Redován ‘Choose to end Gender Violence’ with a campaign that had its central act at the Jaime de Sant Ángel Institute
Redován 11/27/2017. ‘Choose to end Gender Violence’ is the name of the campaign launched by the La Vega Mancomunidad and the City Council of Redován that had its central act in the IES Jaime de Sant Ángel. This awareness campaign around the commemoration of the International Day against Gender and Gender Violence has been taking place in the town for several days with the distribution and posting of posters in municipal establishments, as well as the installation of banners with the lilac ribbon that distinguishes the struggle against this scourge, both on the façade of the City Hall and in the facilities of the secondary school.
Similarly, Redován has joined the Valencian Pact Against Gender and Macho Violence that can be signed on the municipal website (, and has involved the educational community of both Sacred Hearts School as of the Institute in the different actions carried out, such as the distribution of wristbands with the motto of this campaign by Mancomunidad La Vega to the students of the educational centers, teachers, and non-teaching staff. The Aracelia Women’s Association has also joined in making these bracelets available to the general population in the market, shops and restaurants in the province of Redova.
On Friday the 25th, the event of the Day Against Gender Violence was held at the IES Jaime de Sant Ángel with the participation of the entire educational community as well as members of the Municipal Corporation headed by the mayor, Emilio Fernández. In the same one remembered another campaign, the one that Redován and the Mancomunidad La Vega undertook months ago against the street harassment and titled “You do not have my permission”. The awareness activities do not end here, since during the next days the students of the first year of high school will receive training workshops that will allow them to practice as training agents for their peers from third and fourth year of Compulsory Secondary Education.
The Councilor for Social Welfare of the Municipality of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has indicated that it is very important to raise awareness against sexist violence “to the entire population, but especially to the youngest since we are seeing news in recent days in which both the kids like the girls do not detect behaviors that can lead to this type of violence, and we have to make them detect them “. At the same time the mayor reminded the last victims, “that they touch us very closely, as in the case of the young woman killed in Elda at the door of her son’s school, the one of the two-year-old girl murdered in Alzira hands of his father and the last victim of today, a German woman murdered by her former partner in Vinaroz, in Castellón “.