Redován cleans and marks the path of Los Coloraos in the mountains with a grant of 4.924 euros from the Provincial Council

  • The work has focused on the maintenance and conservation of the signs and the cleaning of stone dragging occurred in the DANA

The Councillor for the Environment and Sports of Redován Town Council, Ramón López, gave an account of the recent maintenance and conservation work carried out on footpaths in the Redován mountain range. These works have been aimed at the local path SL-146 known as Los Coloraos, and have been carried out with aid granted by the Provincial Council of Alicante for the conservation and improvement of municipal sites in municipalities in the province during the 2020 year. This path “showed a significant deterioration of the horizontal and vertical signs due to atmospheric agents, a deterioration which was aggravated by the passage of the DANA in September 2019, with the consequent danger it could pose for walkers and climbers”, explained the mayor. In addition, and as Lopez has indicated, the area “presented landslides with stones and gravel in several sections of the path, still as a consequence of the strong torrential rains”.

In this way, twelve tracking and signposting posts have been replaced along the almost two kilometres of the path, as well as a direction sign and a wooden interpretation table on the summit of the mountain range “which allows the identification of the different elements of the landscape surrounding the peak of Pico del Aguila”, reported López. The cleaning of the trails has also been carried out, as well as the replacement of the steel cables to hold the walkers in the passes of La Boquera, El Escalón and El Mayoral, “which will allow the users to do this route with all the necessary safety”, added the councillor.

The actions have had a cost of 4924 euros and have been carried out through a specialised company. In addition, we have had “the invaluable collaboration of the Redován Mountain Club”, said Ramón López, as its members “are always willing to give us a hand in caring for our mountains, and the Redován Town Council would like to thank them for their help in always having this natural environment, which belongs to all the people of Redován, ready and cared for so carefully”.

Rainwater drainage works completed on Calle Menéndez Pelayo to prevent landslides

The works have been carried out thanks to a subsidy from the Provincial Council of Alicante, with a budget of almost 50.000 euros

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the Councillor for the Environment and Municipal Services, Ramón López, presented this morning the completed work on the rainwater drainage system in Calle Menéndez Pelayo. The purpose of these works is to “direct the rainwater that runs with great force down the steep slope of the Redován mountain towards the nearby ravines”, which causes the dragging of the water into the town centre “and damages the houses on this street, as happened during the DANA or in other episodes of heavy rain”, explained López.

In this way, the councillor said that “after the clearing of the area, the path has been fenced off, a place that is very much used by the residents, as well as having a canalisation wall built and the road surface conditioned, as it was very badly damaged during the heavy rains in September last year”. Likewise, these actions “will prevent the acts of vandalism that, unfortunately, the houses in this area had been suffering for a long time”, added the mayor.

The work has been financed with 49.800 euros, obtained through a grant from the Provincial Council of Alicante. The mayor, Nely Ruiz, has assured that the collaboration of the provincial administration has been indispensable, since it solves “a situation that seriously affected the residents of this area of Redován, and that finally they are going to have the security in their homes in case there are new periods of strong rains”. The first councillor also indicated that “as a Town Hall and as a government team, it is our main objective to continue working to solve, as far as we can, the problems that most affect our neighbours”.

Half a hundred volunteers collect more than two tons of waste in the Sierra de Redován

Half a hundred volunteers participated last Sunday in the day for cleaning and removing waste from the natural environment on Clean Mountain Day, which took place from early morning in the Sierra de Redován, and in which they were collected more than two tons of garbage. The cleaning area ran along the PR-CV 54 variant III route, approximately 4 kilometers long and 1 hour long.

The activity was organized by the Municipality's Mountain Club, the Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing of the Valencian Community (FEMECV) and the Redován City Council, with the aim of raising awareness both among practitioners of the various mountain sports modalities and the general public of the need to preserve and protect the environment.

"We have to become aware that the mountain has to be kept clean with the care and effort of all," said Ramón López, Councilor for Sports and the Environment of Redován, "since it is one of the greatest riches with which we have in our municipality and it is necessary to take care of it, carrying out a collective work like the one carried out today by all these volunteers ”.

The City Council of Redován approves the Reduced Plan for the Prevention of Forest Fires of the municipality

  • • The Corporation gives the green light to the Local Burning Plan, approved unanimously, which extends the restrictions to Easter and Easter
    • The Consistory will send the project to the Generalitat for its final approval and to protect up to 280 hectares of mountains and its forest mass

The Redován City Council has approved the Reduced Fire Prevention Plan for the municipality during the last Extraordinary Plenary. “This is a regulation of vital importance for all municipalities that, like Redován, have forest areas in territories with a high probability of fire, such as those of the Valencian Community”, said the Councilor for Citizen Security, Adrián Ballester, and especially during the summer months, with the increased risk with rising temperatures.

In this way, the document delimits the protection zone, of approximately 280 hectares, which includes the Sierra de Redován and its forest mass, as well as the micro-reserve of flora called ‘Peñón de la Llobera’, the Sierra de Callosa as Place of Cultural Interest, and the corresponding area of the Special Bird Protection Area (ZEPA) of the Valencian Community for the southern mountains of Alicante. The area also includes as areas of special protection the recreational space of La Ermita de Redován and the municipal cemetery, as well as the homes and industrial areas near it.

This regulation also indicates the protection and prevention measures against fires that the Redován City Council will carry out in the municipal term “with the adaptation and surveillance of the paella areas in the hermitage on the days of maximum risk”, said the councilor , “In addition to carrying out scheduled clearing of the perimeter, the placement of metal containers, and ensuring the maintenance of water sources.” In the same way, public dissemination and information work will also be carried out, through posters and information brochures, as well as an informative day for neighbors and companies in the area in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Emergency Climate and Ecological Transition to deepen awareness and prevention against fire ”, added Ballester.

The Local Fire Prevention Plan is also accompanied by a Local Burning Plan to regulate the burning of agricultural remains on non-urban land throughout the year, indicating the space and conditions that must be met to carry out with the minimum risk of fires. Likewise, the express prohibition of the regional regulations on burning from July 1 to October 16, the City Council also extends it during Holy Week and Easter for the entire municipality of Redován.

Ballester recalled that, according to regional regulations, “to carry out any burning, a notification must be made to the City Council specifying the day, place and time it will take place, and the details of the owner of the land on which it is going to be developed, always and in the period between sunrise and noon ”, explained the councilor. The execution of the burning will also depend on the risk of fire on the chosen day, and cannot be carried out on days when the alert is level 2 or 3.

For her part, the mayor of the municipality, Nely Ruiz, has assured that the approval of this plan is “very good news”, since “our mountains and landscape are one of the great riches that Redován has available”, with what “we will always work towards any action or regulation that can ensure its protection”, she concluded.

Generalitat will soon begin the improvement of woodland in the Sierra de Redován

The company Foresma S.A. will carry out the reforestation works, awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment for 80,000 euros

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has appeared this morning, together with the Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López, to publicize the next works of improvement and forest restoration that will be carried out in the surroundings of the Sierra de Redován, affected by drought and pests of scolitid insects such as 'tomicus destruens'. The works correspond to the III phase of the improvement and restoration project of this mountain, which will have an execution period of 12 months. They will be carried out by the contractor Foresma S.A. and will cost 79,897 euros.

These actions include "the elimination of dead woodland, which involves a serious fire hazard," explained the councilor, "as well as the adaptation of runoff to channel torrential rains, reforestation and improvement of the landscape with native specimens, and the application of phytosanitary treatments to avoid damage to the species of the area such as pine ”, he added. In this respect, traps will be placed with special pheromones for scolitids, bait points with fresh wood to attract them, and other invigorating treatments of the remaining woodland.

The purpose of these actions is “the recovery of the soil in the face of erosion and desertification caused by drought, reducing the risk of forest fires and avoiding the loss of an area so valued in the municipality from the tourist point of view such as the Hermitage, suitable for hiking and hiking, ”explained the mayor.

Ruiz said that "it is also a leisure area, very important for all Redovans, that we are happy to return to a part of its characteristic greenery." Likewise, the mayor has also highlighted the commitment of the government team to maintain this natural space with these and future actions, claiming to be “an objective for which we will always work from the Redován City Council”.