• The incorporation of these workers has been carried out through the ECOVID programme for the promotion of employment of LABORA

The Department of Employment of Redován Town Council, led by Councillor Maite Martínez, has announced the hiring of two people by the Council, thanks to the subsidy granted by the ECOVID programme of the Valencian Employment and Training Service ‘Labora’ and the Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Work. This plan, financed by the State Public Employment Service, has been allocated 16,803.72 euros and aims to promote employment, in collaboration with local corporations, for people over 30 years of age who are unemployed as a result of the situation arising from Covid-19.

As Martinez said, the new workers joined their jobs at the end of November, “with a six-month contract, to perform janitorial tasks in the CEIP Sagrados Corazones and in the municipal football field of Redovan for the prevention against Covid-19 in municipal facilities”. In this way, “these people will be in charge of actions such as, for example, the ventilation of the school’s classrooms, replenishing and providing hydro-alcoholic gel for users, and carrying out surveillance tasks to ensure the maintenance of protective measures against the coronavirus at all times in these facilities”.

The mayor expressed his satisfaction at being able to contribute to the reduction of unemployment in the municipality thanks to this type of subsidy which, moreover, “allows us to reinforce health safety in those places that could be sensitive to the spread of Covid-19 due to the high concentration of users such as schools or sports areas, which need greater surveillance and control”.