• The plenary endorses the procedure for the drafting of the project for a work valued at 300,000 euros to be carried out jointly with the Provincial Council.

The Plenary of the Redován Town Council, meeting in Extraordinary Session, has given the green light to the credit modification of the municipal budget which allows the government team to have 9,000 euros which will be used to pay for the drafting of the project for the storm water collector in the María Ros neighbourhood. “A procedure that this government team considered very necessary to start developing the project as soon as possible,” said the councillor for Urban Planning, José Nájar, “as this infrastructure will minimise the flooding problems suffered by this area of the municipality, one of the most affected during the DANA of 2019”.

The collector will be installed at the lowest point of the municipality, from where the accumulated water will be evacuated towards the other collector in the town. The project will be based on the assessment report that the Consistory has previously carried out and which estimates the total value of the work at around 300,000 euros. “We have to remember that it is in these streets where the most complicated moments of those days in September 2019 took place, with the rainwater reaching the height of the windows, and where neighbours had to be rescued with tractors and heavy machinery,” recalled the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz.

The project will also include the resurfacing of the area, and once completed, will be submitted to the Provincial Council of Alicante for assessment and implementation. The vice-president and deputy for Water Cycle of the provincial body, Ana Serna, visited the municipality last November and held a meeting with the mayoress on this matter. At that meeting, which was attended by technicians from both institutions, an inspection of the area was carried out to ascertain its current state and the alternatives for action.

The mayor thanked the provincial institution for “the total support it has shown from the outset to provide the municipality with anti-flood infrastructures in the event of torrential rains, which are so common in our area”. Ruiz also indicated that “the intention of this government team is to try to start work on the collector as soon as possible, with the aim of definitively solving this serious problem for the citizens of Redován”.