Redován welcomes a new virtual edition of the Poet’s Path on Friday with an event in the Plaza de la Paz

  • Students from the school will sing and recite poems by Miguel Hernández and the title of Senderista 2020 will be awarded to Antonio Hurtado Martínez

Redován welcomes this Friday a new edition of the Poet’s Path. This year the IVAJ repeats the virtual edition, that is to say, it will be possible to follow through the website of the Valencian Youth Institute the events of the municipalities in which this hernandiano path makes a stop, and the first, after the departure in Orihuela, is in Redován, the birthplace of the father of the universal poet. The Redován Town Council, through the Youth and Education Departments, has prepared an event which will take place at 11.30 am in the Plaza de la Paz to which, as councillor Rebeca Martínez Rufete points out, “we invite the people of Redován who wish to attend, as there will be no walkers but we can count on the public in a large place where you can keep a safe distance, as is the Plaza de la Paz”.

The councillor explained that this event will include the participation of students from Sagrados Corazones School, who will perform a song and recite poetry in memory of Miguel Hernandez, whose death is commemorated on the 80th anniversary on March 28th. This will be followed by the appointment of Senderista de Honor 2020, a title that could not be awarded due to COVID-19 and that will be given this year to Antonio Hurtado Martínez. The Rambler of Honour will receive a commemorative plaque and the document with the agreement of the Plenary on his appointment.

“We regret not being able to return to normality and welcome the walkers to our town, but we hope that this edition of the Poet’s Path can be followed by many people through the IVAJ website and that they can enjoy the event we have prepared,” said Martínez. The councillor encouraged the people of Redován to come and enjoy the spirit of the path again “and to open their mouths for next year, when we will recover the total normality of an event that is a reference throughout Spain, of which Redován is a part”.

Clara Ezcurra Riera

Clara Ezcurra Riera


  • Department of Youth, Culture and Tourism
  • Councilor of the popular group.
  • 4th Deputy Mayor

Ways to contact:

Curriculum Vitae

Academic training :


  • Teacher and coordinator of several educational courses in English and educational activities.

Other charges :

  • Does not declare
I. Assets
immovables (Cadastral values) 0 euros
Total value of other assets 250 euros
TOTAL 250 euros
II. Liabilities
Credits, loans, debts 0 euros
III. Activity
Councilor of the Town Hall of Redován No dedication.
 Other professional educational activities.


Redován welcomes Christmas with a Christmas decoration contest for facades and balconies

  • The event will join other activities to celebrate the holidays such as the children’s theatre show, concerts and the visit of the Three Kings

The mayor of Redován and in charge of the Department of Festivals, Nely Ruiz, together with the councillor for Culture of the municipality, Clara Ezcurra, presented this morning the activities that the Redován Council has programmed for this Christmas. “This year, and due to the situation we are experiencing in relation to the Coronavirus, we have had to reduce the number of activities, but at no time has it been considered to leave the municipality without Christmas activities during these special days,” said the first mayor, who added that “all the activities scheduled will be carried out following a strict safety protocol and with all the guarantees against the Covid-19.

The main novelty will be the first Christmas decoration competition for façades and balconies, which, as the Councillor for Culture explained, “is an initiative that was created with the aim of involving citizens in the municipality’s festive decoration, and thus contributing to creating a Christmas atmosphere in the town’s streets”. All those registered in Redován can participate, “registering for free before Monday 14 December by presenting the completed form at the Town Hall, which can be found on the municipal website, and competing for three prizes in the form of a Christmas basket”, explained Ezcurra. The decorations will have to be installed until 6th January, to be visited by the members of the jury to assess their originality and colouring, as well as the lighting used, creativity and the aesthetic result of the decoration.

This competition will be joined by the children’s theatre play “Tarzán”, which the youngest visitors will be able to enjoy on Sunday 20th December from 17:30 in the auditorium of the Casa de la Música ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’. Entrance is free, “and the capacity for this activity will be limited, and children must enter with a protective mask, respecting the safety distance and complying with the prevention protocol before the Covid-19”, indicated the Councillor for Culture. This Christmas we will also be able to enjoy the performance that the Redován Musical Union will carry out on the morning of the 24th in different parts of the municipality, also starting at 10:00, and “with the aim that the carols and typical songs of this season can be heard from different parts of the town, without the residents having to move or leave their homes,” explained Ezcurra.

Similarly, the Three Kings will visit Redován again on 5 January, with a tour of its streets starting at 17:30, so that the children can greet them from their balconies and receive gifts from their Majesties. Previously, and from 28 December, “the children will have been able to deposit their letters with their wishes for this Christmas in the Royal Mailboxes, which will be installed during these days in the Parish Church of San Miguel Arcángel, in the Sagrados Corazones Primary School, and in the offices of the Local Police”, indicated the Mayor.

Nely Ruiz also wanted to invite the citizens to participate in these Christmas events and to celebrate these very special dates “always following all the indications of the health authorities and respecting the limitations established by the Generalitat for meetings of people both in public and private spaces, as well as respecting the limitation of driving at night”. Meetings with family members or friends can reach 10 people on 24th, 25th, 26th and 31st December and 1st January, while the ‘curfew’ will be extended to 1.30am on 24th, 25th and 31st December.

Open the deadline for participation of the III edition of the National Pasodoble Contest “Villa de Redován”

  • The prizes, up to 1,500 euros, will be announced at the concert scheduled for June 27 at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music

The Councilor for Culture of the City Council of Redován, Clara Ezcurra, has announced that the deadline for sending works to participate in the National Contest of Pasodoble Composition “Villa de Redován”, which this year celebrates its third edition, is already open , and whose bases were approved last Friday at the Local Government Board.

The deadline for submission of the original and unpublished compositions of the pasodoble concert mode will be Friday, May 29 at 2:00 p.m. Of the works received, a jury composed of three members of recognized prestige within the world of music will make a previous selection of four compositions, which will be performed by the Musical Union of Redován in a concert at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music on next Saturday June 27th.

It will be there where the pasodobles winners are announced, being the first prize of 1,000 euros and diploma, whose name will decide the Musical Union, and 500 euros and diploma for the second. The third and fourth prizes will also receive nominative distinctions. The musical group will also decide with its vote the piece deserving a special mention.

The participation bases, with the requirements and way of sending the works are available at the Electronic Headquarters of the City of Redován. Any questions or requests for information may be directed by email to the address, or by phone 635 59 30 22.

Redován awards the drawing prizes “Las abarcas desertas” of the Sagrados Corazones public school

  • The event, which celebrates its tenth edition this year, has had the participation of 79 children from the center, who attend 3rd grade

Last Friday afternoon, at the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda cultural center in Redován, the awards ceremony for the tenth edition of the drawing contest “Las abarcas desiertas” was held, organized by the Miguel Hernández Chair of the UMH university, the councilors of Culture and Education of the Redován City Council, the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation and the Sagrados Corazones school in the municipality.

In this way, the four elementary school students who won the prize, consisting of a batch of school products, have been José Miguel Gómez Sigüenza (class A); Alejandro Rives Guirao (class B); Diana Cortegano Pérez (class C), and Verónica Peral Bascuñana (class D).

The winning works were selected last December by the jury composed of José Luis Ferris, director of the Miguel Hernández Chair; Marisol Ibáñez, Councilor for Education; Clara Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture; Aitor Larrabide, director of the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation, and Mª Amparo Puertas, director of the center.

Both councilors conveyed their congratulations to the finalist students, “and especially to the four winners of this contest,” said Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture, “which brings the figure of the poet Miguel Hernández to our schoolchildren.” For his part, Marisol Ibáñez, mayor of Education, highlighted the high quality of the 79 works presented, “which have shown great talent this year and have made the choice of finalist drawings very difficult.”