• The municipal government team once again sends a letter to the Councillor for Health and the Orihuela Health Department

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has announced the sending of two letters to both the Councillor for Health, Ana Barceló, and the Director of Primary Care of the Department of Health of Orihuela, Rosario Sansano, with the aim of “once again demanding patient care in the right conditions for the neighbours who use the Redován doctor’s office”, reported Ruiz.

The first councillor said that the situation in this health centre, which has not been providing a good service since the beginning of the pandemic, “has got worse in the last two weeks, since the health staff is very limited due to the effects of the Covid-19”, and the accumulation of work is not enough to attend to the number of people who use the facilities every day since “at the moment we only have two doctors and a paediatrician, when they should be twice as many”. This has the effect, as Ruiz has indicated, “that calls for telephone appointments are not made, directing many users to the health centre in Callosa, when they should not be”.

In addition, the shortage of doctors means that it takes longer for people to make appointments for the PCR tests, which, as they do not receive a call from the centre and without health advice, “continue with their normal lives by going out on the streets, with the consequent risk of contagion among the population, or choosing to carry out the test in the private health service”, said Ruiz.

This situation is compounded by long queues and waiting times at the door of the clinic and calls that are not answered by the switchboard, situations already reported in previous meetings held by those responsible for the health department of Orihuela and also to the Ministry of Health.

With this scenario, “the complaints of citizens who have to suffer this deficient attention logically follow each other,” said the Mayor, who added that “we need this situation to be expedited and a solution given as soon as possible, because having a medical office that does not work and insufficient health personnel who cannot cope with their patients, in these times of pandemic in which we find ourselves, is an unacceptable situation.