Workshops, storytelling, mats, a contest and the great costume parade are the activities that the Redován City Council has scheduled for next week on the occasion of the “Halloween” holiday in the municipality.

The mayor of the town, Nely Ruiz, accompanied by the Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, have been responsible for presenting this “terrifying” program, “in which, one more year, we try to make the children of the town enjoy and Have a fun and lively time, ”said the first mayor. “This is an American party but it has taken a deep breath among the youngest, and we want to offer leisure activities so that the children of Redován can have fun,” he added.

The activities will begin on Tuesday 29 with various craft workshops with Halloween themes, which will take place at 6:00 pm in the Municipal Library. For its part, and also at 6:00 p.m., on Wednesday, October 30, a scary storyteller will be held at the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda Social Center.

The main course of the activities will take place on Thursday, October 31, Halloween and Halloween, “where from 18:30, the traditional Pumpkin Contest will be held” in the Plaza de la Cruz ” , explained the Councilor for Culture, “with a lot of school material as a prize to the participants with the three best designs presented”. Then, at 7:30 p.m., the Great Costume Parade will begin “in which all the children who wish to participate can participate,” Ezcurra completes, and will end at the Plaza de la Paz, where the little ones You can have fun with the mats installed there.

The Sacred Hearts of Redován school will also be the scene of the spooky activities, since it will be there where, from 9:00 p.m. until 1:30 a.m., “The passage of terror” will take place, aimed at groups of 8 people and you spend every 10 minutes that, in the case of children under 12, must access accompanied by an adult to the “child” version of this. To participate in this activity it will be necessary to register in advance in the City Council.

The mayor of Redován has wanted to invite all the boys and girls of the town, and from nearby municipalities of the Vega Baja, “to participate in all this thematic programming in which we hope people get involved and we can have a“ scary ”time.