• The improvements include the purchase of new furniture consisting of four electric stretchers, two swivel chairs and a surgical cabinet

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, with the Councillor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez, presented this morning the reform works done on the Redován medical centre, located on the ground and first floors of the ‘Ricardo Ruiz Poveda’ social and cultural centre. “This is an action that was very necessary for this office, located in a building that is more than 20 years old, and in which until now only small maintenance work had been carried out”, said Ruiz.

The work has been carried out thanks to a subsidy of 100.000 euros from the Regional Ministry of Health, as part of the PIAC plan for architectural intervention in consulting rooms, which, as the Councillor of Health explained, “has allowed the number of consultations to be increased from seven to eight”, as well as “the repainting of the walls on the two floors; the installation of a new, more hygienic and durable stoneware base in the common areas and waiting rooms; and the replacement of the air conditioning machines, which were very old and frequently damaged”. According to Ibáñez, this last improvement “will have an impact on saving repair costs and will improve temperature control in the centre, thanks to the new system for fitting out independent air-conditioning zones”.

These works have also included the repair of the exterior pillars, “which were very deteriorated, and which could even affect the structural stability of part of the building”, explained Ibáñez, as well as carrying out “improvements to the façade, where the existing plinth, which is already very damaged, has been replaced with marble”. Likewise, the actions in the centre have included the purchase of four electric medical stretchers, two swivel chairs, a surgical unit and a medical stool as improvements made by the company awarded the contract, providing the facilities with new medical furniture that will make it easier for the doctors to carry out their daily activities and provide better care for their patients.

For her part, the Mayor, Nely Ruiz, expressed her satisfaction with all the improvements made to the office, “changes that were essential to be able to carry out Primary Care in good conditions”. These conditions, together with the conditioning of the building, “must be combined with adequate staffing, as we have also been demanding from the Regional Ministry for some time now”, explained the Mayoress. Ruiz pointed out that Redován is also awaiting the construction project for a new Health Centre, which “we hope will be completed as soon as possible, to the delight of all Redován residents”.