Redován 8/2/2018. The City Council of Redován has put in place a system through which the citizens will have, on the municipal website, the videos of the plenary sessions of the Corporation divided by the interventions of each councilor or councilor, in order to allow greater access and transparency to everything that happens in the Plenary sessions. The first of these video-proceedings is already available at the web address which can also be accessed through the City Council’s website ( The councilor of Transparency, Adrián Ballester, recalled that since 2013, the City Council of Redován includes all sessions of the Plenary on its YouTube channel, “but now we take another step, with the intention of making the most transparent possible municipal management, in addition to that with this system will be able to consult the interventions of simpler form “.

Redován is the second municipality of the Vega Baja that starts up the system of digital records through its website. “We believe that in terms of transparency we are carrying out a pioneering and exemplary task, not only with the video-proceedings, but also with the implementation of participatory budgets or bringing all available information on municipal management to our neighbors and neighbors. through the Transparency Portal and our Social Networks, with presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube, “said Ballester.

To consult the digital records of the plenary sessions, the user has only to access the website of the City Council of Redován, where he is redirected by means of a banner to the address ‘’, once there the session is chosen. you want to consult and already within it you have a first look at what happened in the Plenary, with all the points on the agenda and the result of the votes in each of them and the interventions made by each councilor, in which it specifies to which political group the speaker belongs.
Ballester has highlighted the platform that statistics are also collected from each Plenary. “In this way all the neighbors can see how much time each councilor has intervened and then the global political parties,” said the mayor, who added that “you can also download both the full and separate interventions, in addition to that a link is generated so that it can be shared both in social networks and on the web “.