Redovan City Council presents a project to the European Commission for the social inclusion of young people

The project is part of the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme and could obtain funding of almost 150.000 euros

The social and labour inclusion of young people with difficulties through their participation in European Union policies is the objective pursued by the project that Redován Town Council has presented to the European Commission, as reported by the town’s Councillor for Citizen Participation, Adrián Ballester. The Council is leading a consortium of organisations from seven countries (Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Lithuania, the Netherlands and France) which have joined together “to improve the inclusion of young people who neither study nor work and who are at risk of exclusion as a result of factors such as unemployment, aggravated by the Covid-19 health crisis”, said Ballester.

The project is part of the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme and, if selected, could receive funding of up to ?148,000 from the European Commission. The initiative has activities in all seven countries, and the international partners include the French municipality of Saint-Aubin de Médoc, with which Redován is twinned and has strong ties of friendship and cooperation.

The councillor explains that “we hope to involve the whole municipality in the project and encourage citizen participation in Redován, with a special involvement in public life for young people so that they are aware of the opportunities offered by the European Union in terms of training and study, work or mobility”. Another of the objectives, said the mayor, is to “position Redován at an international level and demonstrate the municipality’s ability to manage European funds.

The project is scheduled to begin in March 2021 and end in September 2022, “provided that health conditions with respect to Covid-19 allow it”, Ballester explained, adding that “we hope that the young people of the municipality will become involved in this initiative and understand that the European Union and public bodies are something more, they are already institutions that are at the service of citizens to help them in every way possible”.

A grant from the European Commission will allow Redován public squares to have free Wi-Fi

• The municipality is one of the selected among the nearly 1,000 requests for localities throughout Spain to promote connectivity among citizens

The Councilor for Citizen Participation of the Redován City Council, Adrián Ballester, has announced the resolution received from the European Commission regarding the ‘Wifi4U’ program of free internet for European countries. A resolution granting the European aid requested to provide the public squares of the municipality with a Wi-Fi connection. “Thanks to this subsidy we will be able to install several Wi-Fi points in the Redován squares, which will make it easier for citizens to connect to the internet and use new technologies for free,” explained the councilor.

Redován has been selected from among the 947 applications from localities throughout Spain that have applied for this grant. Specifically, the mayor explained that this European aid “gives participating municipalities up to 15,000 euros of subsidy, which will be used to finance the materials and installation costs necessary to develop the proposal.” For its part, the Redován City Council will be in charge of paying for the internet connection and the maintenance of the material for a minimum of three years, which will allow the user to access the internet without the need for subscription or financial compensation.

The development of this program will simplify access to new information technologies, since, as Adrián Ballester has reported, it is a completely free, easy and fast connection process through a main portal that will not require reintroducing passwords in case of reconnecting within 12 hours. “The City of Redován is characterized by promoting communication and citizen participation through the internet and social networks, so this grant and anyone that makes life easier for our citizens in this regard will be welcomed by the municipality,” added Ballester.

The Participatory Budget enters the voting phase with a total of twelve finalist proposals

The Councilor for Finance and Participation, Adrián Ballester, encourages citizens to vote both through the platform and in person at City Hall

The mayor has indicated that this tool seeks “that our neighbors are involved with the local administration and think about what they want for our people”

Redován 10/19/2018. The Participatory Budget of Redován has entered its third and final phase for which from the City Council the maximum participation of citizens is expected. This is the voting phase, open until October 31 at 12.00, and after which the results will be published. They will determine which of the twelve proposals presented will be included in the Municipal Budget of 2019. The Councilor for Finance and Citizen Participation, Adrián Ballester, has encouraged the people of Cordoba to vote, both through the platform from which it was made the whole process ( as in person at the Town Hall, going to do it from 9.00 to 14.00 hours.

Ballester recalled that this year are 40,000 euros that are allocated to the Participatory Budget, “ten thousand more than in the previous year, where we launched an experience that undoubtedly opens the local administration to citizens and allows them to participate in the taking of decisions of its City Council, something that we consider crucial for our neighbors to be involved and say what they want for our people. ” The mayor has outlined the finalist proposals, a total of twelve that have passed the second phase of evaluation “in which the municipal technicians have indicated which of the 25 total proposals were realistic and allow their realization through the budget,” Ballester said. .

The proposals are in terms of parties, culture, tourism and youth, the realization of a trade fair that can attract people from other locations and publicize local products. This section also includes the renovation and acquisition of instrumental, educational and audiovisual educational equipment for the School of Music of the Musical Union of Redován, as well as the construction, from a historical point of view, of a detachable castle that serves as a stage of the festivities of Moors and Christians with representations of the reconquest.

In services and infrastructures, the squares of the municipality take the cake, and all the proposals are aimed at their improvement. Thus, the remodeling of the Plaza Francisco Ferrer with more areas of games and shade, the change of grass and furniture of the Plaza Miguel Hernández, the closing of parks to avoid acts of vandalism at night and the closing of the Plaza de the Cross to avoid incidents with vehicles passing by. In social policies, the organization of therapeutic workshops for children with the accompaniment of their parents is proposed, with the aim of stimulating the babies’ physical and mental development, as well as carrying out English and Valencian courses at different official levels. In the same line, the employment section includes training in first aid aimed at fathers and mothers of students of sports schools, as well as monitors. Finally, in sports the construction of padel courts and the remodeling of changing rooms in the Antonio Pascual Gil Duana municipal soccer field is considered.

Adrián Ballester thanked the participation of the people who made the proposals and again insisted that “it is very important to participate, either through the platform or, if you do not have the necessary computer resources, coming to the City Council , because precisely what we want is that the municipal budget that we hope to present, as always, before the end of the year, count each time with more proposals made by redovanenses that are implied with the present, but above all with the future of our people “.

Redován increases by 10,000 euros the budget for projects presented by the public

Redován 16/7/2018. The design of the Municipal Budget of Redován for next year 2019 is underway and with it starts, as it did last year, the process of Participatory Budgeting. The mayor, Emilio Fernandez, and the Councilor for Finance and Citizen Participation, Adrián Ballester, today presented this initiative that both have assessed as “very positive” after the experience of 2018. In fact, the government of the Republic of Cordoba has decided to increase the amount in budget to the proposals made by the citizenship to 40,000 euros. This way it is foreseen to invest a minimum of 40,000 euros to the projects that are presented (last year they were 30,000) and the possibility of increasing this figure is left open “taking into account the different spending commitments that the City Council has assumed”, said the mayor of Finance.

Adrián Ballester has been in charge of explaining the four phases of the process, the first of which, of collecting proposals, is already underway. “In it people registered in Redován may submit up to three proposals, with an explanation of each of them and an estimated budget,” said Ballester, who recalled that everything is done through the web ‘http: // budget’. The proposals can not exceed 40,000 euros and the decree of the Mayor’s office that regulates the participatory budget establishes that it will be taken into account that they can be carried out by the City Council and not by other administrations or organizations. “The first phase will be open until September 14,” said Ballester.

From September 15 to October 14 will enter the second phase, in which municipal technicians will assess the legal, technical and economic feasibility of each proposal and will be published accepted. From there the people registered in the platform will be able to vote on the finalist proposals and it has been established on November 5 to finalize the project with the fourth and final phase, which will consist in publishing the proposals by voting order.

The mayor of Finance and Citizen Participation has also said that they can also take part in the process “those people who do not have technological means to register on the platform and make proposals, since they can also be done in the voting phase, in person, in the City Council of Redován “. “It is also very important, you can participate with any mobile phone entering the web.”

The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, has been satisfied with the implementation of the Participatory Budget again “because we can not forget that the Municipal Budget is the most important economic tool of a municipal government to show its government action, and in this case to empower the citizen and also be able to propose the improvements he considers appropriate that should be made in his municipality. ”

Fernandez recalled the proposals that were won last year and that have already materialized in part, “it is about the scholarships for conducting professional music studies; the completion of computer courses for adults and the improvement of tennis facilities. ”

Thus, has specified that “although from the City we are very in contact with associations and groups of our municipality, as well as with neighbors in general, we want their ideas are recorded in this platform and that we are all registered in Redován which let’s decide which are the ones our people most need “, Fernández concluded.