• The infrastructure has a budget of 1.2 million euros, of which the Diputación will provide 950,000 and the City Council will assume the rest.

Redován is closer to having an indoor sports pavilion in the B-4 sports area. The mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, presented the project today together with the councillor for Sports, Ramón López and the rest of the municipal government, and announced that the future pavilion will be dedicated to the Military Emergency Unit (UME). The councillor pointed out that “we believe that if there is anyone who has to thank the UME for their work, it is the people of Redován, because our relationship was already close, but it was strengthened, especially after the help they gave us during the hurricane of September 2019”. For this reason, the event was attended by Lieutenant Colonel Olaf Clavería, battalion chief of the BIEM III (Emergency Intervention Battalion) of the UME of Valencia and deployed in the area during those days, together with the colonel of the Marine Infantry and sub-delegate of the Ministry of Defence in the province of Alicante, Juan Bosco Montero, and the lieutenant colonel and head of the Recruitment area, Luis Miguel González.

The sub-delegate of Defence, Juan Bosco, recalled the work carried out by the UME for fifteen years, when it was created, and thanked the town of Redován for dedicating this pavilion to a unit “that has earned its prestige through its day-to-day work”. The representative of the Ministry of Defence in the province recalled that it is the job of this body to raise awareness of the Armed Forces among the population, “what we are, what we do and where we are, because we are at the service of all Spaniards”.

Nely Ruiz recalled that the total budget for the work amounts to 1.2 million euros “of which 950,000 euros, divided into three annual payments, are included in the works plans of the Provincial Council of Alicante, while the rest, around 21.5% of the work, will be paid for by the Town Hall”. The mayoress said that this pavilion “is what is missing from the wide range of outdoor sports facilities that we have in Redován and will allow our teams to have an indoor facility when necessary”. He also assured that the design “is modern, functional, and meets all the conditions that were required”.

The councillor for Town Planning, José Nájar, explained that this work not only involves the construction of a sports hall, “but the project has been carried out taking into account the existing buildings in the sports area, as well as the development of the plot and the improvement of the accesses, providing them with all the necessary accessibility measures. Nájar pointed out that at all times the priority has been “the integration of the pavilion with its surroundings, which will mean a more attractive and improved space than the one that exists at present”. With this, he comments that “there will be a substantial improvement in the whole of the adjacent area which will benefit both those who come to play sport and those who live in or pass through the area”.

The Sports Councillor, Ramón López, said that the pavilion’s built surface area amounts to 2,102.72 square metres within the total sports area of 6,960 square metres. The facilities include two stands with 504 seats, as well as stairs, walking areas, male and female toilets, two changing rooms for athletes with showers and toilets, another two for referees with showers and toilets, storage room and other facilities necessary in a building of this type. “In addition, there is an open-air athletics circuit on the perimeter of the building,” he said. López emphasised the accessibility of the facilities, “because we have carried out works to make other spaces in the municipality more accessible, and this pavilion has been designed from the outset so that everyone, regardless of their mobility, can enjoy it”. The councillor added that the upper strip of the pavilion has been prepared with LED lighting that will be illuminated in a different colour each month to highlight different social causes.