Redován is once again the meeting place for thirty young people from the Erasmus + program who will live in the municipality from today until June 7. During this period they will hold workshops in which they will work on a project on diversity and sustainable functionality with activities focused on the environment. The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, accompanied by the councilor of Sports and Environment, Ramón López, and the mayor of Culture and Tourism, Clara Ezcurra, have welcomed students from Slovakia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland and Spain and they have guided them on a small tour through different places in the municipality such as the Jaime de Sant Ángel Institute, the flea market, the Town Hall and the church, among others.

The base of the group will be in the municipal shelter and from there the different activities will be developed, among them “a pine plantation in the Sierra with copies that will be facilitated by the City Council and that will take place on Monday”, said the councilor of Medio Ambient. Also, they will have the opportunity to know the town, as well as other nearby cities “such as Orihuela, where they will enjoy the monumental heritage of the historic capital of the region; Elche and its palm grove, a World Heritage Site, as well as the gastronomy of the area and customs, “said the mayor.

López Escarabajal stressed that a selection of five students from the first year of the IES Jaime de San Ángel “who will accompany our visitors during the weekend and will help them, above all, with the language” has been made. Students will make a Sunday on the trails of the Sierra de Redován.

The mayor, Emilio Fernández, has encouraged all the people of the region “to show that we are a hospitable people, as we did last year, and to make this experience unforgettable for those who come to live with all their enthusiasm.” Fernandez explained that the activity that is going to be carried out in Redován is entitled ‘Sustainable Youth’ and that its motto is ‘A small investment, a great return’. At the same time he wanted to thank the association Young Ilicitanos for Europe that again have chosen the municipality as headquarters for the arrival of the Erasmus +. European programs that are being strengthened by the City Council, with the inclusion this year in the budget of scholarships for those who access this program to complete the established economic allocation.