Redován bets for recognizing local authors and reissues two poems by the deceased poet Miguel Ruiz

Redován 2/3/2017. The Municipality of Redován has proposed to publicize and promote the work of local authors among their neighbors, and to begin, will reedit two poems by the late poet Miguel Ruiz Martínez (Redován, 1956-2009). This is ‘Boria de la inheritance’ and ‘The rock that protects me’, works that today have been delivered by the mayor, Emilio Fernandez, and the Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, to the family of the writer as a tribute to an act celebrated in the Redovanense Consistory.

Emilio Fernández, recalled that Miguel Ruiz “was always very attached to the culture of Redován.” The poet studied teaching but never exercised it, “but decided to devote himself to agriculture, to the land, to the dew, to the mountains, to the elements that accompanied him every day, and that are the protagonists of everything he wrote.” The mayor explained that the City Council has been behind this project for seven years, looking for the necessary funding for the edition in different institutions, “but being such a local author, it was very difficult to find who would suffice it”. That is why, finally, an economic contribution of the City Council itself has been made available to cover the costs of the edition.

In this way, a thousand copies of the poems will be published in the street, which will be distributed free of charge to the public in different parts of Redován, “because what is involved is to vindicate our writers and to know their work and vital and literary career. among its neighbors, “said Fernández. Miguel Ruiz Martínez came to have provincial repercussion and relationship with other contemporary authors, and his work is clearly influenced by the universal poet Orionno Miguel Hernánez, who dedicated, especially the first part of his literary life, to writing landscapes of orchard that surrounded him.

After his death the City Council decided to make it known and now a project that the mayor expects to continue with other artists from Redova is coming true, “because we have to reclaim what is ours, and at the local level these poems have a great value”, concluded the mayor of Redován.

Álvaro Giménez and Sergio López collect the prizes of the Contest Solidario de Microrrelatos ‘Villa de Redován’

Redován 11/7/2017. The Town Hall of Redován has hosted this noon the awards ceremony of the Solidarity Contest of Micro-stories ‘Villa de Redován’. The event was attended by the authors of the two award-winning works, Alvaro Giménez García, winner of the first prize for the short story “In the dark forest” and Sergio López Vidal, a native of Torrevieja but a neighbor of Rojales, who obtained the second prize Prize with the work ‘Butterflies’. The Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, has highlighted the quality of all the works presented. The mayor stressed that the micro-stories have been donated by the City, as organizer of the contest, the Association of the Fight Against Cancer Redován, whose representative Joaquin Martinez has attended the awards ceremony that has been presided over by the mayor Redovanense, Emilio Fernández.

Redován hosts the 18th Regional Music Performance Contest

Redován 6/28/2017. About 300 students from the music schools of Vega Baja and Baix Vinalopó will meet on weekends July 1 and 2 and July 8 and 9 in Redován to participate in the XVIII Regional Interpretation Contest Musical organized by the Federation of Musical Societies of the Region of Valencia (FSMCV) and which has the collaboration of the City of Redován. The event was presented today in the town councilor of Culture, Clara Ezcurra, who has been accompanied by Leandro L. Vilató, regional president of FSMCV in the Vega Baja and Baix Vinalopó.

The House of Music ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’ of Redován will be the epicenter of this contest, showing once again, as the mayor did, Emilio Fernandez in the local assembly where it was announced that the locality would be the headquarters, “which The support of the Redovan City Hall with the bands of music is total and absolute “.

On this occasion there are 28 musical societies that will take part in the competition, where children will have the opportunity to demonstrate their musical talent in front of colleagues from other municipalities. Leonardo L. Vilató has said that “the level of preparation they have is exceptional,” a fact that has supported the large number of successes harvested by the musical societies of the region in the contests to which it comes, both provincial and autonomous , National or international “.

On the part of the Municipality of Redován, Clara Ezcurra explained that some recreational activities have been organized, since it has organized a Meeting of Schools of Music that will take place together with the contest “and that has been designed so that the students can also participate And smaller girls from schools and who are not yet competing. ” These two weekends full of music will culminate with the awards ceremony, on July 9 at 7 pm at the Casa de la Música ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’ in Redován, an event that will end with a concert of all the participants in the competition.


Redován hosts the 18th Regional Music Performance Contest

Redován 6/28/2017. About 300 students from the music schools of Vega Baja and Baix Vinalopó will meet on weekends July 1 and 2 and July 8 and 9 in Redován to participate in the XVIII Regional Interpretation Contest Musical organized by the Federation of Musical Societies of the Region of Valencia (FSMCV) and which has the collaboration of the City of Redován. The event was presented today in the town councilor of Culture, Clara Ezcurra, who has been accompanied by Leandro L. Vilató, regional president of FSMCV in the Vega Baja and Baix Vinalopó.


The House of Music ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’ of Redován will be the epicenter of this contest, showing once again, as the mayor did, Emilio Fernandez in the local assembly where it was announced that the locality would be the headquarters, “which The support of the Redovan City Hall with the bands of music is total and absolute “.

On this occasion there are 28 musical societies that will take part in the competition, where children will have the opportunity to demonstrate their musical talent in front of colleagues from other municipalities. Leonardo L. Vilató has said that “the level of preparation they have is exceptional,” a fact that has supported the large number of successes harvested by the musical societies of the region in the contests to which it comes, both provincial and autonomous , National or international “.

On the part of the Municipality of Redován, Clara Ezcurra explained that some recreational activities have been organized, since it has organized a Meeting of Schools of Music that will take place together with the contest “and that has been designed so that the students can also participate And smaller girls from schools and who are not yet competing. ” These two weekends full of music will culminate with the awards ceremony, on July 9 at 7 pm at the Casa de la Música ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’ in Redován, an event that will end with a concert of all the participants in the competition.