Redován Town Council is calling for the cancellation of the Vega Baja Territorial Action Plan as proposed by the Generalitat Valenciana. This document, which sets out the future development of the region, cancels, in the case of Redován, the development of two residential sectors and one industrial sector totalling 232,500.70 square metres. The allegation presented by the Redován Town Council revolves around these developments which, according to the PAT, would once again be considered as green infrastructure, and the damage this would mean for the municipal coffers. The councillor for Town Planning, José Nájar, has put the loss of investment in the municipality at more than 195 million euros “taking into account that, according to the Valencian Institute of Building, the average cost of construction is 720 euros per square metre and 120 euros per square metre for the cost of urbanisation, if we multiply the square metres that would no longer be developed by the 840 euros cost per square metre, the investment lost is 195,300,588 euros”.

This, in turn, has a direct impact on public finances which, as reflected in the allegation, “has not been taken into account”, the councillor points out. The loss of income from IBI, IAE, IVTM, ICIO, IVTNU and taxes would amount to 1,145 euros per inhabitant per year, so that if the 1,931 homes planned in the two residential sectors are no longer built, and taking into account an average of 2.5 people per home, the municipal coffers will not receive 5.2 million euros each year. “The PAT does not foresee the socio-economic impact it will have on the municipalities, so we consider that this alone is sufficient reason for its annulment,” Nájar points out. The municipal official adds that the local administrations “are faced with a huge problem, as the economic consequences of the TAP have not been evaluated and, therefore, we will not be able to make a forecast of future growth”.

From the Redován government team “we want the particularities of the Vega Baja in general and those of Redován in particular to be taken into account”. In Nájar’s opinion, it is necessary to plan for the future, but it is necessary to articulate “the growth of each municipality together with that of the rest of the region, to achieve a structured territory through the infrastructure we need (water, roads, etc.) and which is not reflected in the PAT”. The Town Council considers that, given that the urban development sectors that are to be extinguished for their integration as green infrastructure are developed in accordance with the regulations in the General Urban Development Plan, “the PAT does not provide sufficient reasons for their declassification”.