The old premises of the municipal gymnasium in Redován will reopen in the coming months, once the planned refurbishment work has been completed, to become a training centre. This was announced by the mayoress of Redován, Nely Ruiz, who recalled that, “although we had initially planned to reopen it as a gymnasium, we believe that at the moment the needs of our municipality are different and that is why we are going to create a space for approved classrooms that can host employment workshops and allow training in various trades for the unemployed in our municipality”. Ruiz considered that, at present, Redován has “a range of gyms that we consider to be good, as well as municipal sports facilities that also meet our needs and an indoor pavilion in the pipeline, while we do not have spaces for training, which means that people who want to take certain courses have to leave the town to do them”.

In this regard, the mayoress assured that “we have already contacted Convega, a consortium with which we already carry out actions of this type, and their technicians have seen the facilities and evaluated their suitability for them to be approved as training classrooms”. Nely Ruiz made this announcement in an appearance in which she was accompanied by the Councillor for Education, Marisol Ibáñez, and the Councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, given that, initially, once the space has been fitted out, the facilities will be used to accommodate the students of the Sagrados Corazones School who will have to leave the centre during the refurbishment work that will begin in the coming months. The mayoress of Redován has assured that this option has been chosen “in order to speed up the works of the Plan Edificant, because if we have to request prefabricated classrooms the works would take longer. The councillor for Education, Marisol Ibáñez, recalled that the basic and execution project for the Sagrados Corazones School passed through the plenary last week and is currently in the public exhibition period, after which the tender will be launched. “We hope to be able to start work as soon as possible on a project that will improve the accessibility and health of the school,” said the councillor, who pointed out that “a new staircase and lift will be added to the grey pavilion to guarantee accessibility for all pupils and the bathrooms will be completely refurbished, with a total of six units to be built in the space left by the old staircase”. This will make up the bulk of the work, which includes the replacement of blinds and carpentry in both the grey and red pavilions. “In the red pavilion, the exterior access pergola will also be refurbished, different areas of the façade will be repaired and the shutters will be changed, among other things,” Ibáñez commented. This work on 1,110 square metres of surface area “will adapt the centre to the needs of the Redovan educational community”.

For her part, the councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, has defended the need that, once the work on the school and also on the secondary school has been completed, the start of which is imminent in the latter case, “Redován will have a space in which to train people who leave secondary school and do not want to go to a training course or university, or simply people who due to circumstances did not receive training before and who now, at an older age, want to learn a profession and can do so without leaving our town”. For this reason, he emphasised that “we are going to work hand in hand with Convega so that Redován can become one of the many places for courses offered by the consortium, as up until now we have hosted some, but far fewer than we would like”. Martínez pointed out that the procedure for the approval and accreditation of collaborating centres is carried out on the basis of an order from the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry, Tourism and Employment which regulates the procedure for the accreditation of facilities, as long as the minimum requirements of space, facilities and equipment established for all the training modules of the certificates of professionalism are met. To conclude, the mayoress said that she hopes to have the project for the adaptation of the facilities ready as soon as possible “and to recover a public space that had been closed for several years to use it for the benefit of the citizens of Redovan”.