The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has announced the suspension of the September patron saint festivities in the town, in honor of the Virgen de la Salud and San Miguel Arcángel. A “tough decision” motivated by the health crisis produced in our country by Covid-19, and with the aim of “guaranteeing the health security of Redován’s neighbors”, he said.

It will be for the second consecutive year that the municipality does not celebrate these patron saint festivities, since in 2019 part of the planned acts were also suspended due to the harmful effects of DANA in the Vega Baja region. The decision has been agreed upon by the Festivities Department, which is run by the mayor herself, together with the Organizing Committee for the festivities, the Festival Party, which groups all the barracks and troupes, and the parish priest of the municipality, Eloy Martín.

A resolution that “makes us very sad” and that “we would like it to be otherwise”, Ruiz explained, “but which has been necessary to take into account the current situation and the need to prevent any type of risk”. Ruiz added that “we will have time to celebrate our parties when we can ensure the well-being of all of Redován’s neighbors.”

Suspension of summer activities

The Redován City Council has also announced the suspension of the municipal activities planned for the summer months, such as the Multisport Schools, the tennis ‘stage’, the swimming courses in the municipal pool, or the ‘VegaVacaciones’ activity, which they organize the departments of Sport and Social Welfare. Likewise, the municipal swimming pool will also remain closed.

Although they will be pending at all times the measures taken by the central government to ensure the de-escalation of the confinement “with all the security conditions”, the announcement has been advanced to before summer because “most of these activities are aimed at children, and we prefer to take the precaution of canceling them before putting their health at risk ”, the mayor has reported.