The Provincial Council of Alicante subsidizes with 10,993 euros different programs of social services equality and integration

The Provincial Council of Alicante, through various calls has granted a total of 10,993.13 euros to the City Council of Redován for the support of social services programs and services, for equality actions and prevention of gender violence, for the realization of Spanish courses for foreign citizens that favor their integration and actions to prevent addictive behavior in young people. These grants come from various departments and calls and are distributed as follows:

Social Welfare Area: Social promotion activities and equipment.

Social promotion activities: 3,515.00 euros for the Greater Active Programs, Educating in Values ​​and Let’s Talk.
Equipment: 2,471.00 euros for renovation chairs Assembly Hall Social Center for the Third Age.
Family, Equality and Immigration Area:

Equality and prevention of gender violence: 1,432.36 euros for the DONA SALUD program.
Foreign citizens: 2,254.77 euros for Spanish courses for foreigners.
Drug dependency: € 1,320.00 euros for the #contalent program for the promotion of health and prevention of alcohol consumption among young people.

Redován distinguishes Trini Fuentes Marcos as a hard-working woman because of her professional career in the municipality

The plenary hall of the City Council of Redován hosted last Sunday the act of distinction as a working woman 2018, which this year has fallen to Trini Fuentes Marcos, a local businesswoman. The act was attended by family and friends who did not want to miss this emotional day that every year recognizes, on the part of the Consistorio redovanense, the working women of the municipality.

The winner had words of thanks to the City Council and highlighted the figure of women in all areas. He thanked his appointment to the government team, the mayor and all the people who thought about it. He also said that he is representing #Tantasquesomos and all the women of Redován. Also one of his children intervened, who highlighted the figure of his mother.

For his part, the mayor, Emilio Fernández, recognized Trini Fuentes as a hardworking woman and represents the daily effort of the women from Redova. The mayor of Social Welfare and Women, Nely Ruiz, said in his speech that “we recognize the personal and career path of a woman aware and sensitized to equality and that is a benchmark in whom to look and follow, a model of tenacity and struggle” . The councilor highlighted the work of Trini Fuentes made over the years and about the business that she managed to set up in the municipality and which has been dedicated to flowers for 15 years. “Faithful, loyal, collaborative and very participative, you can always count on her and I want to thank you for your willingness and willingness to help,” said Ruiz.

The plenary room was decorated with yellow, orange and red tulips. Trini Fuentes explained during his speech, that they intended to pay tribute to women, since the tulip is a flower that always grows even if cut. In this way the protagonist of the day highlighted the figure of women as fighters and workers. Once the act was over, all the women present took a tulip as a souvenir.