The hall of events of the Sacred Hearts of Redován CEIP hosted last Friday the awards ceremony of the I Visual poetry school competition held in the municipality. A contest in which children from all classes of fifth grade of the school have participated. These students have had the opportunity to get to know this kind of poetry a little over a month ago thanks to the Caligrama 2000 Project, a successful and renowned visual poetry workshop developed by the Vigo poet and pedagogue David Fernández Rivera and promoted by Nely Ruiz from the Department of Education of the Municipality. The contest, organized by the City Council of Redován and promoted by the poet himself as a result of the enthusiasm of the students after living the experience of the workshop in the classrooms, has been carried out with the wish that the children of the Sacred Hearts CEIP can develop different skills such as imagination, the search for communication, the development of the many skills required to build a visual poem, as well as to solidify everything learned with David Fernández Rivera in the Caligrama 2000 Project. Thanks to this initiative the children have become autonomous creators of their own visual poems and have been able to share their new concerns with the poet who, as president of the jury, and accompanied by the mayor of Redován, Emilio M. Fernández, as well as by the Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, presented the contest prizes. Specifically medals and diplomas were awarded to the three best poems and diplomas to seven finalists. In addition, the winner has received a trophy that reproduces an original work by Rivera himself. The award-winning poems, as explained by the jury, which was also part of the cultural promoter and writer from Oriolan Javier Catalan, have stood out for the application of the visual techniques worked in the workshop, for creativity and for its communicative effectiveness. The children received their prizes full of enthusiasm and desire to continue learning and working with David Fernández Rivera from this new poetic perspective. Also, before the act began, the mayor of Redován and the councilor of culture received the poet in the Consistory, where he signed in the Book of Honor in recognition of his cultural contribution to the municipality; In addition, he received from the hands of Emilio Fernández a reproduction of the sculpture of the Griffon of Redován, undoubtedly one of the most representative symbols of the town, and that Rivera thanked with some emotional words.