Jul 16, 2021 | Employment and training, News
Redován 16/7/2021. A total of 19 people will work in Redován from next Monday 19 July until 19 October to carry out cleaning and maintenance work in gullies, rural roads, La Ermita recreational area and various streets and squares. They will do so on the basis of the subsidy obtained by the Redovan Town Council as part of the agreement between the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and Local Corporations. A total of 78,796.80 euros covers one hundred percent of the salary costs of the workers.
The councillor for Employment, Maite Martínez, this morning announced the forthcoming incorporation of these 19 workers, 13 men and 6 women, “who throughout the summer will be carrying out much needed work in Redován”, said the councillor. The work will consist of clearing gullies, collecting waste and cleaning up to prevent materials being washed away in the event of flooding, as well as improving the infrastructure of Redován’s rural roads. Cleaning and maintenance work will also be carried out in La Ermita recreational area, Los Pasos sports centre, streets and public squares and the neighbourhoods of San Carlos and El Rincón.
64 full working days
A total of 64 full working days will be carried out, that is, eight hours per person, “in which we are going to carry out a complete plan to improve roads, streets and ravines, which is necessary every summer, especially in view of the autumn rainy season in the case of the ravines”. The councillor for Employment has detailed that the waste removed from the ravines “will be transferred to authorised dumps for proper treatment, and special emphasis will be placed on cleaning the area of the Ermita, since we have a privileged place for its nature and its views that has become an increasingly visited by people from our town and also from outside”.
With regard to the streets, Martinez has specified that the list is long, but has cited some as the avenues of Liberty, Constitution and the Provincial Council, the streets Las Escuelas, Escorrata or Jaboneros in the centre and virtually all the squares of the town, La Paz, Comunidad Valenciana, Francisco Ferrer, Miguel Hernandez, Plaza de la Cruz or Health, among others.
“As every year, the application is made to the Orihuela Labour Office where the personnel are selected,” explained the councillor, who pointed out that these are contracts of a fixed duration and are called “of social interest / promotion of agricultural employment”. The people selected are registered with Labora and affiliated to the Régimen Especial Agrario de la Seguridad Social.
Jan 21, 2021 | Councils News, Employment and training, News, Traffic, Security and Emergencies
- The City Council will also update the current Municipal Territorial Emergency Plan to deal with possible episodes of storms
Redován Town Council will update the current Municipal Territorial Emergency Plan and will also draw up a new Municipal Flood Action Plan, as announced by the Councillor for Safety and Emergencies, Adrián Ballester. These plans will be drafted by the Senior Technician in Emergency Coordination and Civil Protection who has recently been hired by the Consistory of Redovan through the Emcold programme of the Valencian Employment and Training Service (Labora), a programme to promote employment in collaboration with local corporations, which has been endowed with a grant of 17,777 euros.
The new emergency technician has already joined the staff of the Consistory and will carry out the drafting of these plans during the six months of his contract. In this way, as Ballester has indicated, “we will be prepared to be able to prevent any type of risk in the event of floods, earthquakes or fires, and to deal more efficiently with future emergency situations to avoid possible consequences as far as possible”.
Both the Municipal Territorial Emergency Plan and the Floods Plan will provide a breakdown of all the climatological, environmental, population and infrastructure characteristics of Redován, as well as a description of the possible risks, both natural and man-made, that may occur in the municipality. “It also includes the regulations to be applied in these situations, as well as the structure, organisation and operation of the plan, together with its different phases and procedures for action,” explained the councillor.
In this way, “the municipality of Redován will be better prepared and organised for possible emergency situations, as was the case with the 2019 floods caused by the DANA, which we all remember for their devastating devastation”, explained the councillor for Emergencies, who added that “the Redován Town Council continues to work and prepare various actions and projects in the municipality to deal with future temporary episodes”.
Dec 4, 2020 | Councils News, Employment and training, News
- The incorporation of these workers has been carried out through the ECOVID programme for the promotion of employment of LABORA
The Department of Employment of Redován Town Council, led by Councillor Maite Martínez, has announced the hiring of two people by the Council, thanks to the subsidy granted by the ECOVID programme of the Valencian Employment and Training Service ‘Labora’ and the Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Work. This plan, financed by the State Public Employment Service, has been allocated 16,803.72 euros and aims to promote employment, in collaboration with local corporations, for people over 30 years of age who are unemployed as a result of the situation arising from Covid-19.
As Martinez said, the new workers joined their jobs at the end of November, “with a six-month contract, to perform janitorial tasks in the CEIP Sagrados Corazones and in the municipal football field of Redovan for the prevention against Covid-19 in municipal facilities”. In this way, “these people will be in charge of actions such as, for example, the ventilation of the school’s classrooms, replenishing and providing hydro-alcoholic gel for users, and carrying out surveillance tasks to ensure the maintenance of protective measures against the coronavirus at all times in these facilities”.
The mayor expressed his satisfaction at being able to contribute to the reduction of unemployment in the municipality thanks to this type of subsidy which, moreover, “allows us to reinforce health safety in those places that could be sensitive to the spread of Covid-19 due to the high concentration of users such as schools or sports areas, which need greater surveillance and control”.
Nov 23, 2020 | Councils News, Employment and training, News
- Workers will have a six-month contract thanks to the EMCORP employment promotion program for people over 30 years of age
Redován City Council has announced the hiring of two people to carry out cleaning and maintenance tasks around the recreational area of the Ermita in Redován. The hiring has been carried out thanks to a subsidy of 19,718 euros received from the Regional Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and Labor and framed within the EMCORP plan of the Employment and Training Service of the Valencian Community ‘Labora’ for the promotion of employment for over 30 years in collaboration with local corporations.
The Councilor for Employment of Redován, Maite Martínez, has stated that the objective of this action is twofold: “to keep this area so representative of our municipality in good condition and, at the same time, to favor hiring and employment among the inhabitants of Redován ”. Thus, the new laborers will carry out cleaning and caring for this environment, “to carry out both maintenance work on the tables, benches, bins and barbecues in the area, as well as cleaning solid waste and garbage that are found there and that they are the result of its use by the Redovanenses ”, has indicated the mayor.
The new hires were brought into their jobs with a six-month contract. The councilor has also indicated that “it is through this type of action, requesting all those subsidies that are beneficial to Redován and its neighbors, that we reinforce our commitment as a government team to reduce unemployment in the municipality everything that is in our hand”.
Jul 16, 2019 | Employment and training, News
Redován 07/16/2019. The City Council of Redován, through the Department of Employment, has launched annual grants aimed at the promotion of self-employment, for those entrepreneurs who have started their activity between August 31, 2018 and July 31, 2019 .
As explained today by the mayor of Employment, Maite Martínez, the aid was launched in 2014 and a total of 6,500 euros have been distributed. Aids that are the result of “our commitment and work to support companies and those who start a new business in the municipality,” said Martinez, adding that “our goal is to improve the quality of life of our neighbors and neighbors and, therefore, employment is one of our priorities. ”
This grant is intended to help entrepreneurs to meet the expenses for equipment such as acquisition or lease of real estate where the activity will be carried out, adaptation and reform of the immobile, furniture, signs, office equipment, machinery, etc.
Those interested and interested must have kept the activity for at least three months in Redován, and have not requested any other subsidy for the same concept. They must also be up to date with their tax obligations, the municipal activity licenses must not have been registered in the same activity in the previous six months.
On the other hand, the amount to be allocated is 300 euros for entrepreneurs, 400 euros for women entrepreneurs and 500 euros for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs with disabilities. The term of the application will be until November 30, 2019, inclusive.
Those interested in this call for assistance can obtain more information at the City Council or through the electronic office: https://redovan.sedelectronica.es, where the application that must be filled in is also displayed, as well as the documentation that must be submitted.
Martinez recalled that “we will continue to support the business fabric of the municipality and those people who decide to take a step forward and open a business in the town.” Also the mayor has said that with these grants we give support and encourage new business development. In this sense the council has said that “we have an industrial estate that is growing, with the incorporation of new companies, and this is another reason to continue in the line of job creation.”