• The Local Police has been in charge of requesting public thanks to the entity to which the Consistory also joins

The Local Police of Redován, through the councilor of Seguretat Ciutadana del municipi, Adrián Ballester, has transmitted the public seu in addition to the Club de Muntanya de Redován for the inestimable collaboration and assistance offered in the two rescues of lost senderistes in the Serra del municipi that have tingut lloc in the last days. “With the City Council, I will join us and donate to this one, public congratulations to the club and its members”, has reported Ballester, “to go immediately to the crida d’ajuda and pose the serious connections, skills and experience to the muntanya to the servei dels altres ”.

In this way, from the Police Headquarters a request for recognition of this club has been transmitted to the City Council, especially highlighting the figure of its president, José Vegara, for his participation in the two relief devices for visitors lost in the mountain. last week as well as those made previously. “We have in José a wild card for this type of action, to which we go systematically in the event of any incident in the mountains”, the agents have stated, ensuring that Vegara “always puts aside his tasks to assist in whatever is necessary” .

The first of the actions occurred on the night of Monday, October 12, when from a call from 112, it was reported that five young people were trapped in a ravine in the area of ​​the three peaks from which they did not know how to get out. Together with the fire department and another volunteer from the Mountain Club, and after 2:30 in the morning, the operation ended after gaining access to where the young people were to be rescued without problem and without presenting any type of injury.

On the other hand, during the morning of last Saturday the intervention of the Redován Mountain Club was also necessary to rescue some hikers lost in the mountains, who were located by José Vegara, another volunteer from the club and an agent of the Local Police , since the firefighters had to leave to attend the urgent notice for a traffic accident. The ascent to the area was made, the hikers who were safe and sound were located and it was possible to guide them back down the mountain.

“We appreciate the interest and dedication shown by both the club and each of the members that make up this association with our municipality”, declared the mayor of Citizen Security, “always ready to help and lend a hand in any area in which be necessary”.

In addition to collaborating in the rescue of athletes in the mountains, the Redován Mountain Club also cares about the maintenance of the environment and the natural surroundings of the municipality with actions such as the “Clean Mountain Day”, the cleaning day carried out recently carried out by the club in collaboration with the Valencian Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing and the City Council, in which more than two tons of garbage and waste from the mountain were collected.