• The contract extends waste collection to seven days a week, modernises the machinery and introduces a fifth container

The Plenary of the Redován Town Council, meeting in Extraordinary Session, has given the green light to the contracting of the waste collection and street cleaning service, which has been provisionally awarded to the company STV Gestión. The tendering process launched by the Consistory of Redovan comes to an end with the award, for an amount of around 430,000 euros per year, which aims to significantly improve street cleaning and waste collection through the numerous improvements set out in the specifications. The contractor will start work in the municipality from next week. “From now on, we begin a new stage in which Redován will have an updated service adapted to a town of its size and population,” said the mayoress, Nely Ruiz.

The main new feature of this contract is “the extension of the collection of solid urban waste to seven days a week, instead of the six that we have had until now”, said the councillor for Municipal Services, Ramón López. The councillor indicated that one of the company’s commitments is to increase the number of containers throughout the municipality, “both for residual waste and for recycling paper and cardboard, packaging, plastics and glass”, together with the implementation of a fifth container, brown in colour, for the collection of organic waste”.

This increase in the number of containers will allow for more effective waste collection, and at the same time, encourage the habit of recycling among the population, which will make Redován a greener municipality. The specifications also included an increase in the number of hours of work and “the modernisation and improvement of machinery for the performance of this service, which will be totally respectful of the environment”, added López. Other conditions requested of the new contractor include the extension of the collection of household waste to two days a week; fixed containers for the removal of pruning and other waste; the installation of doggy bag dispensers and extraordinary buckets.

For his part, the councillor for the Treasury, Adrián Ballester, stressed that “this is one of the most important contracts of this council, which was drawn up with the contributions and consensus of all the political groups and which will also be audited by external agents throughout the period of execution”. Ballester also stressed the need for renewal that existed since the service, “has remained unchanged or updated since 2003, so now what we seek is to offer citizens a much better waste collection and street cleaning and according to the time in which we are”.

The mayoress of Redován has indicated that, with the implementation of the new conditions, “it will allow a better functioning of the service and a closer relationship with the citizens”, adding that “we are thus fulfilling one of the main commitments made by this government team at the beginning of the legislature, with the primary objective of improving the quality of life and well-being of the citizens”.