Redován Town Council, through the head of the Local Police, has participated in the coordination meeting between the police chiefs of Callosa de Segura, Cox-Granja and Redován. The three commanders attended an initiative of the Department of Public Safety of the Callosa Town Council with the aim of coordinating security between the three towns.

The aim of the meeting was to establish a security coordination plan between the three neighbouring towns. In this way, coordinated traffic checkpoints will be set up jointly and at random in the border areas. The Councillor for Security of the City Council of Callosa, Rocio Cuadrado has indicated that “we are convinced that this initiative will work very well in the control of traffic and security between the three municipalities. The understanding and work with the local police of Cox-Granja and Redován is fantastic, and this will have a positive impact on the safety of the population of the three municipalities.

Callosa de Segura, Cox-Granja and Redován have a combined population of more than 35,000 inhabitants, in addition to the itinerant passage of thousands of people who pass through the municipalities on a daily basis. The mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, said that this type of coordinated action between the local police “is very important, and represents a further step in the close collaboration that the local police of our municipalities have maintained for years, as well as with the State Security Forces and Bodies”. The Redovan councillor added that, in addition, “it allows us to reinforce the traffic and security controls that until now we have been carrying out with our own resources, but with more staff thanks to the addition of agents from the three towns”.

From Cox Town Council, the councillor for Public Safety, Ramón Pertusa, said that “the coordinated work between the three municipalities is a guarantee to improve, even if possible, the quality of the service that benefits the citizens” while highlighting “the great work that has been done for years and the result is embodied in this agreement that improves resources and makes us more efficient and effective by working as a team”.