• The municipality will use the aid to cover expenses of the municipal shelter, repair of infrastructures and municipal buildings and street cleaning

The Town Planning Councilor, José Najar, has appeared today to publicize the actions carried out and the situation in which the municipality of Redován is, after two months of the floods that so badly affected the town and also The whole region.

In total, approximately regional and state aid have been requested for an approximate value of 328,845 euros, “which will be used to defray and mitigate the damage caused by this atmospheric phenomenon last September,” said the mayor of Urban Planning. Thus, 54,332 euros have been requested through the help of the Generalitat Valenciana, “of which 1,156 will be dedicated to the operation and supply costs of the municipal shelter and the parish hall during the first days of the DANA”, has José Najar informed.

Similarly, “8,506 euros will be used to pay municipal staff who during these days have been processing requests for help from the affected neighbors of Redován, amounting to a total of 400 applications,” he added. The bulk of the regional “will be applied to the extraordinary expenses of the days after the DANA, intended for street cleaning, water pumping of waterlogged areas, and the replacement of containers, which amount to 44,669 euros,” said Nájar.

On the other hand, the councilor has also referred to the 114,514 euros of state aid requested “to cover the costs of municipal dependency arrangements, the removal of household goods, the implementation of the special street cleaning service, as well as repair of the water supply and sewerage network ”.

These grants join those recently announced by the Diputación de Alicante, “which now has a plan of 8,000,000 euros for the repair of affected municipal infrastructure, as well as grants of 4,000 euros for the repair of roads”, has added the mayor. Likewise, Redován City Council has 10 complaint files open with the different companies and with the Insurance Consortium in relation to municipal buildings. In addition, “the City Council will hire 11 workers for six months through a grant of more than 160,000 euros from the Ministry of Employment, which will be responsible for carrying out actions in affected areas of the municipality such as the Place of La Ermita or the arrangement of roads ”, adds the Town Planning Councilor.