Redován is celebrating World Recycling Day today with an action aimed at increasing the selective collection of light packaging, i.e. all those that should be deposited in the yellow container such as milk and juice cartons, food and drink cans, plastic containers, etc. The municipality participates, as part of the Vega Baja Sostenible Consortium, in ‘El Reto del Reciclaje’, a competition between the municipalities of the region, which will be won by the locality that recycles the most packaging. The councillor for the Environment, Ramón López Escarabajal, has encouraged the entire population to participate and, with this, help the Association El Árbol de los Sueños which helps people with functional diversity, to which, in case of winning, the prize will be destined. The Recycling Challenge is promoted by Ecoembes and the Regional Ministry for the Environment, Water, Infrastructures and Territory in collaboration with the Vega Baja Sustainable Consortium, and aims to involve citizens in the selective collection and recycling of waste and raise awareness of the problem of not doing so for the environment and for our future as a society

The action taking place this morning in the Plaza Miguel Hernández in Redován, coinciding with the street market, raises awareness of the need to separate waste at home so that it can be disposed of correctly. “In the tent installed all the information and a small gift is given to people who come, so that in this way they remember when they are at home that they have to throw each waste in a bag and then to their corresponding container, the yellow container packaging, paper and cardboard to the blue, and organic waste to the gray,” recalled the councillor for the Environment.

The councillor also informed that, in addition, every Wednesday the mobile ecopark of the Vega Baja Sostenible Consortium visits Redován, where other waste which should not be disposed of in the containers found in the streets of Redován can also be thrown away. “In this case, in the ecopark you can also take kitchen utensils that you no longer use, small electrical appliances, light bulbs, used cooking oil and other waste that if you throw them in the grey bin they would cause irreparable environmental damage”. He encouraged the public to recycle and make Redován a more sustainable municipality.