarm. “The most important thing is to be prepared to be able to help the neighbors who need it,” she said. “We are in a difficult time. It is important to act calmly and serenely, be well informed and do what the professionals recommend us,” she concluded.