• The sections go from the Puente Alto to the access to Redován and from El Rincón to the entrance to the neighboring municipality of Callosa

The Councilor for Infrastructure of the Redován City Council, Ramón López, has received a visit from Enrique del Río, head of the territorial service of the Department of Public Works in the province of Alicante, together with the road conservation technician Rosana Climent and Pedro Mora , Technical Medium of Public Works of the Generalitat. The regional authorities wanted to know how the bike lane works at the entrance to Redován through the Oriolana district of La Campaneta are progressing. The mayor has taken the opportunity to request the execution of new works to improve road safety in access to the town, specifically from the Puente Alto area where the municipal government also wants to execute a section of bike lane of about one kilometer.

Ramón López explained that “the Generalitat Public Works managers have been asked to study for the implementation of a bike lane or, if this is not possible, the installation of steel, from the Puente Alto area, on the road that connects Orihuela with Redován, towards the urban area of ​​the municipality ”. The councilor has specified that an equal action is requested “from the departure from the El Rincón neighborhood to the neighboring town of Callosa.” This last section with an approximate length of 200 meters. In López’s opinion, both “actions would be very beneficial and would help to improve the displacement of Redovanenses in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way. At the same time, it has stressed that “access to Redován would be made safer for bicycle users.”

The meeting also had the objective of reviewing the evolution of the works to extend the cycle lane route along the CV-919 La Campaneta-Redován, which began last September to the town’s urban center. The works are progressing well and are expected to be completed in mid-October, allowing bicycles to circulate in two directions on the four-meter wide lane.